Hi Daniel,
  thanks for the reply ..

the client is on loopback with an ephemeral port

so in the following:

       try (MulticastSocket s = new MulticastSocket(clientAddress)) {
            // no-op; close immediately
            s.getLocalPort();   // no-op

        long fdCount0 = getFdCount();

        // start a server
        Server svr = new Server();
        Thread thr = new Thread(svr);

        MulticastSocket client = new MulticastSocket(clientAddress);

the first uses the InetSocketAddress allocated and then the second uses the 
same address, without bind  exception because of
the SO_REUSEADDR option being set,  even if the close had not completed at that 

The reference to asynchronous close in the try block above is at the OS/kernel 
level. The assumption is that a  synchronous
blocking call but that might not be the case within the OS (?) . This may leave 
two extant UDP sockets bound to the same
address at the time of the echo from the server, which may leave corresponding 
delivery to the UDP socket indeterminate.
Again, some extreme conjecture, but failures are intermittent and on heavily 
loaded system, I think, making concurrent activity
more indeterminate.

WRT server, the point here is that can you guarantee that in the following, the 
release of the server socket
is not without side effect.

               ss.send(p);         // send back +1
                // do NOT close but 'forget' the socket reference
                ss = null;

the ss = null; releases the server socket and it is available for garbage 
collection, which theoretically could compete before any pending
i/o to the client has occurred in the kernel !! 

Thus, this ss = null could have a side effect such that on a heavily loaded 
system the send is pending (in the kernel) and the
release of the server socket object results in a close, due to garbage 
collection, before the send has completed.
Such a close could result in the pending send (i/o) being cancelled. Hence the 
client never receives its
echo response. 

you  previously used a CoundownLatch to synchronize  the client receive with 
the release of the server socket, to ensure that
the receive has occurred prior to the release of the server socket, thus 
ensuring the client receive happens before the
server socket is releases to eliminate the possibility of cancellation of 
pending i/o from the server.

 in the server

     CountDownLatch clientRxLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);


      ss = null;

in the client thread

        DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(msg, msg.length, svr.getHost(), 
        System.out.printf("ping sent to: %s:%d%n", svr.getHost(), 

perhaps worth considering ?

best regards

From: Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fu...@oracle.com>

Sent: Monday 30 September 2019 10:05

To: mark sheppard <macanao...@hotmail.com>; OpenJDK Network Dev list 

Subject: Re: (teststabilization) RFR: 8231506: Fix some instabilities in a few 
networking tests


Hi Mark,

On 30/09/2019 08:58, mark sheppard wrote:

> So does the second MulticastSocket need to use the same client unicast 

> address ?

The clientAddress is an InetSocketAddress with port 0. It is possible

that the second MulticastSocket will get the same port allocated to

it, because the first one has been closed - but it's probably unlikely.

>  Can it be assured that there is no asynchrony in the synthesized code for 
>the autoclose in the try with

> resources, both at the java level and within the OS kernel executing the 
> close?

> Would an explicit close of the first MulticastSocket add better determinacy 
> to the test execution?

try-with-resource will close the first socket just as in

try { } finally { } - there is no mystery here. So the answer

to the above is clearly no.

> n the DatagramSocket version, a level of synchronization between the server 
> thread and

> the main thread was added, would that be appropriate here again?

I don't think so all that matters is that the server DatagramSocket

is created before the datagram packet is sent.

best regards,

-- daniel

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