On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 9:41 PM, Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> good job, this is a nice addition!
> Some remarks/questions (not a full review):
> 1) The naming of the unix...DefaultProxySelector.c is confusing. Could we
> rename it to gnome/../DefaultProxySelector?

I don't think that would be easy. "unix" is actually a OS-category
which includes all *nix-like operatng systems and Gnome is not an OS
category in my opinion. I also think that in the future the
DefaultProxySelector.c may also support other Unix desktop
environments like for example KDE so leaving it under unix is fine for

> 2) DefaultProxySelector.java
> - style nit: "that list will most of the time" -> "that list will typically"
> - There are a number of places where select() will now return null (among
> others getSystemProxies() return value is now returned without nullcheck),
> that cannot be right, or? Contract in ProxySelector.java says nothing about
> returning null.
> If returning null is ok now, comment at start of function should be updated.
> 3) unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c
> - Java_sun_net_spi_DefaultProxySelector_getSystemProxies:
> Small style nit: could you please rename the return variable proxy to
> proxyList?
> - getProxyByGProxyResolver:
> We stop processing the proxy list returned by gnome at the first //direct
> entry. Are you sure this is okay? It seems reasonable, but the documentation
> at https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GProxyResolver.html does not state
> anything about //direct entries being the last in the list.
> Kind Regards, Thomas
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 5:44 PM, Zeller, Arno <arno.zel...@sap.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vyom,
>> thanks for the comments – now I understand the problem. I reworked all
>> three platforms to check for exceptions and NULL if needed.
>> Regarding the JNIReleaseString calls: I seem to be on the save sidether.
>> They are listed as some of the few calls that can be called with a pending
>> exception as described in
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/design.html#exception_handling
>> Please see my new webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8170868.2/
>> Thanks and best regards,
>> Arno
>> From: Vyom Tewari [mailto:vyom.tew...@oracle.com]
>> Sent: Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2016 14:27
>> To: Zeller, Arno <arno.zel...@sap.com>
>> Cc: net-dev@openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: RFR:8170868: DefaultProxySelector should use system defaults
>> on Windows, MacOS and Gnome
>> On 12/22/2016 4:08 PM, Zeller, Arno wrote:
>> Hi Vyom,
>> thanks you for having a look at my patch!
>> Regarding your suggestion to call CHECK_NULL_RETURN in
>> DefaultProxySelector.c:
>> I guess you mean the Unix variant of DefaultProxySelector.c
>> (src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c).
>> 419     if (proxies) {
>> 420         if (!error) {
>> 421             int i;
>> 422             // create an empty LinkedList to add the Proxy objects.
>> 423             proxyList = (*env)->NewObject(env, list_class,
>> list_ctrID);
>> 424             if (proxyList != NULL) {
>> 425                 for(i = 0; proxies[i]; i++) {
>> ...
>> 454                 }
>> 455             }
>> 456         }
>> 457         (*g_strfreev)(proxies);
>> 458     }
>> There I check in the next line if proxyList is NULL and skip the rest in
>> this case, but I cannot return without freeing the memory I got from the
>> gnome function call by calling (g_strfreev) later - otherwise there would be
>> a memory leak.
>> yes that true, but if NewObject failed at line 423 then there will be
>> pending JNI exception in "getSystemProxy"  method which calls
>> "getProxyByGProxyResolver" method. I will suggest you to check for any JNI
>> exception after calling the "getProxyByGProxyResolver".
>> And in the Windows case it is the same pattern - at the point where I
>> removed the CHECK_NULL_RETURN macros I hold Windows system memory (in
>> proxy_info and ie_proxy_config) that I have to free with GlobalFree(...) and
>> I also have to release the JNI memory I hold with ReleaseStringChars(...).
>> I hope this explains the motivation of my change at this point.
>> it make sense but I am not the JNI expert may be some one else can
>> comments if it is safe to call the functions like "ReleaseStringChars" etc
>> even if there is pending JNI exception before(if NewString fails at 266)
>> function call.
>> Thanks,
>> Vyom
>> Best regards,
>> Arno
>> From: net-dev [mailto:net-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Vyom
>> Tewari
>> Sent: Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016 17:08
>> To: net-dev@openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: RFR:8170868: DefaultProxySelector should use system defaults
>> on Windows, MacOS and Gnome
>> Hi Arno,
>> I suggest you to call "CHECK_NULL_RETURN" after below line in
>> DefaultProxySelector.c
>> // create an empty LinkedList to add the Proxy objects.
>> +            proxyList = (*env)->NewObject(env, list_class, list_ctrID);
