Thanks for the reply.
Whats the difference between contextEngineId and authoritativeEngineID?

On 10/13/05, Thomas Anders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jeyachitra Ramshankar wrote:
> I am using net-snmp manager to receive informs.
> The engineId String value is being logged as some junk value
> dumph_recv:       msgAuthoritativeEngineID
> dumpx_recv:        04 0D 2E 2E 2E E5 2E 35 2E 2E 2E ED 2E 4E 43
> dumpv_recv:         String:  ...å.5...í.NC
> But my custom agent(other than net-snmp) was not able to decode the
> engineId from the received packet as it is.
> It prints some other junk
> Why it differs?  What might be the cause for this issue?

- One is the authoritative angine id, the other is the context engine id.
- compare hex dumps, not the attempts to interpret as strings
- informs to different destinations are *expected* to use different
authoritative engineids (because it needs to use match the engineid of
the receiver)
- use a packet sniffer (Ethereal) to see the real data that is sent
- we can't help with problems (if any) of your non-net-snmp custom agent


Thomas Anders (thomas.anders at

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