There are 8 messages totalling 570 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. MISC> [netsites] Free Computer Manuals
  2. K12> Fantastic Worksheet Generator
  3. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Virtual People Help Bridge Digital Divide (fwd)
  4. MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Bhutan Gets a Taste of Windows (fwd)
  5. K12> Can art teachers use a GPS receiver?
  6. MISC> On-Line Learning Course Start Dates
  7. UPDATED> [DIGITALDIVIDE] What's New on Digital Opportunity Channel, August
     1, 2002
  8. Last: posting for Thursday, August 1, 2002

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Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:27:47 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] Free Computer Manuals

From: "Foggy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 07:59:38 -0700
Subject: [netsites] Free Computer Manuals

Free Computer Manuals

Plus dictionaries


Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:36:32 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Fantastic Worksheet Generator

Sent: Thu,  1 Aug 2002 08:33:12 -0700
Subject: Fantastic Worksheet Generator
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karan Antonello)

The BEST ever worksheet generator...
This is aimed at 3-12grades, where you create your own worksheets with
several choices of formats that can be integrated in one page, or as
many pages as you want.. For example, you can create a page beginning
with matching vocab words to definitions, then add another section
with multi-choice, true-false, open-ended, or fill in the blank

> >You will need to register & download to save your pages, but it's FREE.

 When first using the program, check with print preview on your pc,
you have options to place 'next' questions on a new page, for good
printing. Play with it, plan your lessons with the test, use 1 page
quizes, to check 'your' performance of instruction and their recall.
You can truly focus your lessons better if you can see the ending, eh!


Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:53:25 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Virtual People Help Bridge Digital Divide (fwd)

From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:53:06 -0400
Subject: [DIGITALDIVIDE] Virtual People Help Bridge Digital Divide (fwd)

>From today's Benton headlines... -ac

Computerized avatars may soon be helping residents of London find out about
government benefits how to gain access to them. The avatars, which are
currently being tested, will provide a human face and voice to the Web. This
is especially important to the people who either do not have the computer
skills to use complicated Web forms or are uncomfortable with a "machine"
interface. For the time being, users will have to ask questions and respond
to the avatar's voice by typing. Eventually, it is hoped that people will be
able to talk directly to the avatar. The project is being developed in three
European cities with partial funding by the European Commission.

Andy Carvin
Senior Associate
Benton Foundation



Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:53:53 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [DIGITALDIVIDE] Bhutan Gets a Taste of Windows (fwd)

From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:53:19 -0400
Subject: [DIGITALDIVIDE] Bhutan Gets a Taste of Windows (fwd)

Also from today's Benton headlines... -ac

For the citizens of Bhutan, computer connectivity in their native language,
Dzongkha, has been a remote dream. But now, fonts for around 4,500 Dzongkha
words, letters, characters and religious symbols have been developed for a
Bhutanese version of Microsoft Windows. The new Windows operating system
represents the first time the language will be displayed in a standard way
on a PC. Currently, there are at least seven different Dzongkha computer
systems in Bhutan, all using different character codes and all incompatible
with each other. The new fonts, based on characters drawn by Bhutanese
calligraphy artists and monks, will allow the creation of digital libraries
and applications in Dzongkha. The Orient Foundation, Dzongkha Development
Commission and Microsoft have collaborated on the project with major funding
from the Swiss Development Corporation.

Andy Carvin
Senior Associate
Benton Foundation



Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:56:16 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Can art teachers use a GPS receiver?

 Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 12:38:16 -0400
Subject: Can art teachers use a GPS receiver?

Can a GPS receiver be used like paint brush?  Go see what these "new media"
artists are doing!

Safari by satellite:

This is article appeared in BBC Online News. Artists are using the tracks
recorded by GPS receivers to "draw" figures on maps.

 GPS Drawing Project
 These artists are using tracks from GPS receivers to draw figures on maps.

There are some very interesting, cutting-edge art activities students can
do, based on the sites you see here. Let's think about how maps are "drawn"
and colored to convey information and meaning, and how they can be used in
"new media" art projects. You may already know that cartographers need art
training, as well as a mastery of geography.  Drawing with a GPS receiver
is a great way to take an art class outside, breathe fresh air, and get
some sun this coming fall. Sound like fun? With mappnig software, we can
take a look at the "art" of maps, and see how they can be used to create
art. Mappign software has all kinds of art tools built in to it, if you
want to look at them that way.  Let's see how GPS technology and mapping
software might be integrated into art activities, Web design projects,
Powerpoint shows, and Blackboard courses.
Find an art teacher in your school who is using computers with their
students, and show them the GPS Art sites listed above.  Then take them
outside, and demonstrate your GPS receiver.  Go back inside, and show them
mapping software, like Delorme Street Atlas, Topo USA, or Maptech's Terrain
Navigator.  Show them how GPS data is downloaded to maps on the PC.  See if
they get excited.  You might lend them a GPS receiver for the weekend, so
they can try it our on their own.  It may be the start of a beautiful
friendship, to quote Mr. Bogart. FYI, in the Syracuse area there are earth
science teachers who take classes on field trips with art teachers and
their students to collect clay for sculpture projects.  The earth science
teachers explains the geology at the site, and the art teacher talks about
the clay.  Is that a neat way to integrate classes?


