There are 11 messages totalling 628 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. RESOUR> FYI France: the new Provenance database at the BMLyon
  2. RESOUR> [netsites] Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
  3. K12> [netsites] Seduction of the Innocent
  4. K12> [netsites] Education Whiz
  5. MISC> [netsites] Country Studies
  6. MISC> [netsites] The Surgery Channel
  7. RESOUR> [netsites] EDRi
  8. MISC> [netsites] Extreme Survival
  9. MISC> [netsites] iExplore
 10. MISC> A Washington VICTORY for digital DIVIDE...
 11. K12> teaching computer / coping skills

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Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:32:14 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> FYI France: the new Provenance database at the BMLyon

From: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jack Kessler
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: FYI France: the new Provenance database at the BMLyon

FYI France: the new Provenance database at the BMLyon

The new "Provenance" database at Lyon, ("Bases de donne'es")
        (to scroll through lists on the site -- the lists
        currently appear only partially in their windows -- type
        the first letter of the item sought and click on "envoyer")

which was announced on June 25, promises to be a very useful
digital library addition to the growing international offering of
online rare book tools and materials.

It's also fascinating: they have mounted the full exlibris
online -- you can read the,

        "Dominici nuptij de Rubiano 1476 Morantis Rome In domo
        Casarella, No[n] amplius tui sed mej Eua[n]geliste
        oliuarij de Mo[n]tepolo in Sabinis et Ciuis Romani..."

etc. onscreen in the original, print or manuscript versions, in
good images which can be enlarged for very legible detail...

The Bibliothe`que Municipale de Lyon, which houses one of
France's finest collections of rare books, ancient manuscripts,
and incunabula, also has been a leader in the country's
development of online and digital media. The BMLyon's current
"Virtual Expositions" include, for example,

        * Du sang a` la une : La belle e'poque du fait divers
        dans la presse illustre'e

        * Des "Petit Chaperon Rouge" : dans la fore^t du conte

        * Prophe'ties pour temps de crise : Interpre'tations de
        Nostradamus au fil des sie`cles

and BM Lyon databases exist online now for, among others,

        * Enluminures -- 12,000 images from 457 documents of the
        5th through 16th centuries, manuscripts and incunables
        and Renaissance books;

        * Ecrivains Rho^ne-Alpes -- bio - bibliographies of 200
        local writers of autobiography, fiction, poetry,
        mysteries, science-fiction, theater;

        * Estampes -- the BMLyon prints collection -- Albrecht
        Du:rer, Lucas Cranach, Jost Amman, Adrian Collaert,
        Thomas de Leu, Davent, etc. ;

        * Affiches -- a thousand posters, from the lae 19th
        century through the first half of the 20th -- art,
        exhibitions, advertising, announcements of publications
        and of shows, also official proclamations and propaganda
        from the two world wars.

Now comes "Provenance", to this already - superb online offering:
the origins, of the BMLyon's justifiably famous collection of
rare books --

        "From their mid - 15th century beginnings, printed books
        have borne the identification marks of the individuals or
        institutions which have held them: precious bindings,
        coats of arms, a manuscript or printed ex-libris,
        readers' notes, annotations of every kind, etc.

        "The database 'Provenance' displays these marks, which
        have enable the identification of previous owners and
        readers of works now held in the collections of the
        library. Whether they were doctors, students, religious
        officials, jurists, and whether they were celebrated
        humanists or men and women who were little - known, the
        marks left in their books permit us to retrace the
        intellectual and geographic itineraries of these works
        which they treasured."

Lyon is the place for this: a French city endowed with many very
old and now several very new outstanding "rare books" resources --

        * The Muse'e de l'Imprimerie de Lyon

        * L'Institut d'Histoire du Livre

        * Provenance des Livres Anciens ("Bases de donne'es")

-- plus there are wonderful walks in Lyon which can take you down
by one of its two rivers, along the rue Mercie`re... where
Sebastian Gryphe and the others worked to churn out the first
products of this new media, occasionally throwing their old fonts
and tools into the river, from which they now have been removed
and preserved for your appreciation of the history -- remarkable
place for anyone interested in early printing, and in the
excitement of what in fact was a Silicon Valley of a previous
era's "transition in media"... also offering good food and wine
and chocolate, too... -- so, anyone wishing an introduction to
the history of printing, not only in France but also in the
world, now really can benefit from a stop in Lyon.

