There are 10 messages totalling 677 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

  1. ***> Survey from Moderator <***
  2. K12> [SCIENCE] Math, Science, Technology in the News
  3. MISC> [SCIENCE] Electronic Publishing In Science
  4. K12> Free Children's Math Game
  5. PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 12-14  Healthy Meals
  6. BOOK> Dark Fiber - Tracking Critical Internet Culture
  7. K12> [SOCIAL-STUDIES] [Fwd: President Announces National Initiative on
     American History]
  8. EZINE> [netsites] Magatopia
  9. K12> Sign up for NASA's New Online Robotics Course!
 10. K12> University of Northern Iowa Online Professional Development Begins

If you want to unsubscribe, click and send (no body or subject: required)

Archives for Net-happenings can be found at:



Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 06:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ***> Survey from Moderator <***

Just a quick note.

As some of you may already know, Classroom Connect has made
some reorganization changes, and I will be leaving Classroom Connect.

However, since I have retained the rights to the list, and taking them with
me, I am looking at other options for the list.

Please keep in mind this is ONLY a survey for my own information.  IF and
WHEN any changes are made in the future, I will notify you.

The list has been a free service, however, due to the changes, I am taking a
survey to see if you would be interested in continuing your list subscription
for a yearly fee.

The fee would be based on the calander year [January-January].

Please indicate your preference for a yearly subscription fee:

0 - you do not wish to pay a yearly fee

1 - $  5.00 per year per list

2 - $10.00 per year per list

** Please note that your subscription will also give you access to the list
website **

Please send your response to:

Thanks for your time, and your time is appreciated.

List Moderator


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 07:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [SCIENCE] Math, Science, Technology in the News

Date:         Wed, 18 Sep 2002 05:39:34 -0400
From:         Snbeach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [SCIENCE] Math, Science, Technology in the News
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Math, Science, Technology in the News
  - Evolutionary Origins of "Red Tide" Life Support Revealed
    National Science Foundation, September 16

  - Hunting for Gravity Waves: Observatory Seeks Signs of Einstein's
    Elusive Ripples [extended coverage; RealAudio file]
    NPR (National Public Radio) Online All Things Considered, September 16

  - Iceman's last meals were of venison, goat
    The St. Petersburg Times (FL), September 17

  - Ocean Drilling Program Explores Climate Change in the Southeast Pacific
    National Science Foundation, September 16

  - Old galaxies have youthful shine
    BBC News, September 17

  - Slapper worm threatens net attack
    BBC News, September 17

  - Today's Headlines
    ScienceDaily, September 17

  - Without Blue Crabs, Southern Salt Marshes Wash Away
    National Science Foundation, September 16

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, MEd., MCT, MCP
Electronic Communications Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Connected University Guide
Virginia and Science List Host
2002 VBCPS Teacher of the Year


To post a message to the list, send your email to

Tell other Science teachers about the SCIENCE list!

You can read the list archives at


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 07:00:00 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MISC> [SCIENCE] Electronic Publishing In Science

Date:         Wed, 18 Sep 2002 05:42:08 -0400
From:         Snbeach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [SCIENCE] Electronic Publishing In Science
To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 08:31:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David P. Dillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This report will be of great interest to those concerned about publication
issues of scientific research as well as to those involved with
intellectual property issues in publishing.

Electronic Publishing In Science Seizing The Moment: Scientists'
Authorship Rights In  The Digital Age

This new report is the result of a AAAS project that examined intellectual
property issues associated with electronic publishing in science. The
emergence of electronic journals in scientific publication has the
potential to transform the management and communication of scientific
information, and stakeholders associated with scientific publishing are
engaged in assessing their promises and pitfalls. What seems clear is that
electronic publication is not likely to reach its full potential without a
stable legal framework that balances the protection of researchers'
intellectual property with the open dissemination and exchange of
scientific information.

