There are 5 messages totalling 652 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 6-12  Cougar Project - revised
  2. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 16-19  Lukisan Mekanikal
  3. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 10-15  Postcards from Paul - revised
  4. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-8  Fairy Tale Cyber Dictionary -
  5. BOOK> XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition Released by O'Reilly

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Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:13:28 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 6-12  Cougar Project - revised

Sent: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 22:38:57 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 6-12  Cougar Project

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Lori Betge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Cougar Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 10/01/02 to 6/15/03

Project Summary:
Our school mascot, a cougar, will be travelling around the world, visiting
various elementary schools for about 10 days.  While he is visiting, we
would like to keep track of his route and learn a little about the visiting
classrooms and their communities.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, History and Social Studies,
Information Technology, Language, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: No sponsorship

Full Project Description:
We would like our school mascot to travel around the world!  While
traveling, we would like to keep track of his route and learn about the
host community.  We would love to have schools send us postcards, pictures
or interesting anecdotes about their community and school. We ask that you
send us at least 6 e-mails during the 10 day visit. Schools involved in the
program can keep track of the cougar's visits through our school's website.

Schools involved in the project would assume the cost of mailing the cougar
on to the forwarding PRIORITY Mail.

Social Studies: mapping skills, comparing communities
Language Arts: Journal writing
Technology:  e-mail, internet use

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 6/01/02 to 9/05/02

Number of Classrooms: 10

Age Range: 6 to 12 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Project Contact Information
Lori Betge - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Teacher -  Aldergrove Elementary
Aldergrove, British Columbia, CA

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at


Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:13:41 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 16-19  Lukisan Mekanikal

Sent: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 22:36:33 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 16-19  Lukisan Mekanikal

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: hing siong siow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Lukisan Mekanikal

Project Begin & End Dates: 7/01/02 to 7/30/04

Project Summary:
enhancing students visualizing skills via 3-D models

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Vocational Education

Technologies Used: Email, Web Based Discussion Forum

Project Sponsor: smtpd

Full Project Description:
3-D model dor mechanical components

enhance students visualizing skill

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 7/01/02 to 7/30/04

Number of Classrooms: 30

Age Range: 16 to 19 years

Target Audience: National (MY)

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
contact by e-mail

Project Contact Information
hing siong siow - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lukisan Mekanikal  Untuk Tingkatan LIma -  smtpd
Port Dickson, Ns, MY

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at


Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:14:06 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 10-15  Postcards from Paul - revised

Sent: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 08:45:09 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 10-15  Postcards from Paul

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Janet Barnstable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Postcards from Paul

Project Begin & End Dates: 9/01/02 to 9/30/03

Project Summary:
Create a global tour/tall tales project. Paul Bunyan leaves his little
north woods hideaway and creates wonders around the world.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Arts, History and Social Studies, Language, Technology

Technologies Used: CU-SeeMe or Other Video Conferencing, Email

Full Project Description:
Implementation Overview
The project could be part of a tall tale unit or a technology unit, in
conjunction with a study of United States and World natural wonders.
Students would need to know the story of Paul Bunyan. Students choose the
natural wonder and creatively write the "story" of how Paul Bunyan created
it. They will also find internet links to the real site. Additionally, they
will post photos of an actual visit to the site. Photos, stories and
pictures can come from other participants, also.

Those involved in the design of the site will also find the global position
of the wonder and site navagation will use global positioning to create a
"relative" world map of the wonders.

Entry Level Skills and Knowledge
This will depend on the level of involvement.

High involvement (limited number of classes) would design and implement the
design of the web site, deciding on the format and technology to be used in
creating the site. They would also create stories and pictures and find

Casual involvement would be a class or individual adding a story or picture
or sending photos to be used.

High involvement:
ICQ for realtime chat or able to use JavaChat
Web Design abilities - teacher and/or students
CUSeeMe for student video conferencing
animation using gif builder
flash animation
global positioning (latitude /longitude) to identify wonder's location
FTP files

Casual involvement - one or more of the following - sent by email
send a photo of a natural wonder - listing the place (city and country) and
date on which it was taken.
make up a story about a wonder - give an internet link to the actual
draw a picture of Paul and/or Babe creating a wonder - tell a little of
what they are creating.