Anton Ninno, K12 Tech Integration Trainer
Voice: 315-431-8407 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES
 6820 Thompson Road, Syracuse, NY 13221
 43N, 76W


Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:57:15 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> On-Line Learning Course Start Dates

From: "John Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 12:34:52 -0400

Here is a list of currently available courses at:

On-line Learning Series of Courses

Level                 Course

Basic         Introduction to the Internet and On-line Learning
August 2002

Basic         Eudora Pro Level 1
15th August 2002

Advanced         Eudora Pro for Business
1 Sept. 2002

Basic         Outlook & Outlook Express
15th August 2002

Advanced         Outlook for Business
1 Sept. 2002

Basic         How to Search the Internet
15th August 2002

Advanced         Searching the Deep Web
1 Sept. 2002

Basic         Creating Web Pages
15th August 2002

Advanced         Creating Business Web Sites
1 Sept. 2002

Please note that these courses are fee based.

More at:

Free, safe e-mail, The On-line Learning Series of Courses, Web
Co-Hosting and much, much more.



Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 12:02:29 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UPDATED> [DIGITALDIVIDE] What's New on Digital Opportunity Channel,
         August 1, 2002

From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 12:34:20 -0400
Subject: [DIGITALDIVIDE] What's New on Digital Opportunity Channel, August 1, 2002

What's New on Digital Opportunity Channel


African schools get a technology boost
SchoolNetAfrica, a non-profit initiative across 28 African countries, is
bringing technology resources to schools where basic necessities like water
and electricity are rare.  It is running a number of programmes, like a Web
design competition and an online curriculum database, which it hopes will
help build resources and leadership skills.

Network promises latest information to Namibian farmers
A computer-based information network launched in Namibia promises to bring
to farmers latest agricultural information. The network aims to bridge the
information gap by providing farmers essential information such as weather
conditions, auction days, and crop and livestock prices.

Web-based education project finalist for Stockholm Awards
An international Web-based education  project that is helping school
children conserve the environment in India's northeastern state Assam, has
been selected as a finalist for the prestigious Stockholm Challenge Awards.

Azerbaijan sets up IT training centre for neighbours
Azerbaijan is helping its neighbours become a part of the global information
technology revolution by setting up a regional training academy in Baku, its
capital city. The academy will train students from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan.

Bangladesh schools to get computers with Net connection
The Bangladesh government plans to provide 10,000 computers along with
Internet connections to schools at secondary level under a programme for
grooming students with computer literacy. Girls' schools would get priority
in getting the computers.

Women empower women in Indian computer training project
SITA, a pilot project training needy women in computer use in India, has not
only produced 500 skilled persons, but has also enabled them to use their
newly learned skills in income-generating work. The project experience has
led to the idea of establishing an e-cooperative by women and for women.

Independent radio station move stalled in Tajikistan
Tajikistan authorities have refused licence for what would have been the
first independent radio station in the national capital, Dushanbe. The
decision is a step to prevent competition to the only official radio station
and restrict freedom of the press, say media organisations.

'Radio Earth Summit' broadcasts voices of MNC victims
People around the world affected by the activities of multinational
corporations are sending their sound messages to this year's Earth Summit in
Johannesburg. Radio Earth Summit is broadcasting their voices, ensuring that
delegates at the Summit hear first hand from those people living on the
front line. Read more on the Radio Earth Summit Website.

Multimedia training kit for ICT for development
In a new collaborative initiative, UNESCO has joined hands with key
stakeholders in the field of ICT to produce a multimedia training kit. The
kit is targeted at community multimedia centres, information service
providers and community radio stations. Key organisations like APC, IICD,
Panos, AMARC and OneWorld are part of the project.


Groups argue for continued funding to bridge U.S. digital divide
U.S. government programs that promote the use of computers and the internet
among impoverished and socially excluded groups should continue to be funded
as a means of helping to bridge socio-economic and racial divisions within
the country, according to representatives of civil rights and educational
groups at a congressional briefing in Washington D.C. last week.

Success Stories

Radio Sagarmatha: Broadcasting the Internet to Nepal
This profile of Nepali community radio station Radio Sagarmatha is the third
and final essay in a series by the Digital Divide Network's Shenaz Malik
highlighting winners of the ICT Stories competition organized by infoDev and

Bridging the gap: CONNECTIONS capacity-building programme in Cape Town
CONNECTIONS seeks to build the capacity of grassroots community
organisations in South Africa in order to initiate, manage and sustain
development processes in their communities.

Tech Skills 101 for Development Workers
What do you do when your 4x4 breaks down in the African bush? A Dutch
volunteer group has been teaching development workers the technical skills
they need to work in the field for 25 years.

