I tried to follow the tutorial to get some understanding of how to embeded perl in snmp-agent. However, I can never start up snmpd once I put the "perl do ...." in the snmpd.conf.
When I start up with the following command.
snmpd -r -f -L -c $NET_SNMP_ROOT_DIR/share/snmp/snmpd.conf udp:1161&
The following information is found in stdout and I never see anything in the snmpd.log and "NET-SNMP version 5.2.1" is never shown..
starting perl_module.pl
perl_module.pl loaded ok
registering at netSnmp.999
starting perl_module.pl
perl_module.pl loaded ok
registering at netSnmp.999
Here is what I have in the snmpd.conf
rwuser  julia auth
rwuser initial
perl do "/home/julia/net-snmp/perl/perl_module_orig.pl";
Where /home/julia/net-snmp/perl/perl_module_orig.pl is http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/tutorial/tutorial-5/toolkit/perl/perl_module.pl
Here is the command I used to configure net-snmp-5.2.1
./configure --prefix=$NET_SNMP_ROOT_DIR --with-logfile=$NET_SNMP_ROOT_DIR/snmpd.log --with-persistent-directory=$NET_SNMP_ROOT_DIR/config --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared
            Net-SNMP configuration summary:
  SNMP Versions Supported:    1 2c 3
  Net-SNMP Version:           5.2.1
  Building for:               linux
  Network transport support:  Callback Unix TCP UDP
  SNMPv3 Security Modules:    usm
  Agent MIB code:             mibII ucd_snmp snmpv3mibs notification target agent_mibs agentx utilities
  SNMP Perl modules:          building -- embeddable
  Embedded perl support:      enabled
  Authentication support:     MD5 SHA1
  Encryption support:         DES AES
Can someone help?
Thanks in advance.
Julia Wu

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