The report of the project describes the challenges that advances in
information technology pose for intellectual property law, and identifies
a set of "core values" that should be embedded in a system of scientific


HTML and .PDF versions of this full report as well as of the executive
summary can be found through hyperlink icons at the URL listed above.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Home Page

AAAS Site Map

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204-4584


Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, MEd., MCT, MCP
Electronic Communications Specialist
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Connected University Guide
Virginia and Science List Host
2002 VBCPS Teacher of the Year


To post a message to the list, send your email to

Tell other Science teachers about the SCIENCE list!
You can read the list archives at


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 07:51:42 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Free Children's Math Game

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 05:28:14 -0700
Subject: Free Children's Math Game
From: "Jim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: k12.ed.math

Monkey Math is a children's math game that I created. It tests skills
in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; and it is free
for download.  The game will run on Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP.

You can download it here:

I would like to make some improvements to the game, and so I welcome
your feedback.  You can leave me feedback here:

Jim McKenzie Smith

submissions: post to k12.ed.math or e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
private e-mail to the k12.ed.math moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
newsgroup website:
newsgroup charter:


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:05:19 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROJ> [Hilites => Projects] Ages 12-14  Healthy Meals

Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:11:12 -0700
Subject: [Hilites => Projects] Ages 12-14  Healthy Meals

Global SchoolNet Foundation provides this service free of charge to its worldwide 
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SEND REPLIES, questions, comments to 

Project Information
Project Author: Anne Marie Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Project Title: Healthy Meals

Project Begin & End Dates: 11/18/02 to 12/16/02

Project Summary:
1.Students will recognize factors that influence their food choices

2.Students will use the Food Guide Pyramid to make healthy food choices.

3.Students will understand the importance of a varied diet.

4.Students will investigate how diets change from culture to culture, but still meet 
the requirements of a healthy meal plan.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Health and Physical Education

Technologies Used: Email


Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Registration Acceptance Dates: 11/19/02 to 12/06/02

Number of Classrooms: 20

Age Range: 12 to 14 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL:

Project Contact Information
Anne Marie Barr - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
7th and 8th Grade Science and Health Teacher -  Baldwin-Wallace College
Berea, Ohio US

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - K-12 Project Announcements
Unsubscribe at

Global SchoolNet Foundation: Communicate, collaborate, & celebrate learning!
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ph:(760)635-0001  Fax:(760)635-0003

Global SchoolNet is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization. GSN,
a developer of online content since 1984, partners with schools, communities
and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare
students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global

For more information about the services and programs provided by Global
SchoolNet, please visit


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:06:16 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BOOK> Dark Fiber - Tracking Critical Internet Culture

From: "David Weininger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:47:25 -0400

I thought readers of might be interested in this book.  
For more information please visit

Dark Fiber
Tracking Critical Internet Culture
Geert Lovink

According to media critic Geert Lovink, the Internet is being closed off by 
corporations and governments intent on creating a business and information environment 
free of dissent. Calling himself a radical media pragmatist, Lovink envisions an 
Internet culture that goes beyond the engineering culture that spawned it to bring 
humanities, user groups, social movements, nongovernmental organizations (NG)s), 
artists, and cultural critics into the core of Internet development.

In Dark Fiber, Lovink combines aesthetic and ethical concerns and issues of navigation 
and usability without ever losing sight of the cultural and economic agendas of those 
who control hardware, software, content, design, and delivery. He examines the 
unwarranted faith of the cyber-libertarians in the ability of market forces to create 
a decentralized, accessible communication system. He studies the inner dynamics of 
hackers' groups, Internet activists, and artists, seeking to understand the social 
laws of online life. Finally, he calls for the injection of political and economic 
competence into the community of freedom-loving cyber-citizens, to wrest the Internet 
from corporate and state control.

The topics include the erosion of email, bandwidth for all, the rise and fall of 
dot-com mania, techno-mysticism, sustainable social networks, the fight for a public 
Internet time standard, the strategies of Internet activists, mailing list culture, 
and collaborative text filtering. Stressing the importance of intercultural 
collaboration, Lovink includes reports from Albania, where NGOs and artists use edia 
to combat the country's poverty and isolation; from Taiwan, where the September 1999 
earthquake highlighted the cultural politics of the Internet; and from Delhi, where a 
edia center explores free software, public access, and Hindi interfaces.

Geert Lovink is an independent media theorist and net critic based in Australia. He is 
the founder of nettime mailing lists, a member of Adilkno, and a cofounder of the 
online community server Digital City.

