Hi Ivan,

Minor editorial suggestion in ExtendedSocketOptions.java:177
   ...that +an+ application can use...

$.02, Roger

On 4/29/20 2:11 PM, Ivanov, Vladimir A wrote:
Updated version of the webrev available as 

The tests run results for the " test/jdk/java/net test/jdk/java/nio/channels 
test/jdk/javax/net test/jdk/jdk/net test/jdk/sun/net" same as for non-patched 

1. comment was updated
2. names were adjusted with convention (IncomingNapiIdOptSupported  => 
incomingNapiIdOptSupported, IncomingNapiIdSupported => IncomingNapiIdSupported);

  Thanks, Vladimir

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 8:54 AM
To: Ivanov, Vladimir A <vladimir.a.iva...@intel.com>; OpenJDK Network Dev list 
Subject: Re: RFR 15 8243099: Adding ADQ support to JDK

On 28/04/2020 01:33, Ivanov, Vladimir A wrote:
The changes for ADq doc update that includes explanation for this technology:
   * ADQ (Application Device Queues) is an open technology to help
address network traffic challenges by improving application
* throughput and latency, and, most importantly, by enabling greater
predictability in application response times by creating
* application specific traffic queuing and steering.
* Modern Network Interface Card (NIC) devices have multiple queues or
channels to transmit and receive Network packets. ADQ
* lets each software application reserve subset of these device
queues, so that all the traffic, and only the traffic, belonging to
* application is directed to those set of queues avoiding sharing or
competing for network resources with other applications in the
* system.
* System Administrator allocates Network resources to an application
in a multi-application environment including set of device
* queues (Number of Tx/RX queue pairs), dedicated for application
traffic. In addition, QoS attributes can be applied to these
* Application Queues such as Network bandwidth limits & Traffic
priority. Device then assigns the incoming application connections
* to these set of queues by defined policies such as round robin. ADQ
provides hints to applications, by means of a new socket option
* SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID, to indicate the device queue from the set of
assigned queues, to which an incoming socket connection and
* packets for that connection are directed to.
* For a multi-threaded application to take advantage of these
dedicated queues, application needs ability to query which queue a
* connection is assigned to, so all socket connections from a specific device 
queue can be serviced by a single application thread.
* Application then may utilize busy polling to receive and transmit
the network packets, minimizing system interrupts and context
* switches to better align overall system resources to applications.
This helps in improved predictability, reduce latency and improve
* throughput for ADQ enabled Application.
* The value of this SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID socket option is an Integer,
uniquely representing the network device queue on which the
* last packet of the socket connection is received on. This option is
available for both stream-oriented and datagram-oriented sockets
* on both client and server sockets. The value returned for this
socket option will be zero until the socket is connected and has
* a network packet, at which point it will be a non-zero integer
value. This is a read only option. Attempting to set the socket option
* cause UOE to be thrown.
What would you think about starting with something like"

"Identifies the receive queue that the last incoming packet for the socket was 
received on.

The value of this socket option is an Integer that identifies a receive queue 
that can application can use to split the incoming flows among threads based on 
the receive queue.

The socket option is read-only and any attempt to set the socket option will 
throw UnsupportedOperationException.
The socket option is supported by both stream and datagram oriented sockets. The 
value of the socket option is 0 when the socket is not bound or a packet has not 
been received."

We could add an additional note to explain further how it might work on Linux 
that would use some of the text that you have in your mail.


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