There are 8 messages totalling 614 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 7-10  Our Pennsylvania Community
  2. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-7  Mexican traditions
  3. K12> Early Childhood Publications, Satellite Town Meeting
  4. RESOUR> Re: Looking for internet hoax posting
  5. K12> [Innovative-Teachers] A free and private online voting service for
  6. K12> SCIENCE: Anatomia - Interactive lessons about anatomy
  7. K12> Educational websites
  8. K12> Focus on Handhelds at TIES Technology Leadership Camp

For individual postings,
send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 09:47:39 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 7-10  Our Pennsylvania Community

Sent: Tue, 14 May 2002 19:48:43 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 7-10  Our Pennsylvania Community

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its worldwide 

Project Information
Project Author: Linda Mullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Our Pennsylvania Community

Project Begin & End Dates: 5/15/02 to 6/03/02

Project Summary:
This is a statewide collaborative projects with students, grades 2 through
  5 from all over Pennsylvania. In connection with our 3rd grade Social Studies
  unit on Pennsylvania, we would like to learn about other regions and communities
  in PA. Please tell us, in a few paragraphs, what is special about your community.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
This is a statewide collaborative projects with students, grades 2 through
  5 from all over Pennsylvania. In connection with our 3rd grade Social Studies
  unit on Pennsylvania, we would like to learn about other regions and communities
  in PA. Please tell us, in a few paragraphs, what is special about your community.
  There are many things that could make a community special. Perhaps some famous
  person is from your community. Or maybe your community contains a notable
  tourist attraction? Maybe your community played an important role in Pennsylvania
  or U.S. history. Your community may be notable for its physical or geographical
  features. Perhaps your community is notable for the mix of people who live
 Please e-mail us and include
  the following information:
Name of school, grade,
  name of teacher, location (town or city and county), description of your community
  and what makes it special. You may also include a picture of something in
  your community. (The picture can be e-mailed to us as an attachment--.jpg
  is preferable. If you want to send hard copy by snail mail, that would be
  fine, but we will not be able to return your picture.)
 We will post your responses  on our  webpage

To illustrate the diversity of communities in Pennsylvania through a  webpage.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 5/15/02 to 6/02/02

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 7 to 10 years

Target Audience: Regional

Project URL:

Project Contact Information
Linda Mullen - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technology Coordinator -  Episcopal Academy Lower School at Devon
Devon, Pennsylvania US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 09:48:08 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-7  Mexican traditions

Sent: Tue, 14 May 2002 19:43:07 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-7  Mexican traditions

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its worldwide 

Project Information
Project Author: Monica Rosas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Mexican traditions

Project Begin & End Dates: 5/01/02 to 7/30/02

Project Summary:
We are a mexican bilingual kindergarden that wants to compare our traditions with the 
traditions of other countries. We are looking for a bilingual (spanish) kindergarden 
or elementary from the USA to work with us.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies, Language

Technologies Used: CU-SeeMe or Other Video Conferencing


Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 5/01/02 to 5/30/02

Number of Classrooms: 20 - 25

Age Range: 5 to 7 years

Target Audience: International (United States)


Project Contact Information
Monica Rosas - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proyectos Especiales -  Kindergarden Thomas Jefferson
Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico, MX

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 09:49:01 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Early Childhood Publications, Satellite Town Meeting

From: "Winters, Kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Information from & about the U.S. Department of Education  publications & more . 
Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 10:27:25 -0400
Subject: Early Childhood Publications, Satellite Town Meeting

  TWO NEW EARLY CHILDHOOD publications were added this month
  to our website.  Also, early childhood is the focus of this
  month's Satellite Town meeting.

  A 28-page booklet for parents of newborns & a 38-page guide
  for preschool teachers & child care providers were distributed
  at an April 30 summit on early childhood cognitive development
  as part of the Department's effort to make sure that no child
  is left behind.  First Lady Laura Bush participated in the
  summit, "Ready to Read, Ready to Learn: A Call to Leadership,"
  held in Little Rock, Arkansas.  The booklet, guide, & summit
  presentations are at

  Below are...
   *  the tables of contents for the guide & booklet
   *  an excerpt from the guide for preschool teachers & child
     care & family providers.

  Both publications can be ordered from ED Pubs, the
  Department's online ordering system:

==>  THE MAY SATELLITE TOWN MEETING will focus on Early Childhood
  Education.  During the meeting, May 21, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET,
  Under Secretary Hickok and his guests will explore challenges
  that include...
   *  How can communities make sure that all young children
     learn the skills needed to be successful in school?
   *  What do effective preschool & early literacy programs
     look like?
   *  What resources are available for helping prepare children
     for success in school?
   *  What does the medical community tell us about the latest
     research on brain development & its implications for
     early learning?
   *  How can early childhood programs meet the needs of all
     students despite drastic preparation levels?

