
I have installed NET-SNMP version: 5.7.3 last month on Linux VM with 
#50-Ubuntu(per uname -a) on it.

I was able to run snmpwalk -v2c using default community string on some network 
devices and it worked fine. For one device though I was getting:
Error in packet.
Reason: authorizationError (access denied to that object)

I found online that I could fix this by using snmp -v3 and so followed 
instructions at 
http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/TUT:SNMPv3_Options to configure 
snaps.conf at /etc/snmp and /var/lib/snmp

Now I am trying to use snmp v3:
snmpwalk-v 3 -u MD5User -a MD5 -A "password for MD5User" -x DES -X "password 
for MD5User" -l authPriv <remote host IP> 

But now getting error:
snmpwalk: Unknown engine ID

Can you please help me find what am I doing wrong and how I can correct it.
I just need snmpwalk on that remote host, and won't mind using any snmp version.

Pramod Patki
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