There are 8 messages totalling 616 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. RESOUR> [netsites] Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
  2. MISC> [netsites] The Great Seal
  3. K12> IMSA Information Literacy News
  4. BOOK> XPath & XPointer Released by O'Reilly
  5. K12> PROJECTS:  50 State and More postcard exchange
  6. K12> Re: WEB, ADMIN: Free web hosting for teachers - 2 msgs
  7. K12> PROFDEV: Forum to feature Friendship Through Education
  8. K12> PROFDEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 18, 2002

For individual postings,
send the message: set net-happenings mail

To Unsubscribe, click and send (no body or subject: required)

Net-happenings mailing list is a service of
Classroom Connect -

Archives for Net-happenings can be found at:



Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 06:40:39 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

From: "Dr. Y U Morostay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:49:15 -0700
Subject: [netsites] Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

"The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to assure the
development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis and to
improve the quality of life for those with the disease."

Dr. Yennea U. Morostay


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 06:42:14 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] The Great Seal

From: "Philip Lomoas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:12:49 -0700
Subject: [netsites] The Great Seal

The Great Seal of the United States

"Learn the history and this national emblem that conveys the spirit and
vision of America's founders."

Philip Lomoas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> IMSA Information Literacy News

From: "Christopher Kolar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 15:16:46 -0500

Information Literacy News from the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
[To subscribe, send an empty message to

Infoliteracy News for August  19, 2002:

1. Ultrabar for IE: Wizard Capable!
2. Two Pew Studies
3. Review "How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom"
4. Bob Houston Joins IMSA Team
5. 21st Century Project Now Taking Applications
6. July Server Changes

1.Ultrabar for IE: Wizard Capable!

If you are an Internet Explorer user and a fan of the Google toolbar, you
take a look at Ultrabar. ( Ultrabar is a free IE toolbar that
allows you to search a variety of engines, including engines that you add
yourself.  It will also highlight  your search terms in the documents that are

Putting Ultrabar to their word, we followed the instructions for adding a
engine and are happy to report that the IMSA Search Wizard will work. If you
want to try it yourself then install Ultrabar, click on the search engine
selection button and choose "customize search engines," and then add the IMSA
Wizard with the following query string:

Depending on your mail reader you may need to remove the line breaks, the above

string should be a single, uninterrupted line.

2.Two Pew Studies on Internet Use

There have been a couple of articles this past month that we found of
interest. The Pew Internet & American Life project released "Search Engines: a
Pew Project Data Memo."  This short paper contains a lot of interesting
information about how the general population uses search engines in their daily

life.  In addition to some basic use data and demographic information, there
sections that specifically report on "detective" activity (looking for
information pertaining to people), health, and religion. The Pew report is
available both online and in PDF format at:

The Pew project recently released another report on the use of the Internet as
an information resource.  The second study focuses  on how students use the
Internet not only in research situations, but a variety of school management
personal information needs.  It offers a wealth of useful information on what
students think and do, and includes details on teacher, administration, and
policy issues.   "The Digital Disconnect: The widening gap between
Internet-savvy students and their schools" is available online at:

3.Review "How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom"

Lora Kaisler, IMSA's Coordinator of Online Learning, recently finished reading
the new book edited by Ellen Meyers "How to Use the Internet in Your
Lora writes:

"How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom" shares practical tips on everything

from email and research to virtual field trips and grant proposals. This book
takes you from novice to expert at your own pace with plenty of helpful tips
examples along the way. Applicable to teachers of any subject matter and grade
level, the content covers web quest design, virtual textbooks, web page
construction, web site evaluation, and learning style diversification. Written
in a friendly, easy to follow manner, you won't want to put it down.

Meyers, Ellen, Ed. (2002). "How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom, By
Teachers For Teachers: A guide for teachers, technology coordinators, staff
developers, administrators, and other educators about teaching and learning in
the new media classroom." NY: Teachers Network.

4. Bob Houston Joins IMSA Team

We are happy to announce that Bob Houston has joined the Online Learning team
working on the 21"' Century Information Fluency grant. Bob is the Project
Coordinator, he will be responsible for project operations as we scale delivery

of our curriculum to a state-wide audience. Bob joins use from Lucent
Technologies where he was a senior project manager for IT and data initiatives.

5.21st Century Project Now Taking Applications

The application for schools that want to participate in the 21st Century
Information Fluency program is now on the web. Illinois middle and high schools

that are interested in participating can find information at  The application deadline for our Fall session is

September 9.

6.July Server Changes to toolkit and wizard

This newsletter was originally slated for July, but we delayed it while we made

several significant server changes.  The Internet Search Wizard
( is now on a more powerful server.  This will help us to meet
increased user loads and will also provide a capable platform for the
Information Literacy portal that we will launch this Fall.

At the same time we retired the IMSA Information Toolkit (
Toolkit was our original Internet information search site.  All of the
functionality and tools are now part of the Wizard environment or will be
to the new portal.  Web page links and browser bookmarks that point to the old
Toolkit address will automatically forward to the new Wizard address so
and instructors should not be impacted.

