On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 16:07:56 -0500 Rob wrote:
RK> Someone may or may not want to update the docs...tested on OS X.3.6
RK> -this error: nlist err: neither icmpstat nor _icmpstat found.  is 
RK> partially documented in README.osX

Yep... I'm adding docs on a fix, as soon as I finish testing...

RK> -need full path to net-snmp-config, e.g., ' 
RK> /usr/local/net-snmp-5.1.2/net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user' 
RK> otherwise you will get a:
RK> 'su: net-snmp-config: command not found' warning message

Hmm.. this is a standard PATH issue, not sure if it's worth special
documenting. If you had used a standard prefix, it should have worked.

RK> -The object name does not appear to work with snmpget:
RK> snmpget -v 3 -u myuser -l authPriv   -a MD5 -A my_password -x DES -X 
RK> my_password localhost sysUpTime.0
RK> sysUpTime.0: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> 
RK> sysUpTime)

That would be a MIB loading issue, not specific to OS X, and covered in the

RK> Also, of you are performing these command as root user then you can 
RK> create the snmp.conf file ($HOME/.snmp/snmp.conf) in 
RK> /var/root/.snmp/snmp.conf. If you try the commands w/out the auth 
RK> options as root and you are wondering why you are getting these errors:
RK> snmpget: No securityName specified
RK> even though you have a $HOME/.snmp/snmp.conf file, well this would be 
RK> the reason ;-)

I assume you are using sudo? This is also not specific to OS X.

Robert Story; NET-SNMP Junkie
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