Bill Fenner <>:
> So before, you meant you failed test 31 of the "com2sec directive" suite?

I'm not even sure that's what I saw. My apologies, I'm new to this code and
the test output is somwhat confusing.

> Try "cd testing; SNMP_VERBOSE=2 ./RUNFULLTESTS -v -r T070com2sec" to get
> more detail about why it failed.
> Test 30 and 31 could fail if your DNS resolver performs "helpful" NXDOMAIN
> remapping - e.g., does
> > ping no.such.address.
> return
> ping: unknown host no.such.address.
> or does it return something like
> PING no.such.address ( 56(84) bytes of data.

The latter. I guess that's the problem.

> There's an assumption in the test suite that the DNS server is not insane,
> but of course most home ISPs provide insane DNS servers by default.  Most
> providers give you the option to use a sane one, or of course you could
> change your /etc/resolv.conf to point to a sane public DNS provider.

I have a Verizon FIOS business account.  The rot has spread to more than
"home" service.

This problem should be documented where people running the tests will see it.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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