
The change looks fine.


On 04/01/16 18:39, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
Hi Michael,

On 01/04/2016 02:28 AM, Michael McMahon wrote:
On 30/12/15 03:22, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
Hi Michael,

Thanks for review, it looks like BNF notation uses only a comma as a separator


indicating at least l and at most m elements, each separated by one or more commas (",").

Hi Artem,

The BNF definitions used in RFC 2617 come from section 2.1 of RFC 2616
which allows linear white space between tokens.

       A construct "#" is defined, similar to "*", for defining lists of
       elements. The full form is "<n>#<m>element" indicating at least
       <n> and at most <m> elements, each separated by one or more commas
       (",") and OPTIONAL linear white space (LWS).
If I read it correctly, it means that a comma is used as a separator, but there also may be a linear whitespace after a comma. So for example "auth,auth-int" and "auth, auth-int" are equal, and should result to a list of two elements. Current version of webrev seems to follow it (first, it splits a string by a comma, and then ignores white spaces):

Am I missing something?


So, I think we should be conservative and check for white-space.

- Michael.
And here is "qop" definition from

      qop-options       = "qop" "=" <"> 1#qop-value <">
      qop-value         = "auth" | "auth-int" | token

Please take a look at updated webrev:


On 12/22/2015 05:59 AM, Michael McMahon wrote:
Hi Artem,

On 04/12/15 11:41, Artem Smotrakov wrote:

Please review this small fix for DigestAuthentication class.

1. Added a check in DigestAuthentication.setNonce(String) that nonce is not null. NPE may happen if a buggy HTTP server returns "WWW-Authenticate" header which doesn't contain a "nonce" field. According to RFCs 2069 [1] and 2617 [2], this is not expected behaviour, but it would be better if an HTTP client threw a checked IOException instead of NPE.

That's fine.

2. Updated DigestAuthentication.setQop(String) method to accept both a whitespace and a comma as a delimiter. RFC 2617 [2] says that "qop" may contain more than one token, but it doesn't specify a delimiter for "qop" field in "WWW-Authenticate" header. There is an example of "WWW-Authenticate" header in RFC 2617 [2] where a comma is used as a delimiter of value in "qop" field.

It looks like the BNF specification mandates a comma and optional linear white space. So, the old code was buggy, but we didn't see the problem because there is typically only at most ever one value used for the qop field. But, to be strictly correct, we would have to check for TABs also. So, I think the correct behavior is to delimit using comma
and remove any white space

- Michael.

3. Added a test for Digest authentication.




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