Your hint was helpfull.
Using "snmptrap -Ddump" I was able to recognize the trap received.
But you are right on one point, to decode the packet is a real mess


-----Messaggio originale-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto di Dave
Inviato: marted́ 19 aprile 2005 10.31
Oggetto: Re: How decode the trap fields on a windows machine

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 14:14, AESYS S.p.A. [Enzo Arlati] wrote:
> I receive a trap but I can able to decode the fields meaning.
> I try to find if there is a match with the layout specified inside the
> protocol but I didn't sucess.

Note that SNMP doesn't used "fixed size" data structures, so you
can't just look at a packet dump and say "that field starts here".
It used variable length encodings, so it's basically necessary
to decode the packet from the beginning.

If you run "snmptrap -Ddump", this will dump the contents of the
packet structure, as it's sent.

> The socket ( I use the IDE bolrand with Piette TWSocket component ) read
> the trogger and show the data read like the one show below

Note that *all* of these values should be considered as hex
(with the possible exception of the community string).
A quick-n-dirty translation is:

> 0E
> <02><01><01>          SNNMPv2c  (INTEGER 1)
> <04><06>public                Community "public"   (STRING length 6)
> <A7>8                 Trap2     (length 56 (=Ascii '8'))
> <02><04>f<DB><9E><D8> RequestID (0x66db9ed8)
> <02><01>              Error Status  (INTEGER ??)

The rest of the packet has been truncated.

> Maybe there is some library which I should use

The Net-SNMP library will encode and decode such packets for you.
Any other SNMP toolkit would do this as well.   I *strongly* suggest
that you don't try to handle this yourself.   It's not particularly
difficult, but there are a number of unexpected characteristics,
waiting to catch the unwary.

Don't re-invent the wheel - use an existing SNMP toolkit.


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