sorry for the delay, I took a little vacation.

On Tue, 17 May 2011 17:15:54 +0200 Giuseppe wrote:
GM> Now I understand.  The handler should returns always 
GM> SNMP_ERR_NOERROR, but the variable should be marked with an error 
GM> code with netsnmp_set_request_error().


GM> Thank you for point me that.  I have tried returning the error from 
GM> the handler and I had snmpwalk stopped at that OID.  Does 
GM> netsnmp_set_request_error() solve the problem and let snmpwalk to 
GM> cross the entire tree, even in presence of errors for some 
GM> variables?

yes, as long as the errors are with a particular oid and not a general failure.

GM> > GM> 3. Variables that are related to hardware sub-sections in the 
GM> > GM> machine. What should I return if this sub-section stop communicating 
GM> > GM> with the agent (for a mulfunction)? Which error code to choose?
GM> > 
GM> Should I use netsnmp_set_request_error() as above, or should I 
GM> return this error from the handler function?

Yes, use netsnmp_set_request_error().

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