There are 8 messages totalling 727 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. K12> [WWWEDU] Online voluntarism in action - TQ Quiz Cup
  2. RESOUR> Live NASA & CAP Comms for Shuttle Launch today
  3. K12> PROFDEV: After School & Summer Programs: Helping Kids Get Smart &
     Stay Safe
  4. K12> New, Reports Re: School Violence from Secret Service and Dept. of Ed
  5. RESOUR> [WWWEDU] Best Distance Learning Grad Schools Education or
     Technology - Deadline June 15
  6. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Upcoming Neighborhood Networks National Conference
  7. RESOUR> Flag Day will be June 14 in the U.S.A.
  8. K12> ***COMMUNICATOR UPDATE: June 2002***

For individual postings,
send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Net-happenings mailing list is a service of
Classroom Connect -

Archives for Net-happenings can be found at:



Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:10:12 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] Online voluntarism in action - TQ Quiz Cup

From: Mihkel Pilv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 18:45:33 +0300
Subject: [WWWEDU] Online voluntarism in action - TQ Quiz Cup

Dear friends,

It is possible to achieve great results with lots of good
will/collaboration and nearly non existing funding.

TQ Quiz Cup Spring'02 successfully over! More then 70 countries
Please see the results

Obruche (Nigeria) - winner of the 3. Competition - wrote:
"Personally, I think THINKQUEST is the greatest! I've become much
wiser due to much research I made concerning the questions I
answered, in other words the degree of ignorance in me has been very
much reduced."

Thanks Grant and TQ staff in Armonk for their collaboration and
support. Special thanks to the Stockholm Challenge Award (Sweden),
Dominik (Switzerland), Melody (Philippines), Pien (Netherlands),
Sel (Australia), Mike (Canada), Giuseppe (Italy), Mike, Tony and Steve
(US), Masami (Japan), Tomaz (Slovenia) and many others.

Sooo.. this was OUR contest.

Lets do it again coming Fall.
Miksike Learning Environment is looking for more good willing partners
who are happy to contribute awards, work with TQ Quiz Cup rules and
promote the contest. Please let us know about your interest. TQ Quiz Cup

has reached to students in many countries. If you have programs, which
target online learners internationally (focus on regular schools
students, but also older learners welcomed), then let us kindly know.
Why not to share and collaborate. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Glad to communicate!

Thanks for your time and sunshine,
TQ Quiz Cup team & Mihkel (Miksike, Estonia)

Jakobi 41, 51006, Tartu, Eesti/Estonia
Tel: 372 742 2550
GSM: 372 518 7695
Fax: 372 742 1841
WWW: (Eesti/Estonian)


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:29:01 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> Live NASA & CAP Comms for Shuttle Launch today

Date: Wed,  5 Jun 2002 09:15:12 -0700
Subject: Live NASA & CAP Comms for Shuttle Launch

The shuttle is due to launch today at 17:22:48 EDT. I have a scanner
online broadcasting Kennedy Space Center freqs from security, fire,
launch support as well as the STA (Shuttle Training Aircraft).

Also included in this scan are the Combat Air Patrol freqs of the
fighter patroling the skies over the Space Center.

Closer to launch time I'll lock the scanner to 126.6500, the freq used
by the STA. About 1 hour before launch the STA will fly approaches to
the shuttle runway as well as climb and measure the cloud heights.
99% of the time it will be from data he reports which will lead to
scrubbing a launch.

I'm located about 40 miles from Pad 39-A and can pick up most of the
comms pretty well. It should make for some interesting scanner.

To listen go to and scroll down until you
see the section "LIVE AUDIO! Daytona Beach FL".

Have fun,
George <- HF, VHF, UHF Military freqs and more!


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:10:43 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> PROFDEV: After School & Summer Programs: Helping Kids Get Smart &
         Stay Safe

Date:         Wed, 5 Jun 2002 10:42:42 -0700
From:         Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      PROFDEV: After School & Summer Programs: Helping Kids Get Smart &
               Stay Safe
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June Satellite Town Meeting
 From Los Angeles
"After School & Summer Programs: Helping Kids Get Smart & Stay Safe"
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 -  8:00 - 9:30 pm Eastern*
* NOTE: June Broadcast will be 90 minutes long


ON THE ROAD!  - The Town Meeting is going Los Angeles to highlight after school

and summer programs in the Western United States.

