On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:10:04 -0800 William wrote:
WRB> > Wow.  great description of your problem.  I wish all our users were so
WRB> > verbose!
WRB> It is really nice to have someone say this, how appreciative they are
WRB> of the verbosity of my postings.  Dave tends to complain about the
WRB> length of same, suggesting that answers would come more quickly
WRB> for less descriptive extent.

I think Dave, like me, simply wishes for a happy medium. On one extreme, we
have the users who write "my module doesn't work, why?", and on the other, we
have you, expounding at great length. The first doesn't give us enough info to
work with, and you give us lots of un-necessary stuff to wade through to try
and find the problem.

Of course, within the developers we have different styles ourselves. I tend to
give short, curt 'look here and then come back if you have more questions'
answers, while Dave tends to give verbose answers with details, examples and

But I digress.

WRB> This is the kind of problem I expect.  Still, there does not seem to
WRB> be a good alternative, for the iterated_access mechanism has not
WRB> presented to me a place where I can insert a call to the device
WRB> driver.

Call the device driver for what? to find rows? to get data? to set data?

WRB> Would you be more supportive of one of the handlers, or of an extension
WRB> of the if-mib implementation code?

An extension of the if-mib code is only appropriate if the interface is to
appear in the ifTable and ifXTables. What are you trying to do with the device
driver? What MIB are you implementing?

Robert Story; NET-SNMP Junkie
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