The "Provenance des Livres Anciens" offers a pretty interesting
oldest - exemplar, currently, one which can demonstrate the
richness of the information in the database:

        Cote = "SJ Inc b 63" [Mots cle's]

        Auteur : Torquemada, Juan de, 1388-1468 [*3 doc.]

        Titre : [Expositio super toto psalterio. 1470  ]
        Titre : Reuerendissimi Cardinalis sancti Sixti Expositio
        breuis & utilis super toto psalterio

        Editeur : Rom[a]e impressa ...: per honorabile[m] uirum
        magistrum Vdalricum Gallum de Bienna, die Quarta mensis
        octobris [4 X] ... Anno domini [1470]

        Description : [204] f. ([a-c]10, [d]12, [e-m]10, [n]12,
        [o]10, [p]12, [q-t]10, [v]8) ; 4°

        Notes : Titre au colophon (f. [v]7r) qui donne la date de
        publication : Rom[a]e impressa die Quarta mensis octobris
        per honorabile[m] ... Anno domini [1470] en toutes
        lettres. Espace pour initiale au début de chaque psaume
        BMC IV, p. 21 Goff T-517 CIBN T-373 IGI 9866

        Inf. locale : SJ Inc b 63 - Feuillets [l]3 et [l]8
        manquent; le dernier feuillet est blanc (ne contient pas
        le registre). Cf. BMC. Initiales enlumine'es et
        encadrements peints avec motifs floraux sur f. [a]1r,
        [a]3r (avec couronne), [d]2r, [g]10v, [k]2v, [m]5r,
        [o]7r, [q]1r; autres initiales et pieds de mouches
        ajoute's en bleu ou rouge, en alternance; initiales
        imprime'es colorie'es en jaune. Relie' en cuir rouge
        (XIXe sie`cle) a` grain long; cadre de roulette a` chaud;
        tranches massicote'es; anciennes signatures manuscrites
        au bas de quelques feuillets; pliures renforce'es avec
        des bandes de parchemin dans chaque cahier. Quelques
        annotations manuscrites anciennes dans les marges

        Re's Inc 92 - Reliure veau fauve XVIIIe

        SJ Inc b 63 - Ex libris manuscrits au colophon: "Dominici
        nuptij de Rubiano 1476 Morantis Rome In domo Casarella";
        "No[n] amplius tui sed mej Eua[n]geliste oliuarij de
        Mo[n]tepolo in Sabinis et Ciuis Romani", ses armes et
        initiales ajoute'es a` l'encre brune dans la couronne de
        feuillage du 2e`me encadrement ([a]3r); "Non amplius tuij
        sed mei Vincentius Massetus florentinus et Ciuis Romanus
        Chirugs 1618; cachet de l'Ecole Sainte-Genevie`ve (f.
        [a]1r); ex dono manuscrit de Charles de Lescalopier a` la
        Socie'te' de Je'sus, 10 juillet 1841. "No. 25" inscrit en
        rouge sur la me^me page Re's Inc 92 - A la fin page ms.
        concernant Guichard de Monrozard (signature "Monrozard"),
        chantre de la colle`giale S. Symphorien de Trévoux,
        date'e 1601

        Sujets : Bible. A. T. Psaumes--Critique, interpre'tation,
        etc. [*8 doc.]

        Collaboration : Han, Ulrich, ....-1480
                        Nuptius, Dominicus, actif en 1476
                        Olivarius, Evangelista
                        Massetus, Vincentius, actif en 1618
                        Lescalopier, Charles de, 1...-1861
                        Monrozard, Guichard de, actif en 1573-1601
                        Ecole Sainte-Genevie`ve (Paris) [*23 doc.]

