Dear All,
By studying and testing SNMP performance these days, I found that X-agent is 
not efficient as I expected:
SNMP sub-agent mode slows down the total time of getbulk, by change the SNMP 
agent architecture from master and sub-agent to only one agent, the performance 
improves dramatically.
See below for some test result, with sub-agent, the getbulk time is 
approximately 3 times than the time without sub-agent.

 Table                  No SubAgent     with Sub Agent
16oid, 18 rows          4s              13s
5 oid, 500 rows         38s             140s
70 oid, 70 rows         35s             152s

Don’t know if anyone has same puzzle, is there anything wrong here?

I paste the config file:
# SNMP master agent configuration file template
# defines a list of listening addresses, on which to receive incoming SNMP 
agentaddress 54321
# enable the AgentX functionality and cause the agent to start listening for 
incoming AgentX registrations
master  agentx
# defines the address the master agent listens at, or the subagent should 
connect to 
agentxSocket localhost:705
# defines the timeout period (NUM seconds) for an AgentX request
agentXTimeout 5
# define engine ID for version3
engineIDType 1


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