On 11/18/2013 07:08 PM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
On 11/18/13 11:48, zhuyj wrote:
On 09/10/2013 01:41 PM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
On 09/10/13 04:04, zhuyj wrote:
Please help me to merge this patch into trunk. Thanks a lot.
Hello Zhu,

The code in snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr() and
store_snmpTargetAddrEntry() assumes that targetAddTable_struct.params
is an ASCII string that does *not* contain an ASCII '\0' nor any ASCII
control characters nor any whitespace. I'm afraid that your patch
would break the code for saving and restoring the target address.

If I fixed these problems with snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr() and
store_snmpTargetAddrEntry(). Would you like to merge these patches into
the trunk?
Sorry but I can't promise anything if I haven't seen the patch first.


Hi, Bart

I made a patch based on net-snmp-5.7.2. Maybe it can fix the problem that you mentioned. Would you like to comment on this patch?
This patch and the above 3 patches can support snmpTarget mib well.
Now the patch is in the attachment. Please check it.
If you have any advice , please let me know. I will follow your advice to make this series patches better. In the end, please merge this series patches to trunk to support zero OID in snmpTarget mib.

Thanks a lot.
Zhu Yanjun

diff -urpN ./5.7.2/net-snmp-5.7.2/agent/mibgroup/target/snmpTargetAddrEntry.c ./net-snmp-5.7.2/agent/mibgroup/target/snmpTargetAddrEntry.c
--- ./5.7.2/net-snmp-5.7.2/agent/mibgroup/target/snmpTargetAddrEntry.c
+++ ./net-snmp-5.7.2/agent/mibgroup/target/snmpTargetAddrEntry.c
@@ -612,17 +612,33 @@ snmpTargetAddr_addRowStatus(struct targe
 snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr(const char *token, char *char_ptr)
-    char           *cptr = char_ptr, buff[1024];
+    char           *cptr = char_ptr, buff[1024], tmp[1024], temp[1024];
     struct targetAddrTable_struct *newEntry;
     int             i, j, buff_len;
+    size_t          bufl;
     newEntry = snmpTargetAddrTable_create();
+    cptr = skip_white_const(cptr);
+    if (cptr == NULL) {
+        DEBUGMSGTL(("snmpTargetAddrEntry",
+                    "ERROR snmpTargetAddrEntry: no name in config string\n"));
+        snmpTargetAddrTable_dispose(newEntry);
+        return;
+    }
-    cptr = copy_nword(cptr, buff, sizeof(buff));
-    if (snmpTargetAddr_addName(newEntry, buff) == 0) {
+    bufl = 0;
+    cptr = read_config_read_octet_string_const(cptr,
+                                               (u_char**)&newEntry->nameData,
+                                               &bufl);
+    if (bufl < 1 || bufl > 32) {
+        DEBUGMSGTL(("snmpTargetAddrEntry",
+                    "ERROR snmpTargetAddrEntry: name out of range in config "
+                    "string\n"));
+    newEntry->nameLen = bufl;
     cptr = copy_nword(cptr, buff, sizeof(buff));
     if (snmpTargetAddr_addTDomain(newEntry, buff) == 0) {
@@ -653,11 +669,18 @@ snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr(const char
-    cptr = copy_nword(cptr, buff, sizeof(buff));
-    if (snmpTargetAddr_addParams(newEntry, buff) == 0) {
+    cptr =
+        read_config_read_octet_string_const(cptr,
+                                      (u_char **) &newEntry->params,
+                                      &bufl);
+    if (bufl < 1 || bufl > 32) {
+        DEBUGMSGTL(("snmpTargetAddrEntry",
+                    "ERROR snmpTargetAddrEntry: params out of range in config string\n"));
+    newEntry->paramsLen = bufl;
     cptr = copy_nword(cptr, buff, sizeof(buff));
     if (snmpTargetAddr_addStorageType(newEntry, buff) == 0) {
@@ -668,8 +691,8 @@ snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr(const char
-//    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "snmp_parse_config_targetAddr, read: %s\n",
-//            newEntry->nameData);
+    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "snmp_parse_config_targetAddr, read: %s\n",
+            newEntry->nameData);
     memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
     snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "snmp_parse_config_targetAddr, read: ");
     buff_len = strlen(buff);
@@ -681,18 +704,19 @@ snmpd_parse_config_targetAddr(const char
     buff[ sizeof(buff)-1 ] = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < newEntry->tDomainLen; i++) {
