On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:45:05 -0800 (PST) Mihir wrote:
ML> I wan't to build a snmp manager application using the libraries of
ML> net-snmp. I do not want any agent functionality, just be able to
ML> receive traps, do gets/sets. 
ML> I looked at the snmptrapd implementation in the "apps" directory and
ML> seems like I might have to link with libnetsnmp, .libnetsnmpagent, 
ML> libnetsnmpmibs and libnetsnmphelpers.
ML> Are all these libraries needed or is there a list of the minimum number
ML> of libraries that I can link with to build this application to strictly
ML> receive traps and do gets/sets?

You might be able to get away without mibs, helpers and agent. Those are used
in snmptrapd to be a sub-agent of snmpd.

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