This news and information is brought to you by the Online Learning team at the
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (

Christopher G. Kolar
   Coordinator of Information Technology Integration
   Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- --  PGP Public Key ID: 0xC6492C72
        Information literacy news, tools, and programs:


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BOOK> XPath & XPointer Released by O'Reilly

From: "Kathryn Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 13:57:57 -0700 (PDT)

For Immediate Release
August 19, 2002
For more information, a review copy, cover art, or an interview with
the author, contact:
Kathryn Barrett (707) 827-7094 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Locating Content in XML Documents Just Became Easier
O'Reilly Releases "XPath and XPointer"

Sebastopol, CA--Without pausing to wonder why anyone would ever want or
need to find a needle in a haystack, we can assume that it would be a
fairly tedious task, almost as difficult as referring to specific
information inside an XML document. The challenge in either case is how
to differentiate what you're looking for from everything that surrounds
it. Although there are as yet few helpful tools for finding needles in
haystacks, XML developers can turn to XPath and XPointer, two closely
related languages that play a key role in XML processing by allowing
developers to manipulate embedded information. XPath is used for
locating XML content within an XML document; XPointer is the standard
for addressing such content, once located. Developers will find all the
information they need to begin using these two technologies in
O'Reilly's latest release, "XPath and XPointer" by John Simpson (US

This concise book fills an essential need for XML developers by dealing
with a topic that has been addressed inadequately until now. John
Simpson, author of's monthly XML Q&A column, offers practical
knowledge of the two languages that underpin XML, XSLT, and XLink.
"XPath and XPointer" cuts through basic theory and provides real-world
examples that developers can use right away.

"Understanding XPath is absolutely critical to using XSLT effectively,
as well numerous other XML-related standards and applications such as
XQuery, the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3, MSXML applications,
XForms, and even XML Schema," says Simpson. "The importance of XPointer
will grow enormously once the spec attains full W3C Recommendation
status and XLink and XPointer-aware applications become commonplace and
a little less 'bleeding edge' and theoretical."

Written for XML developers, document authors, and others with a need to
address specific portions of XML documents, "XPath and XPointer"
assumes a working knowledge of XML and XSLT. It begins with an
introduction to XPath basics. Readers will learn about location steps
and paths, XPath functions and numeric operators. After covering XPath
in depth, the book moves on to XPointer--its background, syntax, and
forms of addressing. By the time they have finished the book, readers
will know how to construct a full XPointer (one that uses an XPath
location path to address document content) and completely understand
both the XPath and XPointer features it uses.

"XPath and XPointer" contains material on the forthcoming XPath 2.0
spec, as well as versions 1.0 of both XPath and XPointer. A succinct
but thorough hands-on guide, no other book on the market provides
comprehensive information on these two key XML technologies in one

Additional resources:
An article by the author,"Of Grouping, Counting, and Context," can be
found at:

"XPath and XPointer" is also available on Safari Books Online,

Chapter 3, "Location Steps and Paths," is available free online at:

For more information about the book, including Table of Contents,
index, author bio, and samples, see:

For a cover graphic in jpeg format, go to:

XPath and XPointer
By John E. Simpson
ISBN 0-596-00291-2, 196 pages, $24.95 (US), $38.95 (CAN)

About O'Reilly
O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for
leading-edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences,
and web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators.
O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a
treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next
generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha
geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the
revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet to
XML, open source, .NET, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts
technologies on the map. For more information:

# # #

O'Reilly is a registered trademark of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. All
other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> PROJECTS:  50 State and More postcard exchange

From: "Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:13:42 -0700
Subject: PROJECTS:  50 State and More postcard exchange

Hi there!  We have been gathering classes across the U.S. to participate in our

postcard exchange.  Each class is responsible for sending out 49 postcards to
each of the states on our list plus additional territories and countries.  Our
goal is to have one representative from each state and we are almost half way

Can you help us?  Would you like to join?

We already have:

If we don't have a representative from your state, and you'd like to join,
please e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If we do have your state but you'd
still like to participate, e-mail me and let me know.  I have a few other
exchanges I can refer you to.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Donna Casano

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Re: WEB, ADMIN: Free web hosting for teachers - 2 msgs

From: "Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:07:51 -0700
Subject: Re: WEB, ADMIN: Free web hosting for teachers

I have run into the same issue.

Try the site at
It is very similar to teacherweb

Another - very easy but not graphic is

Hope this helps

Deb Brown
Shawnee Mission


I have tried four or five free web hosting services
and the two I like the best are:

1. Geocities

Has a free plan.
Statistics are available for all pages even under the free plan.
It's easy to use and includes an online page builder and wizard.
You can edit a page online.
Has good tech support and help pages.

Has a data transfer limit and will block your site for
an hour if you exceed your limit.
Your user name that you sign on with becomes your
website URL
A banner is added to all pages.

