> On 30. Mar 2017, at 16:58, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 30/03/2017 15:36, Norman Maurer wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am not sure if this is the correct list for the question but as relate to 
>> network I will just try. If its the wrong list please tell me which one 
>> would be better fitted.
>> Is there reason why not expose the DNS Servers configured on a system. These 
>> are exposed in sun.net.dns.ResolverConfiguration but not exposed in any 
>> public way. Be able to access these would help people that want to do a 
>> custom dns lookup (for example non-blocking) like what we do in netty.
>> If this is something that would be considered I can come up with a patch for 
>> it.
> One could imagine introducing an API in java.net that exposes more of the 
> networking configuration but I think would require debate as to whether it's 
> the right thing to do or not (esp. as the existing networking APIs are 
> abstracted from whether resolution is done via DNS, host files, ..).
> An alternative might to see if it is exposed by the JNDI-DNS provider (the 
> primary user of ResolverConfiguration and the reason it was created). It 
> might already be exposed in the environment.
> -Alan

Thats why I tried to kick-off the topic :) Thanks for the quick reply btw…. So 
is this list the right place for this discussion ?

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