There are 7 messages totalling 621 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. SCOUT> The Scout Report -- June 14, 2002
  2. K12> [netsites] Composting for Kids
  3. MISC> [netsites] America Votes
  4. K12> [WWWEDU] [Fwd: inventio: a journal of creative thinking about
     teaching and  learning]
  5. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 9-11  The Great Mail Race
  6. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 11-19  Electronic Postcards
  7. K12> The Writing DEN -- Network Nuggets

For individual postings,
send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Net-happenings mailing list is a service of
Classroom Connect -

Archives for Net-happenings can be found at:



Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCOUT> The Scout Report -- June 14, 2002

The full Scout Report can be read at NThe full Scout Report can be read
at Net Newsletters:

From: Internet Scout Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Scout Report -- June 14, 2002
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 05:22:35 -0700

========  The Scout Report                                            ==
========  June 14, 2002                                             ====
========  Volume 8, Number 22                                     ======
======                                   Internet Scout Project ========
====                                    University of Wisconsin ========
==                              Department of Computer Sciences ========

==   I N   T H E   S C O U T   R E P O R T   T H I S   W E E K  ========

======                        ======
==   Index for June 14, 2002      ==
======                        ======

1.  NSDL Scout Reports for the Life Sciences and Physical Sciences
The eleventh issues of the first volumes of the Life Sciences Report and
Physical Sciences Report are available. The Topic in Depth section of
Sciences Report annotates sites on phytonutrients. The Physical Sciences
Report's Topic in Depth section offers Web sites and comments about

2.  Every Door Closed: Barriers Facing Parents With Criminal Records

3.  Review of Studies of the Economic Impact of the September 11, 2001,
Terrorists Attacks on the World Trade Center [.pdf]

4.  Data Dictionary for Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images for
Trial Use [.pdf]

5.  Subprime Markets, the Role of GSEs, and Risk-Based Pricing [.pdf]

6.  UN Atlas of the Oceans

7.  Coleccion

8.  Jump, Jim Crow, or Did Emancipation Make Any Difference?

9.  Pablo Picasso's The Tragedy

10. Annotated List of 36 Federally Funded Research and Development
Fiscal Year 2002

11. Centennial Celebration

12. Bridging the Watershed

13. Test the Nation: The National IQ Test

14. Astro-Venture [Flash, Shockwave]

15. LookWAYup: Translating Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Search Tool

16. Jamsoft: PocketCounter 0.98

17. Annual Report on Teacher Quality Released at the Evaluation
in D.C.
Paige Releases Report to Congress that Calls for Overhaul of State
Certification Systems
Teacher Certification System Changes Urged
Education Secretary Paige Addresses First Annual Teacher Quality
Meeting the Highly Qualified Teachers Challenge: The Secretary's Annual
Report on Teacher Quality [.pdf]
No Child Left Behind
Title II Home Page

======                                ====
== Subscription and Contact Information ==
====                                ======

To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week,
join the SCOUT-REPORT mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive
from this list.

To subscribe Scout Report, go to:

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    subscribe SCOUT-REPORT

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    unsubscribe SCOUT-REPORT

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    query SCOUT-REPORT

====== The Scout Report
====== Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report (ISSN 1092-3861) is published every Friday of the year
except the last Friday of December by the Internet Scout Project, located in
the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

                Editor   Marcia Green        [MG]
       Managing Editor   Ted Schroeder       [TS]
              Director   Rachael Bower       [REB]
    Technical Director   Edward Almasy       [EA]
          Contributors   Amy Lee             [AL]
                         Joel Brieske        [JB]
                         Cavin Leske         [CL]
                         Wayne Hayes         [WH]
                         Laura Boyle         [LB]
                         Yasuhiro Sasahira   [YS]
                         Debra Shapiro       [DS]
   Internet Catalogers   David Sleasman      [DJS]
                         Michael Scott       [MS]
     Software Engineer   Barry Wiegan        [BW]
  Technical Specialist   Pat Coulthard       [PC]
     Website Designers   Andy Yaco-Mink      [AY]
                         Dave Mayer          [DM]

For information on additional contributors, see the Internet Scout
Project staff page.