90 MINUTES - For this month ONLY, the Town Meeting will be 90 minutes long
because there is so much to share, including more videos and segments.

SET YOUR CALENDAR - Be sure to mark your calendar to view this program. If you
are a station already committed to broadcast an hour-long program - you can
still broadcast the first hour. We will create a break that will allow you to
depart our programming.

DETAILS: - Content and guest information will be available in the days to
- please watch for messages and updates on our website -

REGISTRATION - Look below on how to register and receive technical assistance.

Access Satellite Coordinates

To better serve you, downlink sites MUST register before receiving satellite
for our free programming.

* To access our ON-LINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM, visit
and register
for the show.

* If you are uncertain if you have registered for a specific Town Meeting or
series, enter your
username and password after you have selected the registration button. The
system will indicate
if you have registered or it will prompt you to register for the option of your


* Upon registration, simply return to the description of this month's Town
Meeting and use your
username and password to access the coordinates. Do not hesitate to e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] OR call 800-USA-LEARN if you experience any
accessing the coordinates or need assistance.

Free Help Desk
Ensure You Can Downlink the Satellite Town Meeting

We are offering free technical assistance to help position satellite dishes to
receive the
KU or C Band transmission. This will help you ensure you can watch the
Town Meeting!

PHONE NUMBER IS: 954-838-0900, extension 3

* You experience difficulty downlinking the Satellite Town Meeting just once or

* You want to ensure you have dish adjusted in the proper location prior to the

test time
* You are uncertain about the coordinates, or unable to locate them

No, there is no cost. This is a free service provided by the US Department of
Education to
ensure our customers can downlink the Satellite Town Meetings. We only require
that you
be registered for the Town Meeting. If you are not registered, please hit the
Homepage" button on the top of this page.

The desk is available ONE WEEK PRIOR, during work days, 9am - 5pm Eastern.
The desk will also be available all day on 06/18/02, the day of the Satellite
Town Meeting broadcast.
On that day ONLY you will be able to receive assistance until 930pm Eastern,
when the broadcast is over.

PLEASE have the make and model of the receiver handy to help the technicians
assist you better.

  ***The Satellite Town Meeting is produced in partnership with the National
Alliance of Business,
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Committee for Economic Development, with
support from
the Bayer Foundation, Target Stores, Riverdeep Interactive Learning and the
Procter & Gamble Fund.
Broadcast and cable partners include Discovery Communications, the Public
Broadcasting Service,
and Channel One. Use, duplication and distribution of the Satellite Town
is free and unrestricted.***

To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) STM-LIST,  address an e-mail message to:

STM-LIST (if you have a signature block, please turn it off).  Then send it!
To access archived STM-LIST messages visit:

Ida R. Eblinger Kelley
U.S. Department of Education

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:11:38 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> New,
         Reports Re: School Violence from Secret Service and Dept. of Ed

Date:         Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:57:21 -0400
From:         gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      New,  Reports Re: School Violence from Secret Service and Dept.
of Ed
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These two reports were placed online today. They might be of interest to you
others at your schools.

New Reports from the Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education

1) Full-Text,
Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to

Creating Safe School Climates

2) Full-Text,
The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for
Prevention of School Attacks in the United States

See Also:
Background about the Reports



Gary D. Price, MLIS
Gary Price Library Research and Internet Consulting

The Virtual Acquisition Shelf and News Desk

All postings to LM_NET are protected under copyright law.
To quit LM_NET (or set-reset NOMAIL or DIGEST, etc.) send email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   In the message write EITHER:
4) SET LM_NET MAIL  * Please allow for confirmation from Listserv.
For LM_NET Help see:
  See also EL-Announce for announcements from library media vendors:


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:14:19 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [WWWEDU] Best Distance Learning Grad Schools Education or
         Technology - Deadline June 15

From: Vicky Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 13:44:30 -0400
Subject: [WWWEDU] Best Distance Learning Grad Schools Education or Technology -
   Deadline June 15

Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools, Education & Library Science 2003
Best Distance Learning raduate Schools, Technology 2003
(USA Editions)

Final Call for University Entries:
Deadline June 15, 2002

Get Educated's Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools is an annual series
of FREE downloadable PDF guidebooks that profile accredited distance
learning graduate schools headquartered in the USA:
(SEE: for a current free edition)

