There are 8 messages totalling 608 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. K12 [NOVA Teachers] Week of September 3, 2002
  2. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 14-18  The Global Water Sampling Project
     - revised
  3. K12> August bigchalk Library Product Bulletin
  4. K12> designing teacher web pages
  5. K12> Hit: Civil War & 5th grade, Pt.1
  6. K12> Hit:Civil War & 5th grade, Pt. II
  7. MISC> [netsites] The Computer Lady
  8. K12> [netsites] Technology School of the Future

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Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:48:34 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12 [NOVA Teachers] Week of September 3, 2002

Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:40:53 -0400
Subject: [NOVA Teachers] Week of September 3, 2002

Hello Educators,

We're sending you this e-mail announcement to alert you to a special
NOVA report airing Tuesday, September 3, titled "Killer Disease on Campus."
This program looks at the disease commonly known as meningococcal
meningitis, which may be on the rise in college campuses, and outlines
warning signs that can indicate the disease. Find the companion
Web site at: nova/meningitis/

A classroom lesson will be available on August 28 at: nova/teachers/programs/2909_meningit.html

Also, tune in Tuesday, August 27, for a repeat showing of NOVA's
"Cracking the Code of Life," a program that chronicles the race to
sequence the human genome. Tell us your thoughts about the program
and the companion Web site via our online survey at: nova/genome/

Choose the "Give Us Your Feedback" icon to fill out the survey.
Your feedback will help ensure future projects like this are
interesting and useful to all viewers.

Our regular weekly e-mail announcements will resume at the end of
September, one week prior to NOVA's October 1st fall premiere,
"Mysterious Life of Caves."

Karen Hartley
NOVA Online Teachers

             * * * * * * * *

Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Park Foundation, the
Northwestern Mutual Foundation, and Sprint(R). Additional
funding is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and
public television viewers.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:57:47 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 14-18  The Global Water Sampling
         Project - revised

Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:24:18 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 14-18  The Global Water Sampling Project

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its worldwide 
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to 

Project Information
Project Author: Liesl Hotaling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: The Global Water Sampling Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 9/09/02 to 11/15/02

Project Summary:
Students will be teaming up around the globe to test fresh water.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Science

Technologies Used: Email, Web Based Discussion Forum

Project Sponsor: CIESE

Full Project Description:
Students will be teaming up around the globe to test fresh water.  Join us in a 
collaborative project where students will perform the following tests; temperature, 
pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, carbon dioxide, phosphates, nitrates, 
turbidity, and coliform bacteria.  Students will submit their results to the project 
web site, which will be posted to a database for all participants to examine.  During 
the project, students can discuss their questions, finding, and theories with other 
participants.  Final reports will be posted on the project web site.  Please see the 
project web site for more details.

The project has two specific purposes; 1) to access the quality of water based on 
physical characteristics, chemical substances, and biological indicators, and 2) to 
look for relationships and trends among the data collected by all project participants.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 8/15/02 to 11/09/02

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 14 to 18 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Registration Instructions:
Registration Information:  There is NO FEE required to join this project.  All that we 
ask is that you review the project requirements posted on the web site and join only 
if you can meet the requirements.

Project Contact Information
Liesl Hotaling - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Leader -  CIESE
Hoboken, New Jersey US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:56:45 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> August bigchalk Library Product Bulletin

From: "bigchalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 08:46:51 EDT
Subject: August bigchalk Library Product Bulletin

Dear bigchalk Library Subscriber,

Welcome back to school!

Library Media Specialists are raving about bigchalk's
back to school web resources! Back to School with bigchalk
has recently been launched to help you promote your library
and develop effective researchers. Quick Start Guides,
teacher and student resources, PowerPoint presentations,
logos and launcher icons, how to access your usage statistics,
and more are available to you now at:

Here's your August power search tip for bigchalk Library
-- a great way to help motivate and engage your students in
research activities!

This year the United States celebrates Labor Day on Monday,
September 2. Most people recognize Labor Day as the end
of summer, and a day off from work and school. What is the
true meaning behind Labor Day and how did it originate?

Click the Browse Topics tab from the bigchalk Library home
page. Enter the Browse Topics search query: Labor Day.
The results list includes numerous titles describing the
history of the U.S. labor movement!

For those who had the chance to join us for our VIP Breakfast
on June 17 at the ALA Conference, we thank you for your
participation. We were thrilled with your response. As one
VIP attendee put it so well:

"WOW! I absolutely loved your speaker at the breakfast.
Jacki was simply marvelous. I really was moved by her
remarks, her style and her keen sense of what we
(librarians) are all about."

In response to high demand, we have posted Jacki's speech
on bigchalk's web site. To read or hear her speech, The
Browsing Room, go to:

Pass this along to your History teachers!