The contribution of Macedonia's ITC Kriva Palanka in decreasing poverty
Information Technology Centre Kriva Palanka was launched in July 2000 by the
United Nations Development Programme and the Municipality of Kriva Palanka,
in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia. To date, more than 800
students have learned about ICTs.


Commonwealth of Learning PROTEIN project calls for proposals
The Commonwealth of Learning is accepting proposals under its COL-PROTEIN
programme for innovative initiatives that need expertise and limited
financial support. Initiatives in developing Commonwealth countries in
Sub-Sahara Africa and South Asia, seeking to adopt open, distance and
technology-mediated learning methodologies, are encouraged to apply.

InfoDev seeks proposals for Incubator Support Centre
InfoDev is seeking an organisation to run its Incubator Support Centre,
which will provide informational, organisational, and technical support to
incubators from developing countries. The newly launched Incubator
Initiative aims to establish a network of incubators to facilitate
development of small and medium size ICT-enabled enterprises.


2nd Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning
Mon 29 July 2002 - Fri 2 August 2002
<b>Durban, South Africa</b>

The forum will examine open and distance learning in a broad range of
applications. It will showcase what is achievable with vision, concern for
the learner, effective learning and learning facilitation, and utilising and
increasing appropriate use of technology. Agendas ranging from the
eradication of illiteracy (the scourge of the under-developed) to
postgraduate and professional education will again be aired.  Keynote and
plenary presentations will set the context for the Forum and the agenda for
the doorway to the new millennium of open and distance learning in the

Urban Data Management Symposium
Thu 1 August 2002 - Fri 31 December 2010
Prague, Czech Republic

The 23rd Urban Data Management Symposium marks the 31st year of Urban Data
Management Society activities. Starting in Bonn in 1971, the UDMS symposiums
successfully spread over all of Europe, bringing the latest knowledge and
providing the opportunity to share experience in the area of urban and rural
information systems on the town, city and regional levels.

ACT 2002: The African Computing & Telecommunications Summit
Mon 5 August 2002 - Thu 8 August 2002
<b>Nairobi, Kenya </b>

The African Computing & Telecommunications Summit is the continent's top
gathering of IT users, suppliers, service providers, policy-makers and

The World Summit on Sustainable Development
Mon 26 August 2002 - Wed 4 September 2002
<b>Johannesburg, South Africa</b>

The Johannesburg summit will bring together tens of thousands of
participants, including heads of state, national delegates, businesses and
leaders from NGOs. The summit will focus on actions toward meeting difficult
challenges, including improving people's lives and conserving our natural

ITiRA 2002: Information Technology in Regional Areas
Tue 27 August 2002 - Thu 29 August 2002
<b>Rockhampton, Australia</b>

The Conference aims to examine strategies, research and applications for the
introduction and use of Information Technology in Regional Areas. For more
information, visit

Multimedia Asia 2002
Thu 5 September 2002 - Sat 7 September 2002
<b>Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia </b>

This year's theme, "Agenda eAsia: Sustainable E-Business Strategies In a
Globalised Environment," looks into how to sustain businesses in the midst
of rapid development of information and communication technology.

Youth Employment Summit
Wed 11 September 2002 - Sun 15 September 2002
<b>Alexandria, Egypt</b>

Hosted by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, YES2002 will take
place in the historic Library of Alexandria. Over 2,000 people will
participate in the Summit, of which 1,000 will be youth.

Knowledge Society Round Table
Mon 16 September 2002 - Tue 17 September 2002
<b>Dhaka, Bangladesh</b>

This is a follow-up initiative of BFES after the successful Conference on
Towards Building a Knowledge Society: The Role of NGOs, held last January in

Telecommunications Privatisation and Competition in Africa
Sun 22 September 2002 - Fri 27 September 2002
<b>Cambridge, UK</b>

AITEC Africa and TM Training Solutions have collaborated to produce a unique
training programme that addresses the need to develop the strategy, policy
and regulatory expertise necessary to migrate to a more competitive and
liberalised telecommunications environment in Africa, while drawing
extensively on international experience.

Consultation on Agricultural Information Management (COAIM)
Mon 23 September 2002 - Wed 25 September 2002
<b>Rome, Italy</b>

COAIM is a biannual meeting that brings together policy-makers, funding
agencies and major players in all the relevant fields of agricultural
information, as well as observers from the United Nations and the
non-governmental organization community. For more information, visit (

Workshop on Science Communication for Sustainable Development
Sun 29 September 2002 - Thu 3 October 2002
<b>Entebbe, Uganda </b>

SciDev.Net is holding a four-day workshop  on Science Communication for
Sustainable Development. It will bring together a group of scientists,
public relations officers and journalists, along with professionals from
academies of science, government departments, science and technology policy
institutions and NGOs.

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Andy Carvin
Senior Associate
Benton Foundation



Date:    Thu, 1 Aug 2002 14:45:56 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Last: posting for Thursday, August 1, 2002

Last: posting for Thursday, August 1, 2002

NOTE: This is primarily for website/newsgroup readers.

If list subscribers do not want to see this notice any longer, send the
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End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 1 Aug 2002 (#2002-481)

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