>> in windows/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c file you remove the couple
>>  jstring jhost;
>> -          if (pport == 0)
>> -            pport = defport;
>> -          jhost = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, phost);
>> -          CHECK_NULL_RETURN(jhost, NULL);
>> -          isa = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, isaddr_class,
>> isaddr_createUnresolvedID, jhost, pport);
>> -          CHECK_NULL_RETURN(isa, NULL);
>> -          proxy = (*env)->NewObject(env, proxy_class, proxy_ctrID,
>> type_proxy, isa);
>> -          return proxy;
>> +          if (portVal == 0)
>> +            portVal = defport;
>> +          jhost = (*env)->NewString(env, phost, (jsize)wcslen(phost));
>> +          if (jhost != NULL) {
>> +            isa = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, isaddr_class,
>> isaddr_createUnresolvedID, jhost, portVal);
>> +            if (isa != NULL) {
>> +              jobject proxy = (*env)->NewObject(env, proxy_class,
>> proxy_ctrID, type_proxy, isa);
>> +              if (proxy != NULL) {
>> +                (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, proxy_list, list_addID,
>> proxy);
>> +              }
>> +            }
>> +          }
>>          }
>> Is there is specific reason behind removing these checks ?
>> Thanks,
>> Vyom
>> On 12/21/2016 6:23 PM, Zeller, Arno wrote:
>> Hi Volker,
>> thanks for your valuable comments! I have a new patch ready that should
>> address your issues and contains also a forgotten change to the map file...
>> New webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8170868.1/
>> - make/lib/NetworkingLibraries.gmk
>> ...
>> Have you tried to use
>> $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c
>> I think this should work and it would mke it possible to rename:
>> src/java.base/macosx/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector_mac.c
>> to:
>> src/java.base/macosx/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c
>> which is much nicer IMHO :)
>> Great idea - it works and is of course the much nicer solution!
>> - DefaultProxySelector.java
>> 322         return proxyList == null ? Arrays.asList(Proxy.NO_PROXY) :
>> proxyList;
>> Not sure if it would make sense to preallocate a static List with a single
>> Proxy.NO_PROXY element and always return that if proxyList equals null?
>> I return a new List object each time, because the select(URI uri) method
>> does not state anything about
>> not modifying the returned list. In case I return a static list containing
>> only the NO_PROXY element
>> a caller could remove the object from the list and other caller would use
>> the same modified list.
>> To avoid this I always create a new List object.
>> - java.base/unix/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c
>> You've removed "#include <strings.h>". Have you built on all Unix
>> platforms
>> (AIX, Solaris) to make sure you don't break anything?
>> It compiled on Linux, AIX, Solaris and Mac without problems for me.
>> - java.base/windows/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.c
>> Not sure if I understand this right, but in the gconf case above you
>> insert all
>> proxies returned by "g_proxy_resolver_lookup" into the prox-list returned
>> by
>> DefaultProxySelector_getSystemProxies. In the Windows case you write:
>> 247        * From MSDN: The proxy server list contains one or more of
>> the following strings separated by semicolons or whitespace.
>> 248        * ([<scheme>=][<scheme>"://"]<server>[":"<port>])
>> 249        * We will only take the first entry here because the
>> java.net.Proxy class has only one entry.
>> Why can't you build up a proxy list here in the same way you do it for the
>> gconf case on Unix?
>> Sorry - I just forgot to implement it. Good that you found it. The new
>> webrev contains the missing functionality.
>> - src/java.base/macosx/native/libnet/DefaultProxySelector_mac.c
>>  76 #define kResolveProxyRunLoopMode
>> CFSTR("com.sap.jvm.DefaultProxySelector")
>> I'm not familiar with the Mac programming model, but I don't think
>> "com.sap.jvm.DefaultProxySelector" is a good name for
>> kResolveProxyRunLoopMode. It should be something like
>> "java.net.DefaultProxySelector" but I'm open for better proposals :)
>> You are right - I changed it to "sun.net.spi.DefaultProxySelector".
>> PS: for your next RFR, can you please also add the estimated sisze and the
>> bug
>> id to the subject line (e.g. "RFR(M):
>> 8170868:DefaultProxySelector should..."). This makes it much easier to
>> find a
>> review thread :)
>> I'll do my best next time...
>> Best regards,
>> Arno
>> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Zeller, Arno <arno.zel...@sap.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can you please review my proposal for bug 8170868 - DefaultProxySelector
>> should use system defaults on Windows, MacOS and Gnome.
>> Bug:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8170868
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8170868.0/
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Arno Zeller

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