
I have some questions about net-snmp:

1. I'd like to use the snmpdemoapp with snmpv3 using authentication and privacy (authPriv), but here there is only with authentication, to use it with privacy, would I have to fill the other session variables like with authentication? How do I generate the keys? Is there an example?

2. Also, from above, how can I change the port it will connect to (where the daemon is listening)?

3. Using snmpv3 when and where is the authentication done? In the daemon you configure the user with the password, but how do you authenticate? When you do a get command you have to know the password, how does the agent know that he can authenticate? Is there any data transmitted for this process??

4. What is the message exchange with snmpv3? What is the sequence of messages transmitted form the snmpget console to the agent? I have used a sniffer (ethereal) and saw a report packet, containing an oid I don’t know ( and a value of 10? I did a simple get command with v3 to a system object and saw in the capture a GET, a REPORT and two encrypted PDU’s (I guess one is the encrypted get command and the other the response) but I have no idea what the GET and REPORT is.

5. How is the session established between the agent and the console (understand this as a simple console executing a command, for example a get)? You can configure some parameters as in snmpdemoapp, but I guess that when you use v3, there has to be a session to keep the communication, or does it create a new session every time you do a command? I guess this data is sent over UDP, so what happens if a message is lost? And doesn’t arrive or even if the response is lost? How is the session opened? Is there a key exchange?

Thanks a lot for your attention.

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