The complete backfile (1851-1999) of The New York Times has been
fully digitized as part of ProQuest Historical Newspapers'
program.  With this project's completion, the esteemed national
newspaper becomes the first paper in the program to be fully
digitized and available to library and education customers.
To "Read All About It," click the link for the full article

bigchalk offers ProQuest databases to K-12 schools through an
exclusive agreement with ProQuest Information and Learning. For
more information, contact your area representative at 1.800.860.9228.

Help teachers, parents and students start off the new
year on the right foot at bigchalk's portal Web site!
Pass along these links to your school community:

Teachers: Ease the transition for you and your students,
set up a great teaching and learning environment this
year, tap into the latest standards and assessment news,
and more:

Students: Cope with back-to-school stress, hone your
study skills, learn how to make a great first impression
on your teachers, plus start preparing with info on SATs,
applications, and financial aid:

Parents: Cultivate your children?s intellectual growth
and promote their readiness for learning, and tap into a
variety of sources aimed at helping you keep your kids
healthy and happy, with information on immunizations,
fitness, nutritious lunches, school safety, and
personal development:


1. Enter to win great prizes with bigchalk's Back to
School Blast and make this the best school year yet!

Prizes include:
-- Siemens Gigaset Cordless phones from
-- Photoshop(R) Elements software from Adobe(R)
-- Game Boy Advance Handhelds from

Enter today -- click here:

2. Win a $5,000 scholarship! bigchalk has teamed up
with A&E's "Biography" to challenge students to explore
the life and times of a famous figure, then write a
short biography. Sponsoring educators can win special
classroom prizes.

3. Find great ideas for your finance curriculum and win
fantastic prizes for your classroom with VISA's
Practical Money Skills for Life Educator Challenge.
Enter by September 30, 2002.

Please feel free to forward this product bulletin
to other educators in your subscribing institution.
Encourage them to sign up for our ProQuest, bigchalk
Library, and eLibrary bulletins as appropriate.

Thanks for your subscription, and please call bigchalk
Customer Service at 800.247.7198 if you have any questions.

Your bigchalk Team


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:57:58 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> designing teacher web pages

Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:25:08 -0700
Subject: designing teacher web pages
From: "J Cravens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Web pages are a great way to reach outside your classroom to connect with
people and resources around the globe. There are many good reasons to
build school or class web pages, including, introducing visitors to
activities, linking to quality online resources, publishing student work,
and sharing local curriculum and information.  Thousands of teachers
around the world have developed websites. This easy-to-use website
explores some of these websites and examines how these educators are using
their pages to support teaching and learning.  The website also links to
numerous free web hosting services for teachers.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:58:36 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Hit: Civil War & 5th grade, Pt.1

From: "Nancy Dickinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:17:07 -0500
Subject: Hit: Civil War & 5th grade, Pt.1

Thanks to so many people for their suggestions regarding working with 5th
graders on the Civil War. Here is my original target followed by my hit.

The fifth grade will be studying the Civil War almost immediately. I have
checked the archives but don't find anything that will help me think of a
great project for them to do. I would really like to wow these teachers
right off the bat!

Do the students read any fiction related to the Civil War?   Gary paulsen's
SOLDIER"S HEART is a natural.
Our kids read Soldier's Heart in 6th grade; they look at selected photos the
Brady collection on the American Memory Site  (  Good way to
introduce kids to primary sources and photo anaylsis.

Also, our  county  historical society has a web site about Company K at
Gettysburg.  Charley Goddard, the main character in Soldier's Heart was in
Comapny K.   That web site has diaries and photos.  Also, we have a local
site about Winona history (Charley Goddard's home
town) and it has some Goddard inforamtion at a very readable level.

I just attended a class which taught us to write WebQuests, and there are
several good ones on the subject of the Civil War.  There are too many to
list, but a Google search of "Civil War Webquest" will turn up dozens.
These are fun, challenging to the students, show a great use of technology,
and are not a lot of work for the teacher.  They MAY, however, require more
Internet expertise than the students have at this time.

I would start or end your unit with a very powerful easy book which many
people thought would win the Caldecott Medal the year it was published: Pink
and Say by Patricia Polacco.

I think you should do something with primary documents. There are quite a
few available for Civil War. I have a variety that I work with. I intro it
with a "Mystery Document" type activity in teams. Each team examines a
document and answers questions about it. then reports back to the group. I
use 4-5 different types of documents, to show them the variety and to show
that different information can be learned from different types of documents.
I may be able to get you some that I use, but I'm sure you can easily locate
a variety. Let me know if you need more info on my lesson.
  After the intro, I show them the Library of Congress lesson and they
each have to locate a picture of interest to them, print it, and write about
it. You could have them each locate a civil war picture or document and do
this, or have groups focus on finding info about certain battles. . . lots
of opportunities.
  It could work into a 3 or 4 library class unit, depending on the time
each class is in the library and depending on the number of computers you
  This also works with other topics and grade levels. I start it all off
with a letter I found online that is written to Paul Revere by his wife
Rachel, telling him it wasn't safe to return to town! They loved the fact
that she sent him money with the letter.... until I tell them that he never
got the letter and probably didn't get the money either.