Universities that meet the following criteria are eligible for review for a
free annual profile listings:

1.      Headquartered in the USA
2.      Accredited by an agency recognized by the Council on Higher Education
Accreditation (commonly either regional accreditation or Distance Education
& Training Council accreditation).
3.      Offer either post-baccalaureate degrees (commonly master's or
doctorates) or career certificates (Programs that offer only discrete
courses are not profiled in BDLGS.)
4.      Offer degrees or certificates in a subject area covered by one of the
three guide books:

Guide Book 1: Business & Management

        2003 Edition  Editorial Submission Deadline: Oct. 15, 2002
Accounting, acquisitions management, advertising, banking, business
administration, human resources, e-commerce, engineering management,
entrepreneurship, global management, health care administration, human
resources, finance, hotel and restaurant management, insurance,
international management, leadership, management of information systems,
marketing, medical management, military management, nonprofit management,
nursing administration, operations management, organizational behavior,
project management, public administration, public relations/business
communication, sales, taxation, technology management, training, turf
management, transportation management, travel management and other
specialty subjects related to business, management or administrative
functions (i.e., any degree or certificate that has the word management or
administration in its title).

SEE for a free downloadable copy of
the 2002 edition.

Guide Book 2: Technology

        2003 Edition  Editorial Submission Deadline: June 15, 2002
Agriculture, aerospace/aeronautical, animal/veterinary science,
architecture, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, computer
programming, customer relationship management, drafting, electronics,
environmental studies, fire protection and safety technology, industrial
technology, technical support, technology, technology management,
e-commerce, engineering, Internet services, manufacturing, math, medical
technology, networking, optics, physics, plastics, quality control, and
information technology (IT)

Guide Book 3: Education & Library Science
2003 Edition  Editorial Submission Deadline: June 15, 2002
Adult education, elearning, higher education, teacher education, distance
education, educational technology, experiential education, instructional
technology, library science, special education, nursing education, K-12
education, K-6 education, outdoors education, post-secondary education,
student personnel, vocational education, education administration, and
other areas specific to education training or endorsement credentials

For more information on submitting a free directory listing contact

Vicky Phillips


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:32:15 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Upcoming Neighborhood Networks National

Date:         Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:50:21 -0400
From:         ".NeighborhoodNetworksCommunications"
               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIGITALDIVIDE] Upcoming Neighborhood Networks National
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Neighborhood Networks 2002 National Conference: Accessing Success

Leveraging resources is critical to the strength and sustainability of a
Neighborhood Networks Center. Join us for Accessing Success, Neighborhood
Network's 2002 National Conference on June 26-28th in Miami, Florida.  Leave
this conference with strategies to help you focus on identifying, connecting
with, and leveraging community resources. Network with other property owners
and managers and learn about the benefits and value of establishing
Neighborhood Networks centers.

Register today!  Find program details, travel information, poster contest
entry and information rules, and on-line registration at

Accessing Success will feature more than 20 workshops on a variety of topics

·       Business Strategies
·       Effective Use of Resources
·       Cutting Edge Technology
·       Engaging Social Programs
·       Leadership Development

Key HUD officials will share their vision for the future of the Neighborhood
Networks program. In addition, the conference will feature networking
opportunities, exhibits, local site visits to centers, and a special
recognition ceremony. About 800 attendees representing HUD multifamily
property owners and managers, Neighborhood Networks center directors and
staff, residents, partners, volunteers, the general public, and HUD
Neighborhood Networks coordinators are expected to attend.

For conference updates, agenda, hotel information and on-line registration,
please visit the Neighborhood Networks Web site at:, or call toll free (888) 312-2743 or
TDD/TYY (888) 483-2209.

Mark Fiery


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:45:26 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> Flag Day will be June 14 in the U.S.A.

Date:         Wed, 5 Jun 2002 14:02:29 -0400
From:         "Myers,Julia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      Flag Day will be June 14 in the U.S.A.
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flag Day Celebrated on June 14
The U.S. Library of Congress offers information about the history of the
United States during the modern era (1946-present). As part of the Jump Back
in Time segment of America's Story, the library provides information about
Flag Day. The celebration of Flag Day is held annually to commemorate the
adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States.