Curriculum Standards
Social Sciences
A. Locate, describe and explain places, regions and features on the Earth.

Intermediate:17.A.1b Identify the characteristics and purposes of
geographic representations including maps, globes, graphs, photographs,
software, digital images and be able to locate specific places using each.

Middle: 17.A.3b Explain how to make and use geographic representations to
provide and enhance spatial information including maps, graphs, charts,
models, aerial photographs, satellite images.

Language Arts
C. Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.

Intermediate: 3.C.3b Using available technology, produce compositions and
multimedia works for specified audiences.

Middle: 3.C.4b Using available technology, produce compositions and
multimedia works for specified audiences.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 9/01/00 to 3/30/00

Number of Classrooms: 99

Age Range: 10 to 15 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
Visit the web site and email Janet Barnstable.

Project Contact Information
Janet Barnstable - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Resource Teacher -  Percy Julian Junior High School
Oak Park, Illinois US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at


Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:14:27 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-8  Fairy Tale Cyber Dictionary -

Sent: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 08:40:15 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 5-8  Fairy Tale Cyber Dictionary

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its
worldwide education community. [PERMISSION TO RE-POST AS APPROPRIATE]
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to

Project Information
Project Author: Janet Barnstable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Fairy Tale Cyber Dictionary

Project Begin & End Dates: 9/01/02 to 12/30/04

Project Summary:
The teacher will read a specified fairy tale or folk tale to the students.
The students will compose a class "Cyber dictionary" using each letter of
the alphabet and relating it to an object in the story e.g. "W" is for
wolf. Students will create a picture that will be saved as .gif file.

Project Details
Project Level: Advanced

Curriculum Area: Arts, Language, Technology

Technologies Used: Email

Project Sponsor: none

Full Project Description:
Implementation Overview

The project would be part of a fairy or folk tale unit. Depending upon how
many activities you choose to do, it could take several periods. Three
periods would be required to read the book and brainstorm ideas for words
and two computer periods would be required to draw the word, label the word
and write their name, school and city.

Resources Needed

Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities:

Class set of fairy/folk tale books

E-mail account for the teacher.

Software needed: KidPix or Paint - Paintbrush program one for each student.

Specific reference material in the classroom or school library: Books on
various types of Fairy/folk Tales or versions of the same fairy/folk tale
geared for the primary level.

Video or audio materials: - Movies about fairy/folk tales or sound tapes of
fairy/folk tales.

If the lesson makes extensive use of specific websites, it would be
appropriate to list and link them here. Otherwise, do this in the more
narrowly focused lesson or activity

Human Resources: At least one teacher is needed to read stories, brainstorm
and record ideas and teach computer skills. Two teachers can be used if one
is responsible for computer projects only. An aide is always helpful with
helping children to write, draw or check to see if they are correctly
following and implementing the instruction.
Ideally, there will be other teachers who will do the same project that
will be sending it to you via e-mail to post on your website.

Curriculum Standards

STATE GOAL 1: Read with understanding and fluency.

   A. Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections.

       1.A.1a Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, word patterns) to
recognize new words.

       1A.1b Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior
knowledge; verify meanings with resource materials.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 9/01/00 to 6/30/01

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range: 5 to 8 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
A simple email will "reserve" your fairy or folk tale.  Project url has a
FAQ and email support available from Janet Barnstable.