Most wonderfully, perhaps, images taken from the works themselves
are provided online: the exlibris, as mentioned, annotations --
good thumbnails, which can be expanded to offer detailed
representations of the original.  Scholars of various sorts may
find these to be extremely useful. Both scholars and mere
students, moreover, even the beginners, can experience the thrill
of seeing "the original": the database is image - oriented -- the
dull listing of "who owned what when", of most other provenance
accounts, is greatly enhanced here by reproducing the actual
handwriting of the period in online images -- very exciting, to
see the written script of the era in which the Torquemada was
read, and perhaps even of the actual Cardinal who owned it.

Very useful links abound throughout: in the entry just - listed,
for example, the square brackets lead to [* 8 doc.] 7 other
examples of "Bible. A. T. Psaumes--Critique, interpre'tation,
etc" in the collection -- or to [* 23 doc.] 22 additional
examples of the "Ecole Sainte-Genevie`ve (Paris)". Boolean
searching is available via "Ope'rateurs" on the main screen.

The records contain no metadata, yet. Greater effort has to be
devoted, by the international library community, to incorporating
all of the riches of international librarianship into the
metadata effort. The only way "the librarian as information
filter" ever is going to work, is via an extraordinary effort to
include everyone: the French, the Chinese, the Russians, and all
of the many others who maintain valuable collections and
information and now rapidly are bringing them to the Internet.

But standards efforts in other areas work well for the French, as
they have elsewhere. This BMLyon "Provenance des Livres Anciens"
project uses UNIMARC, and follows the IFLA UBCIM Programme
standards both for bibliographic and authority records, and
AFNOR rules for cataloging and headings.

Some of the finest libraries now are making their rare and
ancient book treasures available online -- bibliographic records,
now provenance information, increasingly images and texts of the
works themselves -- the Bayerische Staats-bibliothek, the
University of California's Bancroft, the many fine projects of
various national libraries and of the Research Libraries Group,
now the BMLyon...

Perhaps there is some hope, then -- perhaps -- that future
generations will know that there was a world of print, and of
ideas and of their presentation, which preceded the television
screen: a useful and at times critical antidote to any future
world of digital "information overload". The BMLyon's "Provenance
des Livres Anciens" will have helped significantly in this.


FYI France (sm)(tm) e-journal                   ISSN 1071 - 5916

      |           FYI France (sm)(tm) is a monthly electronic
      |           journal published since 1992 as a small-scale,
      |           personal experiment, in the creation of large-
      |           scale "information overload", by Jack Kessler.
     / \          Any material written by me which appears in
    -----         FYI France may be copied and used by anyone for
   //   \\        any good purpose, so long as, a) they give me
  ---------       credit and show my email address, and, b) it
 //       \\      isn't going to make them money: if it is going
                  to make them money, they must get my permission
in advance, and share some of the money which they get with me.
Use of material written by others requires their permission.
FYI France archives may be found at
(search fyifrance), or http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
(BIBLIO-FR archive), or
(PACS-L archive) or . Suggestions,
reactions, criticisms, praise, and poison-pen letters all will be
gratefully received at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

                Copyright 1992- , by Jack Kessler,
        all rights reserved except as indicated above.



Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:32:33 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation

From: Ray Shiner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:13 PM
Subject: [netsites] Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation

Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation

"The complete records of Howard Carter's excavation of the tomb of
Tutankhamun will be made available on these Web pages."

Ray Shiner


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:32:59 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] Seduction of the Innocent

From: Paul E. Onimuss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: [netsites] Seduction of the Innocent

Seduction of the Innocent

"Thoroughly documented by facts and cases, Seduction of the Innocent
gives the substance of Dr. Wertham's expert opinion on the effects that
comic books have on the minds and behavior of children who come in
contact with them."

     Paul E. Onimuss


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:33:17 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] Education Whiz

From: Philip Lomoas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: [netsites] Education Whiz

Education Whiz

"Education Whiz offers college information in vocation and trade
schools in culinary arts, business, information technology, design and
much more."

Philip Lomoas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:33:41 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] Country Studies

From: Alan S. Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:18 PM
Subject: [netsites] Country Studies

Library of Congress: Country Studies

"A continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division
of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook
Program sponsored by the Department of the Army. This online series
presently contains studies of 100 countries. Countries that were
previously in multi-country volumes are now available individually."



Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:34:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] The Surgery Channel

From: Dr. Y U Morostay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:22 PM
Subject: [netsites] The Surgery Channel

The Surgery Channel

"Your source for information on appendectomy, mastectomy, hernia
repair, nissen fundoplication surgery, and more."

Includes an "Ask the Doctor" feature; a Medical Store; a Physician
Board; and much more...

Dr. Yennea U. Morostay


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:34:23 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] EDRi

From: Pierre Borochaults [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:26 PM
Subject: [netsites] EDRi

European Digital Rights

"European Digital Rights is an association in which existing European
privacy and civil rights organizations work together in informing
decision makers and the public about the upcoming threats to our
privacy and civil rights."

Pierre Borochaults


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:34:43 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] Extreme Survival

From: Alan S. Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: [netsites] Extreme Survival

Extreme Survival

Note: The above URL is actually one continuous line and should be
entered into your browser's address box as one line.

...or click this shorter, redirection link:

The Learning Channel tests your survival instincts.  Learn about
historical survival feats; take a worst-case poll; and more....



Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:35:05 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] iExplore

From: Forrest Trease [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:50 PM
Subject: [netsites] iExplore


The Adventure Travel site sponsored by National Geographic.

Forrest Trease


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:35:43 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> A Washington VICTORY for digital DIVIDE...

From: K-12 Educators Interested in Educational Administration
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bonnie Bracey
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:56 PM
Subject: A Washington VICTORY for digital DIVIDE...



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                Contact: Brian Komar, LCCR
July 16, 2002                        202-466-1885
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Washington, D.C. -  The Digital Empowerment campaign, today issued the
following statement regarding Senate appropriations subcommittee's
to fund the two important community technology programs - the Technology
Opportunities Program and the Community Technology Centers program -- at
levels comparable to last year's amounts, despite the Bush
recommendation to eliminate these programs in their FY03 budget:

"Today's actions represent an important victory for those who believe
federal government should continue its strong leadership role in
that all Americans have the technological access and skills needed to
benefit from and participate fully in the Information Society," said
Henderson, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference on Civil
the lead sponsor of the Digital Empowerment Campaign. "While the
support for these programs evidenced by today's votes is heartening,
particularly in a very tight budget year, our campaign to preserve and
strengthen the TOP and CTC programs is far from over.  The Digital
Empowerment Campaign will continue to push the Senate, the House and the
Administration to fund these programs at the levels approved today or

The Senate Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations
Subcommittee, under the leadership of Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and
Specter (R-PA), voted to continue funding the CTC program at $32.5 - the
same amount it received last year.

The Senate Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations
Subcommittee, under the leadership of Ernest Hollings (D-SC) and Judd
(R-NH), voted to continue funding the Technology Opportunity Program at
year's level  -- $15.5 million.

"Today's votes demonstrate how successful the Digital Empowerment
has been in showing that the TOP and CTC programs invest in more than
technology; they invest in people and communities," Henderson continued.
"Now more than ever, federal leadership is crucial to ensure that urban,
rural, and Indian tribal land residents have access to technology and
acquire the high-tech job skills necessary to compete in the 21st
Century economy."

The Digital Empowerment campaign was launched in mid-June on the steps
the U.S. Capitol, with the bipartisan support of Senators Max Cleland
(D-GA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Olympia J. Snowe (R-ME).  Since that
time, more 100 organizations have joined the campaign to preserve and
strengthen the Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) and the Community
Technology Centers program (CTC).  Both programs provide matching grants
bring the benefits of technology to underserved communities across the
United States. For more information, visit

Brian Komar
Director of Strategic Affairs
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights/Education Fund


Date:    Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:36:26 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> teaching computer / coping skills

From: EDTECH - Educational Technology [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of EDTECH Editor-Eiffert
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:29 PM
Subject: teaching computer / coping skills


We mentioned this program before on this list.  here is an update.

 News blurb...

American high school students are being taught essential skills .... How
to build robots that kill and destroy. A program called BattleBots IQ
teaches kids how to build dangerous armed robots. The program has
rolled out in 17 schools across the United States. At the end of the
year, a huge tournament will pit robots against each other ......

Paul Pavlik

Computer/Education Consultant

Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 17 Jul 2002 - Special issue (#2002-441)

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