-//        snprintf(&buff[strlen(buff)], sizeof(buff)-strlen(buff)-1,
-//                 ".%d", (int) newEntry->tDomain[i]);
-        char tmp[1024]={0};
-        snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ".%d", (int) newEntry->tDomain[i]);
-        strncpy(&buff[buff_len], tmp, strlen(tmp));
-        buff_len += strlen(tmp);
+        snprintf(&buff[strlen(buff)], sizeof(buff)-strlen(buff)-1,
+                 ".%d", (int) newEntry->tDomain[i]);
         buff[ sizeof(buff)-1 ] = 0;
+    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+    memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
+    read_config_save_octet_string(tmp, newEntry->tAddress, newEntry->tAddressLen);
+    read_config_save_octet_string(temp, newEntry->params, newEntry->paramsLen);
     snprintf(&buff[buff_len], sizeof(buff)-buff_len-1,
             " %s %d %d %s %s %d %d\n",
-            newEntry->tAddress, newEntry->timeout, newEntry->retryCount,
-            newEntry->tagList, newEntry->params, newEntry->storageType,
+            tmp, newEntry->timeout, newEntry->retryCount,
+            newEntry->tagList, temp, newEntry->storageType,
     buff[ sizeof(buff)-1 ] = 0;
     DEBUGMSGTL(("snmpTargetAddrEntry", "%s", buff));
@@ -716,8 +740,8 @@ store_snmpTargetAddrEntry(int majorID, i
                           void *clientarg)
     struct targetAddrTable_struct *curr_struct;
-    char            line[1024];
-    int             i, j, line_len;
+    char            line[1024], tmp[1024];
+    int             i, line_len;
     if ((curr_struct = aAddrTable) != NULL) {
         while (curr_struct != NULL) {
@@ -726,36 +750,35 @@ store_snmpTargetAddrEntry(int majorID, i
                 (curr_struct->rowStatus == SNMP_ROW_ACTIVE ||
                  curr_struct->rowStatus == SNMP_ROW_NOTINSERVICE)) {
-//                snprintf(line, sizeof(line),
-//                        "targetAddr %s ", curr_struct->nameData);
-                snprintf(line, sizeof(line),"targetAddr ");
-                line_len = strlen(line);
-                for (j=0; j<curr_struct->nameLen; j++){
-                    line[line_len+j] = curr_struct->nameData[j];
-                }
-                line_len += curr_struct->nameLen;
-                line[line_len++] = 32;
+                memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+                read_config_save_octet_string(tmp, 
+                            (u_char*)curr_struct->nameData, 
+                            curr_struct->nameLen);
+                snprintf(line, sizeof(line),
+                        "targetAddr %s ", tmp);
                 line[ sizeof(line)-1 ] = 0;
                 for (i = 0; i < curr_struct->tDomainLen; i++) {
-                //    snprintf(&line[line_len],
-                //            sizeof(line)-line_len-1, ".%i",
-                //            (int) curr_struct->tDomain[i]);
-                    char tmp[1024] = {0};
-                    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ".%i", (int) curr_struct->tDomain[i]);
-                    strncpy(&line[line_len], tmp, strlen(tmp));
-                    line_len += strlen(tmp);
+                    snprintf(&line[strlen(line)],
+                            sizeof(line)-strlen(line)-1, ".%i",
+                            (int) curr_struct->tDomain[i]);
                     line[ sizeof(line)-1 ] = 0;
                 strlcat(line, " ", sizeof(line));
-                read_config_save_octet_string(&line[line_len],
+                read_config_save_octet_string(&line[strlen(line)],
-                snprintf(&line[line_len], sizeof(line)-line_len-1,
+                memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+                read_config_save_octet_string(tmp,
+                            (u_char*)curr_struct->params,
+                            curr_struct->paramsLen);
+                snprintf(&line[strlen(line)], sizeof(line)-strlen(line)-1,
                         " %i %i \"%s\" %s %i %i",
                         curr_struct->retryCount, curr_struct->tagList,
-                        curr_struct->params, curr_struct->storageType,
+                        tmp, curr_struct->storageType,
                 line[ sizeof(line)-1 ] = 0;
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