On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 13:44 +0100, BHARATKUMAR GERA wrote:
>  My /etc/snmpd.conf is as  below. snmpget command does not work after
> that. Basically need to know if NET SNMP AGENTX is supported at all in

It should be - there's no significant different between SuSE and RedHat
in terms of stuff that should affect the AgentX support.
There *might* possibly be some 64-bit problems, but let's try and
clarify a few other possibilities first.

Qn 1:  Does querying the main SNMP agent work?
       What happens if you try

                snmpget -v 2c -c public localhost sysUpTime.0


Qn 2:  Is the master agent opening the AgentX socket
       What does

                ls -l /var/agentx/master


How are you starting the agentx subagent?

One thing you could try:

  - kill off the main SNMP agent
  - re-start it using

                snmpd -f -Le -d

  - start the subagent (in another terminal)

You ought to see a flurry of activity in the 'snmpd' window,
displaying the raw packet dumps as the subagent makes contact
and registers its MIB objects.  Do you see this or not?

>  The logs depict that no agentx handler is found?

What log entries are you referring to here?


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