On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:19:07 +0800 Jim wrote:
JS>    I have implemented net-snmp agent on 5.0.6 with UCD api.
JS>    The agent has the handling to get the content of a table from another
JS>    process. [...] I would like to know in the
JS>     var_abcTable() routine how do I handle the multiple set of table. 

If there are multiple object set for var_abcTable, you will get multiple calls
to the function (one per variable).

You will have to look at the incoming varbind OID to determine which row is
being modified.

JS>    Is there a example code can be referenced?

There are may examples in the mibgroup directory. Try a grep for
the string "write_method =" to find modules that have old api write support.

Robert Story; NET-SNMP Junkie
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