Den 02-12-2010 04:39, Robert Story skrev:
> MF>  So the result of this is that the tunnel mib is unsupported on linux,
> MF>  *bsd, solaris and darwin* nowadays.
> :-(

It DOES compile in my standard setup, which is CentOS and Ubuntu with (I 
have a feeling that it uses ioctls which are Linux specific)

> ../net-snmp-src/configure \
>     --enable-new-features \
>     --enable-mfd-rewrites \
>     --enable-ipv6 \
>     --with-mib-modules="smux ucd-snmp/lmSensors ucd-snmp/diskio sctp-mib \
>         ip-mib/ipv4InterfaceTable ip-mib/ipv6InterfaceTable \
>         disman/expression disman/nslookup-mib \
>         etherlike-mib tunnel \
>         tsm-mib tlstm-mib snmp-usm-dh-objects-mib" \
>     --with-transports="Callback Alias IPX DTLSUDP TLSTCP SSH" \
>     --with-security-modules="tsm" \
>     --with-mysql \
>     --with-defaults \
>     --enable-developer \
>     --with-cflags="-g -Wchar-subscripts" \
>     --enable-silent-libtool


Niels Baggesen - @home - Ã…rhus - Denmark -
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers   ---   R W Hamming

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