Below are the copyright statements to be included when reproducing
annotations from The Scout Report.

The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when
reproducing any portion of this report, in any format.

 From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2002.

The paragraph below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing
the entire report, in any format:

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of
Regents, 1994-2002. The Internet Scout Project (,
located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research

education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number
NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission
is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout
Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved
on all copies.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or the National Science


Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] Composting for Kids

From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] Composting for Kids
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:12:27 -0700

Composting for Kids

Note: The above URL is actually one continuous line and should be
entered into your browser's address box as one line.

"A scripted slide set written and produced by Robert E. (Skip) Richter,
CEA-Horticulture, Travis County, Texas Agricultural Extension Service."



Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] America Votes

From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] America Votes
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:09:36 -0700

America Votes

"Presidential Campaign Memorabilia from Duke Special Collections."



Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] [Fwd: inventio: a journal of creative thinking about
         teaching and  learning]

From: "Lesley Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:09:05 -0400
Subject: [WWWEDU] [Fwd: inventio: a journal of creative thinking about teaching
and learning]

We should very much like to invite teachers and researchers to
submit articles for publication to inventio, a national,
peer-reviewed journal devoted to the scholarship of teaching and
learning ( - Spring 2002 issue
to be published imminently). I have included the relevant Calls
for Articles below.

With many thanks,

Lesley Smith
Assistant Professor, Computer-Mediated Communication & Editor,
New Century College
George Mason University
Fairfax VA 22030

Tel: 703-993-4586
inventio: an online journal of creative thinking about learning
and teaching is  currently soliciting articles for both the Fall
2002 issue (open call: deadline 31 July, 2002) and a special
themed issue for Spring 2003.

inventio special issue
Spring 2003 (deadline: 30 October, 2002)
Guest Editors: Jason Snart and Dean Swinford

Over-Reading, Overreading, Over Reading:
Implications for Teaching and Learning

Students often charge that "we" (as educators and perhaps even as
a profession) are reading "too much into" an event, a set of
ideas, a text, a social problem, an historical moment, or a
cultural formation. Aren't we thinking too much about what
'things' mean?  Aren't we over-analyzing? Aren't we worrying too
much? In short, aren't we over-

A student charge of "over-reading," if unanswered, may translate
into self-imposed limits beyond which a student thinker and
writer refuses to travel. While many educators encounter this
genuine concern from students, often expressed as a resistance to
depth and intensity of interpretation, few have expressed
comparable, public concern about the question.

What, then, is over-reading? Is it a static interpretive horizon
that can, in fact, be gone "over"?  Is it the same for every
student? Or is it continuously reformulated? And if so, how and
when? Along lines of class or gender or race? What implications
of over-reading might extend beyond the classroom?

Queries to Guest Editors: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

inventio publishes the following:-

Features — in-depth article of 3000 - 4500 words focusing on
instructional philosophy, pedagogy, learning theory,
instructional research, and other significant issues related to
excellence in learning and teaching.

Current Issues — articles of 800 to 2500 words giving a brief
overview of a timely issue related to teaching and learning; such
an article puts the designated issue in perspective, offers
insight, and may propose solutions.

Viewpoints — articles of 800 to 2500 words expressing an author's
opinion on a subject related to teaching and learning about which
there may be some controversy.

Spotlights — articles of 800 to 2500 words describing a
successful teaching technique or tool that could be implemented
by other faculty and teachers.

Reviews — articles of 800 to 1500 words reviewing a book, web
site, software application, or other resource that may be of
interest to the education community.


Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 9-11  The Great Mail Race

Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 9-11  The Great Mail Race
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 21:45:33 -0700

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
  DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Beth Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: The Great Mail Race

Project Begin & End Dates: 8/12/02 to 11/15/02

Project Summary:
This internet-baed collaborative project will allow your 5th grade students to
exchange information about your class, school and community.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies, Mathematics

Technologies Used: Email

Full Project Description:
Please send me an email with the answers to the following questions:
1.) Name of school and teacher
2.) Number of students in class
3.) Number of students in school
4.) Type of community ie. urban, rural,etc.
5.) Estimated population of town/city
6.) Class favorite foods (top3)
7.) Class favorite subject (top3)
8.) Class favorite book (top 3)
9. Free time activities (top3)
10.) Date of first day of school
11.) Date of last day of school
12.) Starting and ending time for school day

To learn about the 50 states.
To compare and graph information about the participating classes.


Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/05/02 to 9/09/02

Number of Classrooms: 50

Age Range: 9 to 11 years

Target Audience: National (US)

Project URL: none

Project Contact Information
Beth Lee - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Teacher -  Ross E. Jeffries
St. Cloud, Florida US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 11-19  Electronic Postcards

Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 11-19  Electronic Postcards
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 19:31:57 -0700

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
  DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Jenna Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Electronic Postcards

Project Begin & End Dates: 6/20/02 to 6/30/02

Project Summary:
The Electronic Postcards project is designed to get students (or for this
summer) individuals to describe places that are of importance or interest in
their city, state, region, country to visit if someone is traveling.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Arts, Community Interest, History and Social Studies,
Science, Technology

Technologies Used: Email, NetMeeting or Other Sharing

Full Project Description:
We are in search of participants that will send a picture of one or more
people, activities, things of historical importance and a description of that
item and why it should be visited upon traveling to this particular location.
As students, many do not have opportunities or the finances to travel, this
project will allow us to share places that we might not otherwise be able to
in person.

We would ideally like Spanish Speakers to join in the fall for my regular
classrooms.  We are accepting all now for exchanges in English.

To share about our culture, history, places of interest or importance where we
live.  Ideally to share in the Spanish language.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 6/14/02 to 6/19/02

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 11 to 19 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Registration Instructions:
Session I is basically open to all speakers.  We will be doing a Session II in
the fall for Spanish Speaking participants only

Project Contact Information
Jenna Bryant - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Teacher of Spanish -  Mahomet-Seymour Junior High
Mahomet, Illinois US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> The Writing DEN -- Network Nuggets

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:34:58 -0700
Subject: The Writing DEN -- Network Nuggets
From: "nuggets ola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          *** [[[ THE WRITING DEN ]]] ***

The WritingDen is an online interactive writing
tutorial designed "for students Grades 6 through 12
seeking to improve their English reading, comprehension,
and writing skills." English as a Second Language
teachers may also find this site useful.

The site has feature topics that are arranged into the
following topics: History, Canada, Nature, Science, and
Lifestyle. For example, the current feature topic is Do
Wolves Deserve Their Reputation?

Each feature topic is divided into three levels of
difficulty: words, sentences, and paragraphs. There
are graphics to accompany the words and sentences
category, and students can listen to an audio clip
of the words and sentences as well. The paragraph
category helps students who are learning to write
paragraphs and essays.

The site also has a Tips-o-matic section organized
into the categories of sentences, paragraphs and
essays. In this section, students can look up
grammar rules and writing tips.

A teacher's guide explains how teachers can use the
Website in their classroom. There is a list of
classroom suggestions such as the Lone
brainstormer which uses WritingDen to teach
kids how to brainstorm and overcome writer's block.

WritingDen could also be adapted for special needs
students and students who are learning English as
a new language.

There is limited advertising on the front page of
this Website.

Network Nuggets is a free service of the Community
Learning Network Website ( and
the Open Learning Agency of British Columbia

We send these announcements to subscribers of
CLN's Network Nuggets, to inform them about
potentially useful educational resources on the

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe:
Christina Drabik, Moderator of Network Nuggets


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 13 Jun 2002 to 14 Jun 2002 - Special issue (#2002-378)

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