On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:19 PM Pushpa Thimmaiah <
pushpa.thimma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I would like to understand messages exchanged between manager and agent
> during snmpv3-inform.
> Following is my understanding
> Msg1. Agent to manager : Request for engineID
> Msg2. Manager to Agent : Response with engineID
> Msg3. Agent to Manager :  Send snmpv3 trap to manager
> Msg4. Manager to Agent :  Send ACK to agent on authenticating and
> receiving snmpv3 trap
> *Query:*
> Varbinds in Message #3 and #4  are same. Varbinds of
> Message#3(informRequest) is trap, but why manager sends same varbinds back
> to Agent in Message#4 (get-response)

See section 4.2.7 of RFC3416:

   Upon receipt of an InformRequest-PDU, the receiving SNMP entity
   determines the size of a message encapsulating a Response-PDU with
   the same values in its request-id, error-status, error-index and
   variable-bindings fields as the received InformRequest-PDU.

Presumably the intent of including the varbinds in the response is to allow
the originator of the inform to ensure that the complete message was
received, if it cares to do that much validation.

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