On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 9:43 AM Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Clearly the request builder `timeout` method can be used to avoid
> extremely long connection timeouts ( as demonstrated below ), but I see
> Bernd's call for more fine grained control over various aspects of the
> request.
> I'm not opposed to an "HttpRequest.Builder.connectTimeout` method, but
> this is coming very late in the JDK 11 development cycle. How important
> is this for 11, given that the naked `timeout` can be used, somewhat, to
> mitigate against long connection timeouts?

FWIW I think this is a design error (one that I have made in multiple
areas in the past) and should be rectified ASAP.  It is becoming
increasingly evident (to me at least) that it is important to
distinguish between connection and request timeouts, especially for
protocols like HTTP where connections may be reused.  Connection
mutliplexing and reuse means that the first request has a different
overall disposition than subsequent requests.  The semantics of a
connection failure may be substantially different from a request
failure, and as was previously pointed out, different architectures
have different tolerances for the two that may not align easily.


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