Hi Daniel,
   thanks for the reply πŸ‘


From: Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fu...@oracle.com>
Sent: Monday 12 August 2019 10:44
To: mark sheppard <macanao...@hotmail.com>; OpenJDK Network Dev list 
Subject: Re: [teststabilization] RFR 8229348: 
java/net/DatagramSocket/UnreferencedDatagramSockets.java fails intermittently

Hi Mark,

On 10/08/2019 21:14, mark sheppard wrote:
> It is suggested that the use of wildcard address (INADDR_ANY) is a
> contributing factor, but i'm​
> not sure that is a correct assumption.

That certainly did fix the intermittent failure we had in
the new httpclient tests - especially on solaris, back when we
were heavily hammering them prior to integration.

> Just to emphasize the reuse address option is not on the IP address but
> rather on the IP address and port ​
> combination, or at least that what is was meant to be. In the TCP
> context there are other restrictions, also.​

> Your change is to the "server socket", but the client is a symmetric
> equivalent, DatagramSocket on​
> wildcard and ephemeral port, so the echo send from the server could
> equally be sent astray!!​
> That is, if the wildcard addressing is an issue.​

Oh - darn. Thanks for noticing this! I should change the client too.

> Looking at the overall structure of the test, is it not possible, that
> the server socket has been​
> GCed, finalized and so closed, prior to the server's packet send having
> been completed within the OS, and so the​
> client hangs. ​

I doubt this would happen with UDP since the message should already
have been sent - but just in case I'm adding a countdown latch just
to eliminate the possibility.

Here is a new webrev:
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8229348/webrev.01/

best regards,

-- daniel

> 8229348: java/net/DatagramSocket/UnreferencedDatagramSockets.java
>            fails intermittently
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229348

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