"Geert Lovink taught me how to think critically about technology, and I always turn to 
him for thoughtful and humane analysis. Too few technology writers have any sense of 
social and cultural context, and too few technology critics have an appreciation of 
why people find technologies attractive and how they improve people's lives. I 
recommend Dark Fiber to those who haven't yet learned to think critically about 
Internet technology and the culture that has grown up around it, and to those critics 
who fail to see the real advantages afforded by the Internet."
--Howard Rheingold, author of The Virtual Community

7 x 9, 396 pp., cloth, ISBN 0-262-12249-9

Electronic Culture series

David Weininger
Associate Publicist
The MIT Press
5 Cambridge Center, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA  02142
617 253 2079
617 253 1709 fax


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:06:54 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> [SOCIAL-STUDIES] [Fwd: President Announces National Initiative on
         American History]

From: "Michael Hutchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:24:16 -0500
Subject: [SOCIAL-STUDIES] [Fwd: President Announces National Initiative on American 

Hi, everyone,

This appeared in the NCSS list today.

Michael H.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: President Announces National Initiative on American History
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 01:24:16 -0400
From: "Mark Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

President Bush Announces National Initiative on American History,
Civics, and Service

Today President George W. Bush observed the 215th anniversary of the signing
of the United States Constitution by announcing a national initiative titled
“Our Documents: A National Initiative on American History, Civics, and
Service.”  “Our Documents” was created through a collaboration between
National History Day (NHD), the National Archives and Records
Administration, the Corporation for National and Community Service and
the USA Freedom Corps in order to promote public exploration and
understanding of how our rights and responsibilities as Americans have taken shape
over time.

This link will direct you to a PDF file that has an in-depth overview of
the "Our Documents" project:

Download a PDF version of the "Our Documents poster that was unveiled at
the rose garden reception:

You can also learn more by going to or

“Our Documents” invites all Americans to participate in a series of events
and programs to get us thinking, talking and teaching about the rights and
responsibilities of citizens in our democracy.  The project includes
workshops, town meetings, competitions, and votes for students, teachers,
parents and the general public.  “Our Documents” revolves around 100
milestone American documents drawn from thousands of public laws,
Supreme Court decisions, inaugural speeches, treaties, constitutional
amendments, and other national artifacts that have shaped us as a people and that
are part of our nation’s archives.  Beginning with the Lee Resolution of
1776 and culminating with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 these documents
reflect our diversity, our unity, and our commitment as a nation to continue the
work of forming “a more perfect union.”

The goal of “Our Documents” is to engage students, teachers, parents, and
the general public in reading these historical documents and ask them to
vote at for the one they consider the most significant.
Through this process Americans will explore the nation’s civic legacy
and reflect on the meanings of citizenship in a republican democracy.

Through the course of the school year “Our Documents” will engage students
and teachers in the 2002-2003 National History Day program theme “Rights
and Responsibilities in History.”  Students across America will explore
their rights and responsibilities by creating original performances,
documentaries, papers, or three-dimensional exhibits as part of
“Understanding Our Documents: A National Competition for Students.”
History and social studies teachers will also have the opportunity to develop
document-based lesson plans for national awards and distribution.
“Teaching Our Documents: A Lesson Competition for Educators” invites teachers to
develop and test a classroom lesson focusing on one or several of the 100
Milestone Documents in US History.  Educator and student awards will be
announced at the National History Day competition June 15-19, 2003 at the
University of Maryland at College Park.

Other projects and events involved in “Our Documents” include:

An Website with resources for teachers, students and others.

A poster distributed to schools across America to promote this special initiative
and focus America’s attention on understanding the past as a guide.

A source book of lessons related to the 100 significant documents in American
history.  The lessons are designed for classroom use and include enrichment
suggestions for further study and research of the 100 milestone documents.

Teacher workshops related to “Our Documents” in every state during the
2002-   2003 school year.

Video and CDROM based instructional materials for the classroom.

A live-televised town meeting on history and democracy, sponsored and
produced by The History Channel.

In inviting all Americans to participate in “Our Documents”, the
collaborators hope to keep the conversation started by the nation’s
founders on national rights and responsibilities alive in America’s classrooms.

