On 3 May 2016, at 16:23, Pavel Rappo <pavel.ra...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Here's an updated webrev with the latest implementation:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prappo/8087113/webrev.04/

This looks much better, more straight forward.

I will ignore any TODO’s and items mentioned in 8155621, which I assume
will be addressed as incremental improvements after this goes in.  FWIW,
I’m glad that you will be making simplifications around handling of TEXT.


  - The Consumer<Throwabe> that is passed to the sender, calls react()
  when a message is completed. It does this so that the removal and 
  completion are done in a single place, but won’t this blow the stack if
  there is a continuous flow of outbound messages available? If so, 
  would it be better to complete the future, remove from the backlog, and 
  then signal ?


  - I see that there are number of simplifications that can be made once
  8150785 is resolved. Good.  Also, there us some overlap where with
  ByteBufferGenerator/Consumer, so there may be a future opportunity
  for consolidation, at least in some parts


 - I think that the back pressure is implemented, correctly, as the number
 of invocations of the listener callbacks, but the spec may need a minor
 clarification. It is not a unit of message or frame. It can be as little as a
 single byte.   Not an immediate issue, but we should revisit this as part 
 of 8155621


> If you're going to review it, please be advised that there is a number of 
> known
> API and implementation issues yet to be resolved [1]. More API tests will be
> provided in the next couple of months.
> All applicable tests (1.1.1-10.1.1, 305 in total) from Autobahn Testsuite [2]
> are green.
> Thanks,
> -Pavel
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8155621
> [2] http://autobahn.ws/testsuite/
>> On 25 Mar 2016, at 16:21, Pavel Rappo <pavel.ra...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could you please review my change for JDK-8087113
>>  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prappo/8087113/webrev.03/
>> This webrev contains initial implementation and basic tests for WebSocket 
>> API.
>> Specification conformance & interoperability testing has been performed with
>> Autobahn Testsuite [1]. As for API tests, I will provide more of them later.
>> Thanks,
>> -Pavel
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [1] http://autobahn.ws/testsuite/

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