There are 13 messages totalling 644 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. K12> Re: software for Kindergarten, Pre-K, and Early Childhood
  2. MISC> [DIG_REF] LC Officially Launches Live Chat Reference Service
  3. MISC> Bringing A Nation Online: The Importance of Federal Leadership
  4. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide
  5. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Report Disputes Bush Approach to Bridging 'Digital
     Divide' (fwd)
  6. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Computer Lab Brings Tech Access to Low-Income
  7. K12> New Discussion Group for High School Librarians
  8. MISC> [netsites] retrofuture
  9. MISC> [netsites] is it "duck" tape or "duct" tape?
 10. K12> Spanish for Teachers
 11. RESOUR> JFK's PT-109 Found, National Geographic
 12. K12> [WWWEDU] Arctic Mission on SEDNA + Arctic Mission in the Classroom
     and Live from the Sea
 13. K12> [WWWEDU] NAWeb2002 Educational Internet Site of the Year Award

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send the message: set net-happenings mail

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Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:46:57 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Re: software for Kindergarten, Pre-K, and Early Childhood

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:08:26 -0400
Subject:      Re: software for Kindergarten, Pre-K, and Early Childhood

From: Linda Starr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Check out 21 Great
Computer Resources for the Primary Grades! for some suggestions!


Linda Starr
Curriculum/Technology Editor
Education World

Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:48:17 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIG_REF] LC Officially Launches Live Chat Reference Service

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:44:52 -0400
From:         gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIG_REF] LC Officially Launches Live Chat Reference Service
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello from D.C.

I just posted the following to the Resourceshelf

Library of Congress Launches Live Chat Reference Service
Full-Text of News Release at:

 From the news release, "Librarians in selected Library of Congress reading
will be monitoring chat from 2 to 3 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. Access to
service will be
provided from the Library's online reference service called, "Ask a
librarian...," at
which allows users to send questions and receive answers by e-mail."

"The Library of Congress' service will initially involve reference staff from
the following
reading rooms: Serial and Government Publications, Prints and Photographs,
Local History
and Genealogy, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, and
The number of reading rooms in the service may expand in the future, as well as
hours of availability.
Questions will also be taken regarding the Library's American Memory online
historical collections."

Congrats and kudos to Diane Kresh and the rest of her team on the launch.


Gary D. Price, MLIS
Gary Price Library Research and Internet Consulting

The Virtual Acquisition Shelf and News Desk


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:04:40 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> Bringing A Nation Online: The Importance of Federal Leadership

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:47:03 EDT
From:         Bonnie Bracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      Bringing A Nation Online: The Importance of Federal Leadership
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A new report entitled, Bringing A Nation Online: The Importance of Federal
Leadership was released earlier today by the Leadership Conference on Civil
Rights Education Fund and the Benton Foundation, with support from the Ford

The report is a response to A Nation Online and highlights the TOP/CTC
programs with state-by-state analyses of federal and non-federal investment
through TOP and CTC as well as detailed profiles of 44 TOP and CTC programs
around the nation. The report and press release are available at

The New York Times covered the report this morning - read about it at:

In addition, state community technology leaders in California, Pennsylvania
and Texas affiliated with the Digital Empowerment Campaign are issuing press
releases today praising the new report and what the TOP and CTC programs
mean for their state. These press releases are being sent to press outlets
in those states. The releases will be posted on the
website later this morning.

The Senate Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee (who will help decide how much
money the Community Technology Centers program will receive next year) will
mark up its FY03 appropriations bill as early as next Tuesday, July 16.

Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on
Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee and request that
they fund the CTC program at $65 million for FY03.  A list of key Senate
contacts can be found at

U.S. Senate offices can also be reached at

or at (202) 224-3121.  Finally, visit the campaign's website at

for additional information about the CTC program and to email your members of

In addition, the Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is sponsoring a Senate
staff briefing scheduled for this Friday, July 12 at 10:00 am in Room 628 in
the Dirksen Senate Office Building to share the findings of the new report -
please come and show your support.

Brian Komar
Director of Strategic Affairs
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights/Education Fund


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:09:43 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:53:54 -0700
From:         Mark Warschauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIGITALDIVIDE] Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Warschauer

Reconceptualizing the Digital Divide

This paper examines the concept of a digital divide by introducing
problematic examples of community technology projects and analyzing
models of technology access. It argues that the concept provides a
poor framework for either analysis or policy, and suggests an
alternate concept of technology for social inclusion. It then draws
on the historical analogy of literacy to further critique the notion
of a divide and to examine the resources necessary to promote access
and social inclusion.