For satellite coordinates & additional information, please see

"Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Newborn" --
Prepared by: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
U.S. Department of Education, & U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services, 2002

 *  Congratulations on Your New Baby!
 *  Newborn Health Screening
 *  What a Healthy Newborn Looks Like
 *  Newborn Reflexes
 *  Your Baby Depends on You for Checkups
 *  A Special Word to Fathers
 *  The Baby Blues
 *  Your Baby Should Sleep on Her Back
 *  Breastmilk Is Best for Your Baby
 *  Breastfeeding Is Natural
 *  Tips on Bottle Feeding
 *  Checkups & Shots
 *  What's It Like To Be a Newborn?
 *  Changing Baby's Diaper
 *  Keep a Memory Book
 *  Install Car Seats Carefully
 *  Wonders of the Brain
 *  Guide Your Baby Every Day
 *  Babies Have People Skills, Too
 *  Learning to Communicate
 *  Babies Cry for Lots of Reasons
 *  Ways to Soothe Your Baby
 *  Preparing Your Baby's Bath
 *  Bathing Your Baby
 *  Be Gentle When Bathing Your Baby
 *  Information Resources for Families

"Teaching Our Youngest: A Guide for Preschool
Teachers & Child Care & Family Providers" --
Prepared by the Early Childhood-Head Start Task
Force, U.S. Department of Education & U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services, 2002

 *  Creating a Learning Environment for Young Children
 *  Reading Aloud to Children
 *  Developing Listening & Speaking Skills
 *  Teaching about the Sounds of Spoken Language
 *  Teaching about Print
 *  Teaching about Books
 *  Teaching about Letters
 *  Building Children's Background Knowledge & Thinking Skills
 *  Teaching about Numbers & Counting
 *  Checking Children's Progress
 *  Communicating with Parents & Caregivers
 *  Some Helpful Terms to Know
 *  Suggested Reading

Excerpt from "Teaching Our Youngest: A Guide for Preschool Teachers
& Child Care & Family Providers" -- Prepared by the Early
Childhood-Head Start Task Force, U.S. Department of Education &
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2002

Reading Aloud to Children

In the landmark 1986 review Becoming a Nation of Readers, the
Commission on Reading called reading aloud to children "the single
most important activity for building the knowledge required for
success in reading." The best time to begin reading books with
children is when they are infants-babies as young as six weeks old
enjoy being read to & looking at pictures.  By age two or three,
children begin to develop an awareness of printed letters & words.
They see adults around them reading, writing, & using printed words
for many purposes.  Toddlers & preschoolers are especially ready to
learn from adults reading to & with them.

Reading aloud to young children is important because it helps them
acquire the information & skills they need to succeed in school &
life, such as:

 *  Knowledge of printed letters & words & the relationship
  between sound & print.
 *  The meaning of many words.
 *  How books work & a variety of writing styles.
 *  The world in which they live.
 *  The difference between written language & everyday
 *  The pleasure of reading.

Here are some suggestions for reading aloud to children.

 *  Make reading books an enjoyable experience.  Choose a
  comfortable place where the children can sit near you.  Help
  them feel safe & secure.  Be enthusiastic about reading.  Show
  the children that reading is an interesting & rewarding
  activity.  When children enjoy being read to, they will grow
  to love books & be eager to learn to read.

 *  Read to children frequently.  Read to the children in your
  care several times a day.  Establish regular times for reading
  during the day, & find other opportunities to read:
   -  Start or end the day with a book.
   -  Read to children after a morning play period which also
     helps settle them down.
   -  Read to them during snack time or before nap time.

*   Help children to learn as you read.  Offer explanations, make
  observations, & help the children to notice new information.
  Explain words that they may not know.  Point out how the
  pictures in a book relate to the story.  If the story takes
  place in an historic era or in an unfamiliar place, give
  children some background information so that they will better
  understand & enjoy the story.  Talk about the characters'
  actions & feelings.  Find ways to compare the book that you
  are reading with what the children have been doing in the

 *  Ask children questions as you read.  Ask questions that help
  children connect the story with their own lives or that help
  them to compare the book with other books that they have read.
  Ask questions that help the children to notice what is in the
  book & ask them to predict what happens next.

 *  Encourage children to talk about the book.  Have a
  conversation with the children about the book you are reading.
  Answer their questions.  Welcome their observations, & add to
  what they say.  Continue to talk about the book after you have
  read it.  Invite the children to comment on the story.  Ask
  them to talk about their favorite parts & encourage them to
  tell the story in their own words.

   Teacher Talk
   *  This story is about Gregory, a little goat that didn't
     like to eat what his parents thought he should.  Do you
     feel this way sometimes?