2. Freeservers

Has a free plan.
Has a site builder templates or you can create your own.
It's easy to use and offers good tech support.
You can choose your website name and the name appears
in the URL  http://yourname.freeservers,com.  You can
transfer a domain if you already have a site.
You can edit a page online.

Limits bandwidth and will block your site for the rest
of the month if you exceed allotted bandwidth.
Freeservers has no site statistics available under the free plan.
A banner add is placed at the top of all pages.

You can add a free site tracker on your home page.  A
goo one is offered by Extreme Tracking .

An additional free site that I like to use for
checking links is Link Scan

Best regards,

Kathryn Hake
Vocational Information Center

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> PROFDEV: Forum to feature Friendship Through Education

From: "Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 13:50:28 -0700
Subject: PROFDEV: Forum to feature Friendship Through Education

The "Friendship Through Education" program will be featured in the next
session of the TAPPED IN Social Studies forum, scheduled for 8 p.m.
Eastern (5 p.m. Pacific time), Wednesday, August 28.  TAPPED IN is
located at

Joining us for this session will be Ed Gragert of iEARN-USA, as well as
Bill Yotive from the UN CyberSchoolbus.

The Friendship Through Education (FTE) Consortium is committed to
creating opportunities that facilitate online and offline
interactions between the youth of the world, inside and outside of
classrooms, in order to build a culture of peace in which the
dignity and rights of all human beings are respected.

FTE was launched in September, 2001, with a commitment for expanded
links between U.S. schools and those in Islamic
countries, including Egypt, Indonesia, Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey, Bahrain
and Afghan refugee camps. Participants can link
students through letters, email, art, collaborative projects and
exchanges to foster mutual respect and greater understanding of
cultural differences.

The Consortium is made up of the following organizations, all with years
of experience in the field of global youth exchange:
UN CyberSchoolbus,, Global Schoolnet, iEARN, NetAid, Worldwise
Schools, People to People, Schools
Online, Sister Cities, and the US Fund for UNICEF

For more information, see

The FTE program was featured in a keynote session during NECC in June.
Additional information and coverage can be found at  White House: and
US Department of Education:

As always, TAPPED IN help desk staff will be onhand to assist new
users.  Persons with questions or wanting more information are welcome
to e-mail Michael Hutchison offlist.


Michael Hutchison

Michael Hutchison
2002 ISTE Outstanding Technology-Using Educator Award winner
2002 Indiana Computer Educators Teacher of the Year
Social Studies teacher
Lincoln High School, Vincennes, Indiana
home e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
school e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


Date:    Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:30:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> PROFDEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 18, 2002

From: "Classroom Connect -- Connected Teacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 13:49:42 -0700
Subject: PROFDEV: This Week At TAPPED IN August 18, 2002

After School Online (ASO) is a forum for educators.  The scheduled
events, designed for professional development, are open to everyone in
the TAPPED IN community and all guests.  Login at  If you are new to TAPPED IN, please login 10
minutes before the ASO event is scheduled to begin.  This will allow the
helpdesk volunteers to get you where you need to be.

Print out this weekly schedule as a quick reference to what's happening;
you can get a monthly view and description of the events online at our
Time-Zone Friendly Calendar:

Go to the url below each event for descriptions of the individual
Sunday, August 18
* Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning
5:00-6:00am PDT/8:00-9:00am EDT/12:00-13:00 GMT
Read about this discussion online at
Monday, August 19
* Adaptations for Student Success
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at
Tuesday, August 20
* NEW! Oz Time Tours and Tips/Campfire Meeting
2:00-3:00am PDT/5:00-6:00am EDT/09:00-10:00 GMT/7:00-8:00AEST
Read about this discussion online at

* TAPPED IN Tours and Tips
2:30-3:30pm PDT/5:30-6:30pm EDT/21:30-22:30 GMT
Read about this discussion online at

* Jigsaw Helper: Using the Jigsaw Method with the Web
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT
Read about this discussion online at
Wednesday, August 21
* Language Arts Forum
5:00-6:00pm PST/8:00-9:00pm EST
Read about this discussion online at
Thursday, August 22
* NEW! School Counselors: 9/11 and Back to School Activities
5:00-6:00pm PDT/8:00-9:00pm EDT/00:00-01:00 GMT
Read about this discussion online at
Saturday, August 24
* TAPPED IN Tours and Tips
11:00am-12noon PDT/2:00-3:00pm EDT/18:00-19:00 GMT
Sunday, August 25
* Writing for Webheads: World friendship thru lang. learning
5:00-6:00am PDT/8:00-9:00am EDT/12:00-13:00 GMT

Respectfully submitted,
BJ Berquist
Associate Educator, TAPPED IN

To send a resource or project announcement to our list, please address
your email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A free service moderated by Classroom Connect's Teacher Community
host, Paul Heller, this email list is archived at Connected Teacher:


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 19 Aug 2002 to 20 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-514)

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