On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 14:38 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Good Day
> We are running Sun Sparc enterprise class servers with solaris 9.  
> Trying to learn how to get snmp traps to collect information such as
> cpu utilzation (ie. system,user, process), disk utilization, failed
> login attempts, etc.  going to a linux OpenNMS manager.  
> The sun mib does not report enough information for my client.  To be
> honest, I have NOT worked with snmp other than to collect to HP
> Openview which has it's own mib agents.  Unfortunately, OpenNMS does
> not have mib agents for the sun.  
OpenNMS will poll the Sun agent or net-snmp agent without any problems.
> I was going to use net-snmp and the perl script creater to try and
> capture the information to send via a trap to this server.  
> After reading the README file, it states that the perl is not working
> and there is only one version of net-snmp that seems to support
> solaris 9.  
> If anyone could help or point me in the correct direction, I would
> appreciate it.  Oh, also, there is limited access to any compilers.  
> Reading the snmp documentation seems to be taking me in circles.
> Thanks in advance,
> Karen

Try the packages at http://www.sunfreeware.com/
as long as you can use pkgtool you should be ok.


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