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:29:25 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Report Disputes Bush Approach to Bridging
         'Digital Divide' (fwd)

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:05:35 -0400
From:         Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIGITALDIVIDE] Report Disputes Bush Approach to Bridging
'Digital Divide' (fwd)
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coverage of today's new Benton/LCCRED report in the NY Times (including a
nice quote from Phil Shapiro)... -ac

Earlier this year, after announcing that the "digital divide" was narrowing,
the Bush administration proposed eliminating two major federal programs that
were intended to help bridge the divide. Today a coalition of civil rights
and policy groups (including the Benton Foundation) released a study that
re-examines data used by the Commerce Department.  According to "Bringing a
Nation Online: The Importance of Federal Leadership," while some of the gap
between those who had access to computer and Internet technology and those
who did not is narrowing, "significant divides still exist between high and
low income households, among different racial groups, between Northern and
Southern states, and rural and urban households." While about 80 percent of
those earning more than $75,000 a year use the Internet at home, the report
said, only 25 percent of people in households with less than $15,000 in
annual income do so. Phil Shapiro, a technology access advocate in
Washington who works with many community computing centers, argued that
progress in bridging the digital divide would be lost if government
financing ended. "If you water a plant and then decide to stop watering it,"
Mr. Shapiro said, "the result is the same as if you never watered it in the
first place."
[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: John Schwartz]
(requires registration, plus you may have to cut and paste the above URL
back together if it's broken)

Andy Carvin
Senior Associate
Benton Foundation



Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:30:10 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Computer Lab Brings Tech Access to Low-Income

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:06:48 -0400
From:         Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [DIGITALDIVIDE] Computer Lab Brings Tech Access to
Low-Income             Neighborhood
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also from today's Benton headlines... -ac

The Gardner Community Center, located in one of San Jose, CA's low-income
neighborhoods, has a new computer lab. Microsoft and the city's parks
department and redevelopment agency made the venture possible. Open five
days a week, the lab is a place for students to come and do homework, senior
citizens to use e-mail and job-seekers can take classes to improve their
computer skills. Tony Torres, the center's director, comments on the irony
of the community's situation: "Look outside my window. The Adobe 1 and 2
buildings are right there. To the right is the Willow Glen area. But this is
a lower-income area. You talk about the digital divide? We're living it."
Torres hopes that the new computer lab will help the community reap the
technology benefits that wealthier communities take for granted.
[SOURCE: Mercury News, AUTHOR: Kate Folmar]

Andy Carvin
Senior Associate
Benton Foundation



Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 13:08:10 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> New Discussion Group for High School Librarians

Date:         Thu, 11 Jul 2002 13:48:18 -0400
From:         Deb Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      New Discussion Group for High School Librarians
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to invite anyone that would be interested in an additional forum
for discussion among high school librarians to join my new discussion group.

It is hosted at and is called The Library Group.  I
am hoping that we will be able to share not just messages, advice, ideas,
questions and answers, but also pictures of special displays we have done,
bookmarks for sites we recommend, copies of documents we would like to
share, and responses to polls.

Membership will be restricted to those working with high school age young
adults in a library setting, and each potential member will be approved as
meeting those requirements before being allowed to join the group.  Public
librarians as well as school librarians are welcome as long as they
specialize in teen librarianship.  Also, those of you who are not fully
certified as librarians but who work in libraries are welcome to join.
Please stop by Yahoo! and consider joining.  I'd love to have you in the group!

Debra W. Waugh
Library Media Specialist/Technology Facilitator
Graham High School
Bluefield, Virginia

*Posted with permission of Peter Milbury*

All postings to LM_NET are protected under copyright law.
To quit LM_NET (or set-reset NOMAIL or DIGEST, etc.) send email to:
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Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:06:47 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] retrofuture

From: helen katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] retrofuture
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:56:33 -0700



"The Retrofuture is a concept based on a simple question: what happened to
all that futuristic stuff which was supposed to change our lives by the year
2000? Stuff like rocket belts, flying cars, food pills and inflatable homes."



Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:07:18 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] is it "duck" tape or "duct" tape?

From: helen katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [netsites] is it "duck" tape or "duct" tape?
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:53:13 -0700

the duck tape guys

"A lot of you have been asking about this Duct vs. Duck thing we've got
going... here is an explanation from Jim and Tim, the Duck Tape Guys:...",
plus many other uses for duck tape you never thought of!!

      "a gentile in a goyish land"


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:07:56 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Spanish for Teachers

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:59:37 -0700 (PDT)

A FREE survival spanish guide with classroom applicable vocabulary made by a
teacher for teachers. Audio links make pronunciation a breeze!


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:32:11 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> JFK's PT-109 Found, National Geographic

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:26:37 -0700 (PDT)

A National Geographic expedition led by explorer Robert Ballard has found what
is believed to be the remains of John F. Kennedy's PT-109.

Experts from the U.S.  Navy recently confirmed the May 2002 find is most likely
World War II patrol boat.


Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:54:03 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] Arctic Mission on SEDNA + Arctic Mission in the
         Classroom and Live from the Sea

From: "Lessard, George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 12:52:03 -0400
Subject: [WWWEDU] Arctic Mission on SEDNA + Arctic Mission in the Classroom and
Live from the Sea

Arctic Mission is both a major scientific exploration of the Arctic and an
exciting cinematographic adventure which you can follow on the Internet. As
the 51-metre, three-masted sailing vessel SEDNA traverses the legendary
Northwest Passage, her crew, with assistance from our scientific advisory
committee, will seek answers to the questions raised by global warming.
Throughout the voyage, you will receive daily updates about this vast
investigation at the top of the world. Let us transport you to the
breathtaking icebound landscapes of the Arctic, a world that is quite simply
threatened with extinction

Join us aboard! Become a virtual member of SEDNA's crew! Subscribe and
receive exclusive news reports direct from the Arctic Mission expedition...
Pull up a deck chair! Become a virtual member of SEDNA's crew and join the
Arctic Mission on its extraordinary journey of discovery across the top of
the world. Come along as we observe the wildlife, climate and peoples of the
Arctic and be a part of this unforgettable personal and cinematographic
Video clips, photos, skipper's log, mission leader's log, interactive
itinerary, discussions and exclusive scoops directly in your mailbox.
Excitement guaranteed!

Links for Teachers
Are you a teacher looking for an exciting way to share first-hand
information about the Arctic with your students? Arctic Mission is the
answer! Join us on a virtual voyage aboard SEDNA. Over the course of the
year, we will be developing four educational activities to pass on
information gathered by the crew during SEDNA's voyage.

Arctic Mission in the Classroom and Live from the Sea will be available on
the Website starting in September 2002. These programs will allow you to get
to know us better, follow the expedition's progress, and contact us directly.

In January 2003, after the expedition is completed, Arctic Mission will
offer Virtual Missions on its Website to enable you to carry out educational
activities using information and communications technologies (ICT) with your

When the five films are released in September 2003, Thematic Teaching Kits,
produced in collaboration with museums, will be made available through the

Send a virtual Message in a Bottle...
At any time during the SEDNA expedition, you can send us a virtual message
in a bottle! We welcome your comments, reflections, suggestions for news
reports, and questions for the ship's crew or filmmakers. Add your voice to
our ongoing discussions! We are also setting up an online forum on the
themes of the five films, which will take the form of questions and answers
between subscribers and crew members.

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  George Lessard, Media Specialist
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Date:    Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:56:32 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [WWWEDU] NAWeb2002 Educational Internet Site of the Year Award

From: "Downes, Stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 06:43:34 -0400
Subject: [WWWEDU] NAWeb2002 Educational Internet Site of the Year Award


NAWeb2002 Educational Internet Site of the Year Award

Apologies for duplicate posts.

The North American Web Conference, NAWeb2002, is an internationally
recognized conference founded in 1995 whose focus is to encourage innovative
and practical uses of the World Wide Web in teaching and learning and
extending the reach of existing campuses through creating "virtual" campuses
of a unique and exciting nature (See for more
This mission applies not only to traditional educational institutions, but also
to the
corporate and private world as well. As part of the mission of the conference
program NAWeb2002 sponsors the NAWeb Award for Educational Internet Site
of the Year. The NAWeb Educational Internet Site of the Year trophy will be
awarded to the
winning web site during the NAWeb2002 conference. Any web site, be it
privately or publicly developed site, a corporate or university site, or an
individual site-in short, any educational site on the web may be nominated
for this award. A jury of judges will review each site according to the
criteria listed below. Five finalists will be selected for presentation to
the attendees at the conference during the awards ceremony. From these five
finalists the NAWeb2002 Internet Site of the Year will be announced. Each of
the four runner-ups will receive a special NAWeb Award's citation.

The judging criteria will place a premium on innovation, creativity, and the
practicality of the nominated site. The judges will ask questions such as:

... How well does it achieve its stated purpose?
... Does it represent an innovative and creative approach in using the
Internet? Is the site innovative or groundbreaking in its field or discipline?
... Is it well designed both in its look and in its informational design?
... The "Wow" factor is fine, but does it have a solid purpose or is one
simply looking at "eye candy?" The site must also be practical.
... Is it easy to navigate and to understand?
... In short, is it user friendly?
... Does it meet a clear need?

Send all nominations as Microsoft Word document attachments to Prof. Ronald
Smith, who is the non-judging awards Chair, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Each
nomination must include:

a) A statement of the site's purpose and/or reason for development.
b) Any special browser settings
d) Special aspects/parts of the site to which the judges should pay
particular attention.
e) Any additional information the nominee believes would be important to the
judges (For example, design principles, what makes this site stand out
vis-à-vis other similar sites, etc.)

Please use a 12-font standard type (Prof. Smith and the judges do not wish
to go blind!) and limit the nomination document to 2 pages. Any nominations
greater than two pages in length will not be considered. You will notified
of receipt of the nomination. If you have further questions, please do not
hesitate to contact Ron Smith. All nominations must be submitted by August
20th, 2002. Finalists will be notified by early September 2002.

Stephen Downes ~ Senior Researcher ~ National Research Council
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

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End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 11 Jul 2002 - Special issue (#2002-428)

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