   *  Does this book remind you of any other books we've read?
     Yes, we've read other books about Clifford, the big red
     dog.  Do you remember Clifford?  What do you remember
     about him?

   *  What is similar about Gregory & Clifford?  What is

   Teacher Talk
   *  Why do you think Max asked his grandmother if he could
     play outside?  Could it be because he wanted to throw a
     ball?  Sometimes it is better to throw balls outside
     because things could be broken inside.  What are some
     other games that are better to play outside?

   *  Yes, that bird in the picture does have a seed in its
     mouth.  It's probably going to eat it.

 *  Read many kinds of books.  Children need to be read different
  kinds of books.  Storybooks can help children to learn about
  times, cultures, & peoples other than their own; stories can
  help them understand how others think, act, & feel.
  Informational books can help children learn facts about the
  world around them.  These books also introduce children to
  important concepts & vocabulary that they will need for
  success in school.  Read books that relate to the children's
  backgrounds: their experiences, cultures, languages &
  interests.  Read books with characters & situations both
  similar & dissimilar to those in the children's lives so they
  can learn about the world.

 *  Choose books to help you teach.  Use alphabet books to help
  you teach the names of the letters & the sounds that each
  letter represents & use counting books to teach children how
  to count & to recognize numbers.  Use poetry or rhyming books
  to support your teaching of phonological awareness.  Use big
  books (oversized books that your children can easily see) to
  point out letters, words, & other features of print & to teach
  book handling.  Choose stories that help children learn about
  social behavior, for example books about friendship to help
  children learn to share & cooperate.  Also choose stories that
  show children how the world around them works for example,
  what is happening with the eggs that are hatching in your
  science area.

 *  Reread favorite books.  Children love to hear their favorite
  books over & over again.  Hearing books read several times
  helps children understand & notice new things.  For example,
  they may figure out what an unfamiliar word means when they
  have heard the story several times.  They may notice repeated
  sound patterns.  If you point out some letters & words as you
  read the book repeatedly, children also may pick up specific
  words that are easily recognized & specific letter-sound

  To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) EDInfo, address an email
  message to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Then write either SUBSCRIBE
  UNSUBSCRIBE EDINFO (if you have a signature block, please turn
  it off)  Then send it!
  Past EDInfo messages:
  Past ED Initiatives:
     U.S. Department of Education


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 10:30:29 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> Re: Looking for internet hoax posting

From: "Jon Barker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 08:17:33 -0700
Subject: Re: Looking for internet hoax posting

This site has a fairly comprehensive list of hoaxes.


Jon A. Barker
Technology Specialist
Holy Rosary School

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For LM_NET Help see:
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Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 11:01:38 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [Innovative-Teachers] A free and private online voting service
         for groups.

From: "lakeside789" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 15:40:14 -0000
Subject: [Innovative-Teachers] A free and private online voting service for groups.

We have recently launched a new online voting service intended for
groups such as schools and school classes.  It's free, private and
anonymous and we hope you will give it a try.  We call it the "World
Voting Booth".  You can learn more about it at .  Many schools have tried it and
found it to be instructive, fun and helpful.


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 11:33:34 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> SCIENCE: Anatomia - Interactive lessons about anatomy

From: "Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:26:23 -0700
Subject: SCIENCE: Anatomia - Interactive lessons about anatomy

Anatomia - Multinligual interactive lessons about anatomy (already
available in 9 languages)

Do you know about anatomy ? This site presents to you in different
languages interactive activities about skeleton, eye, skull, digestive
system, respiratory system, skin. In different playing-views, learning
the human-body will be a pleasure for everyone. A work book is available
to keep a written part too.

Bernard Dupriez
Computer teacher
Institut de la Providence
Brussels - Belgium - Europe

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 11:39:05 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Educational websites

Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:34:11 -0700
Subject: Educational websites
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Croker)

Learning Register : online teaching resources database for schools and teachers

The Learning Register is a specialist directory for online teaching resources.

Website owners:
* Free, quick and easy - let us add your site to the index so that schools
parents and teachers can find you.

* Free, quick and easy to search - get access to the ideas you
need to help you in the classroom.


Date:    Wed, 15 May 2002 12:09:51 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Focus on Handhelds at TIES Technology Leadership Camp

From: "schmaus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 15 May 2002 10:06:54 -0600

-- Explore innovative ways of using handheld computing in
the classroom through an array of exciting hands-on
workshops at TIES Technology Leadership Camp, June 25-27, 2002.

-- Apply to win a lab of 15 M505 devices, donated by Palm,
and free training from TIES for your school.

Go to to register for TIES
Technology Leadership Camp and apply for the Palm Scholarship Lab.


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 15 May 2002 - Special issue (#2002-322)

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