Project Contact Information
Janet Barnstable - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Resource Teacher -  Percy Julian Junior High School
Oak Park, Illinois US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at


Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools,
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2002 08:16:16 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BOOK> XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition Released by O'Reilly

From: "Kathryn Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 13:10:33 -0700 (PDT)

For Immediate Release
July 1, 2002
For more information, a review copy, cover art, or an interview with
the authors, contact:
Kathryn Barrett (707) 827-7094 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sebastopol, CA--So rapidly evolving is the world of XML that it shifted
from its position as a new technology to an established technology
while many people were still trying to understand just what it was.
"XML has become the lingua franca of data formats," says Elliotte Rusty
Harold, coauthor with W. Scott Means of the just-released second
edition of "XML in a Nutshell" (O'Reilly, US $39.95). "While there are
still many non-XML legacy applications out there, most new applications
are choosing to use XML as their native data format. Sun's StarOffice
5.0 is just one public example, but there's even more work going on in
the non-shrink-wrapped, custom business software in enterprises of all

XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is a W3C-endorsed standard for
document markup. It defines a generic syntax used to mark up data with
simple, human-readable tags, and it provides a standard format for
computer documents. Because of its flexibility, XML has become the
syntax of choice for newly designed document formats across almost all
computer applications. As Harold and Means tell us, "XML is simply the
most robust, reliable, and flexible document syntax ever invented."

The new edition of "XML in a Nutshell" provides developers with a
comprehensive guide to all aspects of XML, from the most basic syntax
rules, to the details of DTD and schema creation, to the APIs used to
read and write XML documents in a variety of programming languages.
With updated sections on standards still in development, and extra
coverage of Unicode, the book provides an easy-to-use reference to the
fundamental rules to which all XML documents and authors must adhere.

"XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition" helps readers quickly develop an
understanding of well-formed XML, namespaces, Unicode and W3C XML
Schema. The authors tackle the key technologies used mainly for
narrative XML documents, such as web pages, books, and articles,
offering readers a working knowledge of XSLT, Xpath, XLink, XPointer,
CSS, and XSL-FO. The book also covers the technologies use for building
data-intensive XML applications and for processing XML documents of any
kind. The core of the book, as with any "Nutshell" book, is the
quick-reference guide that details syntax rules and usage examples for
key XML technologies.

This book is an essential guide for developers who need to create
XML-based file formats and data structures for use in XML documents. As
Harold says: "'XML in a Nutshell' is the best introduction to XML out
there. Very few XML books even attempt to cover this much material. It
is the most concentrated, cost-effective way to educate yourself about

What the critics said about the first edition:

"Best of 2001: Customers' Picks,"

"This book is the one you won't want to let out of your sight."
--IT Training, August, 2001

"A solid and useful reference for XML developers. The value of 'XML in
a Nutshell' should be readily apparent to XML developers. The material
is well organized and concise. It's a quintessential Nutshell book,
upholding a tradition of utility and quality. Readers who've already
been exposed to the presented material will likely keep this book close
at hand."--chromatic,, September 13, 2001

"These ('Learning XML' and 'XML in a Nutshell') are the most accessible
books on XML that I have come across and I would certainly use
'Learning XML' as a recommended text for any course on it that I gave.
If you work with XML, or are going to, then you probably ought to have
both these books"--Lindsay Marshall, news@UK, June 2001

"Not just a reference...a remarkable comprehensive book. Harold and
Means' book offers two advantages over the others: It's clearer than
previous books...and it's the most recent, and hence up-to-date book
currently on the market."--Eugene Eric Kim, Web Techniques, July 2001

"If you're using XML on a regular basis, then you should have this
reference book on your desk. There is a lot to know about XML, but with
this excellent reference manual, you don't have to know it, just where
to look it up. Once you're comfortable with XML, you will want this
book as part of your library."--Jennifer Kyrnin, Focus on HTML/XML

Additional resources:

"XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition" is also available on
Safari Books Online, see:

Chapter 9, "XPath," is available free online at:

For more information about the book, including Table of Contents,
index, author bios, and samples, see:

For a cover graphic in jpeg format, go to:

XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition
By Elliotte Rusty Harold & W. Scott Means
ISBN 0-596-00292-0, 613 pages, $39.95 (US), $61.95 (CAN)

About O'Reilly
O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for
leading-edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences,
and web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators.
O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a
treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next
generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha
geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the
revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet to
XML, open source, .NET, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts
technologies on the map. For more information:

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All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 1 Jul 2002 to 2 Jul 2002 - Special issue (#2002-413)

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