>Note that it's quite possible that there are some AIX-related
>fixes in the project trackers, waiting to be applied.  If you
>can try some of these out, and report back your experiences,
>that will help in getting these changes included in the main
>code base.

Thanks for your feedback, I can try and do some test on my AIX box.
But I am new to net-snmp, even I don't know how to start.

Now I have got the AIX5.1 source code from http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/packages/net-snmp.html.
If possible, can you tell me how to begin?

Best Regards,


2005-09-13 16:51

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        cc:        Net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
        Subject:        Re: Netsnmp on Redhat9 VS AIX 5.2?

On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 09:43 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have installed NetSnmp5.2 on AIX5.2, but when I compare it with
> Redhat9 default Netsnmp.
> It is different as following:

> The configuration in snmpd.conf on Redhat and AIX are the same.
> why the result is so different?

Because the code is different.
Much of the SNMP agent MIB code is very O/S dependent, so it's
not uncommon for different architectures to support different
MIB objects.

In particular, looking at the Host Resources code that you've
been asking about (repeatedly!!):

  $ grep -i aix host/*.c
  host/hr_swrun.c:#elif defined(aix4)
  $ grep -i linux host/*.c | wc -l

The Linux implementation is *much* more complete than the AIX
support.  None of the core developers has access to AIX equipment,
so we are reliant on other providing suitable code, patches,
bug fixes, etc.  Without such input from the AIX community,
the AIX support will simply not advance.

Note that it's quite possible that there are some AIX-related
fixes in the project trackers, waiting to be applied.  If you
can try some of these out, and report back your experiences,
that will help in getting these changes included in the main
code base.

Alternatively, if you can arrange for someone to donate AIX
kit to either the Net-SNMP project or (more usefully) the
SourceForge compile farm - that might help improve the AIX
support as well.


PS: Please can you *not* report the same problem several times
   (in subtly different guises).  It just increases the support
   load, and means we're spending time answering the same
   questions time and time again, rather than actually improving
   the code!  Thanks.

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