On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 16:14:09 -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
WC> I question the wisdom of requiring the function parameter to be
WC> as specified.  It seems more reasonable to pass *table_set* as
WC> the parameter, instead of its element *default_row* being passed,
WC> especially when the "dereference" can be easily accomplished from
WC> within the function.  Perhaps the developers will describe their
WC> reason for making their particular choice, as opposed to the
WC> alternative that I favor.

I didn't write the code, so I can only guess that flexibility was the reason.
Perhaps one might have different default rows for various cases.

WC> One other observation can be made from the output of the command
WC>   /usr/local/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c public2 localhost .1
WC> Specifically, note the odd order of reference in the output of the
WC> walk.  I would have expected that the rows would come in order.
WC> Instead, it seems that walk control is exerted by the columns.
WC> Do any readers understand why the observed order is generated, as
WC> opposed to the suggested order?

Yes. The order is specified in the SNMP standards.

Robert Story; NET-SNMP Junkie
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