A few years ago I did a project with fifth graders about slavery, may be
this could be connected with the Civil War unit.  Look at this site
( which has photos and
words of true former slaves.  My fifth graders each chose one former slave
to "get to know", wrote a mini-journal answering certain questions (some
posed by me), etc.  The impact of meeting these real people, reading their
language, their reminiscences of what really happened when they were
children, etc. was
very powerful.
I've done picture books on the Civil War with 7th
graders.  That was fun.  The teacher and I selected
several books on that theme, had the kids break into
groups to read them.  The kids then discuess the book
within that group and then broke up into groups with
one reader for each book and discussed.
I don't have all the particulars but discussions
included things you already knew about the CW and how
it fit into the story;  things you didn't know about
the CW, themes that still apply today ;
illustrations, etc.
I created a Pathfinder specifically for the library I was working in that
dealt with slavery during the Civil War period - while the resources are
fairly specific, you may have some of the same books and/or access to the
websites mentioned. (included attachment)

Part II to follow!

Nancy Dickinson, Librarian
Hillsboro Elem. School
Hillsboro, TN 37342

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Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:58:55 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Hit:Civil War & 5th grade, Pt. II

From: "Nancy Dickinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:24:28 -0500
Subject: Hit:Civil War & 5th grade, Pt. II

Here is part II of the hit on ideas for a project for 5th graders on the
Civil War. Thanks for the ideas!

Last year I did the following webquest with our fifth graders.  We had a
great time!
I had to modify it a little bit because some of the links were blocked by
our filter (mostly the ones on weapons).  I then just printed out the pages
and had them available for the students.  Also, some of the links were not
straight forward enough, so I found alternatives.  It was great fun though
and worth the time!
Another activity we did was do a "Who's Who in the Civil War book".  The
student each had an historical figure (I can e-mail you a list of people if
you'd like), the wrote an acrostic name poem that included characteristics
and accomplishments of that person, wrote up findings of an interview or
they pretended they were introducing that person to an audience.  It was fun
If you would like to use the Underground Railroad as a topic to fit in with
the civil war unit, I could send you a unit I did with 5th grade.  It
involved reading some picture books, visiting websites and showing a video
at the end

I wouldn't come up with a project myself.  I'd help with the project the
teacher assigns. What my 4th & 5th grade students need to know most is how
to take notes,
organize the notes into their own paragraphs and write a bibliography. Make
sure they use several different types of sources -- books, encyclopedias,
magazines, Internet, videos if available.  Help them recognize important
facts and practice using indexes, alphabetical order, effective searching,

If the teachers do not assign a project, I would look at all my various
sources and write questions that are unique to that source.  I would then
divide students into groups and give them different questions.  They answer
the question and write a bibliography for the source.  Writing the
questions is very time-consuming, especially if you write a lot of different
questions.  However, once it's done it can be used year after year.

One project that I always liked to do with my MIddle Schoolers is an
Alphabet book.  This can be adapted for any grade level and any subject.  I
would give the kids a rubric and show them an example (A is for America is
one I can think of right now).  The kids really got into it, especially when
trying to be different than everyone else.  I have done this with 6th/7th as
well as HS kids.  Please let me know if you want a sample rubric or anything
like that.

There are a lot of topics that can be used for reports: each battle (some
cities had battles twice), weapons, ships, railroads, African American
soldiers, uniforms, food, etc.

Y'all are great! Thanks for all the help and offers of more help!

Nancy Dickinson, Librarian
Hillsboro Elem. School
Hillsboro, TN 37342

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Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:59:23 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [netsites] The Computer Lady

From: "Phast Byder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:37:20 -0700
Subject: [netsites] The Computer Lady

The Computer Lady

"Based in Maine, The Computer Lady works from home building & repairing
computers, & answers your computer problems online. Need technical
support for Windows XP or help with Windows ME?  Computer Help is here
for you."

Phast Byder


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:59:44 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [netsites] Technology School of the Future

From: "Margaret Christopher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:15:21 -0700
Subject: [netsites] Technology School of the Future

Technology School of the Future

"Learning Technologies S.A. consists of two DETE groups the Technology
School of The Future (TSoF) and Learning Technologies Project. TSoF is
a South Australian Department of Education, Training and Employment
centre promoting best use of learning technologies in schools. The
centre offers professional development and on-line support for teachers
and is involved in ongoing research into the impact of learning
technologies on student learning. The Technology School of the Future
works in partnerships with industry to further identify emerging
technologies and extend their use into the curriculum. The Learning
Technologies Project is a a part of the DECSTech 2001's Learning
Technologies project, which is focused on continuing to embed learning
technologies into mainstream education."

Margie Christopher
University of Australia at Kalgoorlie


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 26 Aug 2002 to 27 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-532)

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