National History Day is not just one day, but a yearlong education
organization that makes history come alive through educator professional
development and active student learning.  Effective educators like Chauncey
Veatch, 2002 National Teacher of the Year, incorporate NHD into their
curriculum and over 2 million people are annually engaged in NHD programs.
The organization has received the National Endowment for the Humanities
Charles Frankel Prize for public programming and is funded nationally by
Cargill, The History Channel, and other corporations, foundations and individuals.

For more information visit the official website at

CONTACT: Mark Robinson, National History Day, 301-314-9542;


To post a message to the list, send your email to

Tell other Social Studies teachers about the SOCIAL-STUDIES list!

To subscribe or unsubscribe from the list, visit

You can read the list archives at

The SOCIAL-STUDIES list is brought to you by Classroom Connect
<>, your place for Internet-based curriculum and
professional development for K-12 education.


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:07:06 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EZINE> [netsites] Magatopia

From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 19:09:10 -0500
Subject: [netsites] Magatopia


Gateway to over 1000 online magazine sites.  Just click and read your
favorite magazines online for free.



Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:07:23 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> Sign up for NASA's New Online Robotics Course!

From: "Bonnie Bracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:30:51 EDT
Subject: Sign up for NASA's New Online Robotics Course!

Sign up for NASA's New Online Robotics Course!

Come join NASA's top authorities in robotic technology for an exciting new
series of online, interactive lectures featuring the latest on NASA robotics.
Registered participants will be given opportunities to interact directly with
NASA experts as well as other robotics enthusiasts. NASA's series of eight
robotics lectures starts September 24, so sign-up now!

Best Regards,
The NASA Quest Team
__________ __________ __________


Date:    Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:07:35 -0500
From:    Gleason Sackmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: K12> University of Northern Iowa Online Professional Development
         Begins 9-23

From: "EDTECH Editor-Eiffert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:33:02 -0400
Subject: University of Northern Iowa Online Professional Development Begins 9-23

From: Joan Vandervelde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The University of Northern Iowa Web-based professional development
classes for technology coordinators, media specialists, and classroom
teachers begin on September 23, October 15 and November 4, 2002. Join us
as we begin our sixth year online!

Check each website to review dates, syllabus, textbook and required

* NEW! Advanced PowerPoint: Creating Multimedia Projects

* NEW! Effective Classroom Management Strategies
Sections for elementary, middle school and high school

* NEW! Teaching High School History with Technology

* NEW! Using Technology to Teach Social Studies in the Middle Grades

* NEW! Web Design for Media Specialists

* NEW! Teaching with a Multicultural Perspective

* NEW! The 21st Century Media Specialist: Survival Strategies

* Video/Audio Digital Editing for Classroom Projects

* Staff Development for Technology Integration

* Using Inspiration® & Kidspiration to Increase Reading Comprehension

* Bullying in Schools: What Teachers, Counselors, Administrators Can Do

* Teaching Writing with the 6-Traits
Sections for Elementary, Middle and High School

* Inclusion - Strategies and Assistive Technologies (ESL and Special

* Teaching Middle School with the WWW

* Digital Photography Basics for the Classroom Teacher

* Beginning Excel®: Spreadsheets are for Everyone

* Web Design for Classroom Teachers

* WebTools - Creating Rubrics, Quizzes, Surveys, Homework Bulletin

The demand for online education is growing as teachers discover the
flexibility of earning professional development credits without leaving
home. All classes are asynchronous format, where you log in several
times weekly from your home or school computer at hours convenient to

For more information, review the catalog descriptions and frequently
asked questions.

Online registration is available at:

Each class is limited to 20 participants per section on a first come,
first serve basis. Select university billing, credit card, or school
invoice for tuition payment. No payment is due at the time of

Joan Vandervelde
Director, Online Professional Development
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0613
Phone: (319) 273-2202
Fax: (319) 273-7298
Home Page:
What's New?
Gallery of Past Projects:

Edtech Archives, posting guidelines and other information are at:
Please include your name, email address, and school or professional
affiliation in each posting.


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 17 Sep 2002 to 18 Sep 2002 - Special issue (#2002-571)

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