Flag Day
The National Flag Day Foundation, Inc. (NFDF) is a nonprofit organization
based in Riderwood, Maryland. The NFDF notes that Flag Day is celebrated on
June 14th in commemoration of the adoption of the flag of the United States
and suggests that all Americans pause at 6:00 P.M. EDT on June 14th to
recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The foundation highlights its living flag
programs and educational resources.

Flag Day Ideas (June 14th)
ChildFun, Inc. presents a collection of activities related to Flag Day, a
U.S. national holiday which is celebrated on June 14th. ChildFun includes
craft ideas, snack suggestions, poems, songs, fingerplays, and more. These
activities are best-suited for use with preschool or kindergarten classes.

Celebrate! Holidays In The U.S.A.: Flag Day (June 14)
As part of Celebrate! Holidays in the U.S.A., the Embassy of the United
States of America in Stockholm, Sweden, highlights the history and
celebration of Flag Day. Flag Day is celebrated on June 14th in
commemoration of the adoption of the official American flag. Information on
flag etiquette is also included. Flag Day offers a collection of curriculum resources related to
Flag Day, a U.S. holiday celebrated on June 14th. These resources include
cross-curricular lessons, printable worksheets, ideas for art projects, and
more. Although the collection features materials for all grade levels, most
of the materials are best suited for use with elementary or middle school
classes. is a service of the Learning Network Inc.

Flag Day Lesson Plans
As part of, EdScope L.L.C. provides a collection of
social studies lessons related to Flag Day, the American flag, and the flags
of individual U.S. states. The collection includes lessons for all grade
levels. The user may submit a new lesson for the collection.

Flag Day: Betsy Ross and the Flag
Julie Vickery presents information about the United States flag and American
patriot Betsy Ross (1752-1836) in honor of Flag Day, which is held annually
on June 14th. According to legend Ross made the first United States flag
from a rough sketch presented to her by future U.S. President George
Washington (1732-1799) in June 1776.

Betsy Ross Songs: Celebrating Flag Day
Betsy Thielecke offers a selection of songs that can be used to celebrate
Flag Day in the classroom. Thielecke lists the words for each song. The
songs can also be integrated into lessons and activities about American
patriot Betsy Ross (1752-1836). According to legend Ross made the first
United States flag from a rough sketch presented to her by future U.S.
President George Washington (1732-1799) in June 1776.

Flag Day Sites
Cathleen Chamberlain presents a directory of Internet resources pertaining
to Flag Day, world flags, state flags, and the history of the U.S. flag.
These resources are intended for use with elementary classes. Chamberlain
includes a description of each site. The Oswego City School District in
Oswego, New York, provides the directory online as part of Electric Teacher.

Salute to Flag Day!
"Salute to Flag Day!" is a June 13, 1997 article by Gary Hopkins. Hopkins
highlights the origin of Flag Day, a U.S. holiday which is celebrated on
June 14, offers flag facts, and suggests a class activity. Education World,
Inc. provides the article online as part of its Lesson Planning Center

Prepared by:

Julia Myers
NetFirst Assistant Managing Editor

All links were checked on June 5, 2002.

Was this forwarded to you by a colleague?  Would you like to
receive NetFirst-L mailings directly?
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This newsletter contains only a sample of the resources you can locate on
this topic in the NetFirst database. Learn more about the NetFirst database


Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2002 14:05:08 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> ***COMMUNICATOR UPDATE: June 2002***

From: "Cindy Koeppel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ***COMMUNICATOR UPDATE: June 2002***
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:45:19 -0500
Importance: Normal


Welcome to The Dirksen Congressional Center's "Communicator" - a
web-based e-newsletter providing educators with news and ideas to
enhance civic education and improve the understanding of Congress --

<<< CongressLink Citation >>>

PBS's "TeacherSource" has recommended CongressLink -- -- as a creative resource for teachers this
month.  PBS evaluates sites
on the basis of answers to several questions:

1. Does the site provide rich content and/or an innovative model of the
way technology can be used to enhance the curriculum?
2. Is the site primarily non-commercial?  Would teachers and students
have to disclose e-mail addressees or purchase something in order to
fully experience the site?
3. Is the author of the site a reliable source and is his/her connection
with sponsoring organizations made clear?
4. Is the site well maintained with few or no sections of missing
content, broken links, or "under construction" signs?
5. Is the site's audience clearly defined?
6. Do good navigation and design contribute to the site's overall

View this CongressLink citation and other endorsements at:


Teachers and students frequently consult The Dirksen Center's Web suite
(especially CongressLink) for information about civil rights. This
month's COMMUNICATOR highlights our Web-based resources on the struggle
by African Americans to realize the rights guaranteed to them under the
Constitution.  This struggle included not only legislative efforts
within the walls of Congress but also social and political activism of
impressive scope.

Students can learn about constitutional provisions related to citizen
rights by taking the "Constitutional Freedoms" quiz found on Congress
for Kids at:

Our About Government site - - contains
links to scores of Web-based resources about civil rights.  For example,
students can learn about how the U.S. Supreme Court held that "separate
but equal" was legal under the Constitution, ruling against Homer Plessy
in the "Plessy vs. Ferguson" trial of 1896 -- Are your
students interested in exploring Constitutional conflicts such as
"separate but equal?"   About Government's Historical Documents -- -
includes a guide that explains how the NAACP fought that doctrine by
suing over access to education and provides the text of related court
decisions from "Plessy vs. Ferguson" through the 1990s.  In addition,
the Afro-American Almanac - -- contains a
wealth of information about the movement, including a listing of key
events and access to many historical documents.

On February 28, 1963, President John F. Kennedy announced his plan for
civil rights legislation with a special message to Congress --  He dealt particularly with
objections to his proposal to speed up enforcement of the right to vote
for black Americans.

President Kennedy's message launched the most important legislative
initiative on behalf of civil rights in the 20th century.  The
culmination was the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Our CongressLink featured
lesson plan -- How a Bill Becomes a Law: The Case of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 -- --
will demonstrate to students the step-by-step procedure of a bill
becoming a law using the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a case study.
Students will understand how Congress makes laws and the role of
congressional committees in this process by using the CongressLink
online narrative of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- -- and the related
historical documents --  This
will help them understand key concepts associated with the legislative
process such as filibuster, cloture, bipartisan, petition, and lobbying.
Additionally, they will also see how controversial social issues, such
as civil rights, greatly affect the process.

The Dirksen Center site introduces new content - Dirksen Video Segments.
Our featured project this month is "Everett Dirksen's Washington"
VFI-68/1/22-2 -  This video
segment features Dirksen discussing the 1964 Civil Rights Act and its
crafting in his office.  QuickTime is required to view the video
segment.  If you do not have QuickTime installed, open the appropriate
self-extracting installer file from the link provided -- -- and follow
that program's instructions.  Download time could take approximately
5-10 minutes for the video segment, depending on the speed of individual

<<< "Separate but Equal Doctrine" Diversion >>>

In "Plessy v. Ferguson" (1896) the Supreme Court decided that this
practice was legal in the United States as long as public facilities for
blacks and whites were equal.  This idea came to be known as "separate
but equal."  Homer Plessy challenged this practice, better known as...

A) Legal Rights
B) Dissenting Opinion
C) Segregation
D) "Equal Protection Under Law"

At first, the southern states used the _____ _____ to limit former
slaves' ability to find work and freedom to move off the plantations.

A) Block Grants
B) Black Panther Party
C) Black Codes
D) Reverse Discrimination

Under the Jim Crow laws, separation was based on race.  Because this
separation based on race was backed by law, it was called...

A) de facto segregation
B) deregulation
C) desegregation
D) de jure segregation

Answers to the last issue of "Fun, Facts, and Trivia" link here:

Our job for June is finished! If you have questions, comments, or
suggestions, contact Cindy Koeppel at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
Your feedback makes a difference! Encourage your colleagues to subscribe
to the Communicator.
NOTICE REGARDING E-MAIL ADDRESSES: Communicator's mailing list has over
6,000 names and is still growing. Please follow the instructions below
to help us with list editing:

TO SUBSCRIBE to the Communicator, please follow these instructions: Send
an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the phrase - subscribe
Communicator - in the body of the message. Your e-mail address will be
added to our mailing list.

If you experience any problem, send an e-mail to Cindy Koeppel at


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 5 Jun 2002 - Special issue (#2002-361)

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