On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 14:43 -0400, Eugen wrote:
> Thanks for your answer. Actually what I did was the following:
> - I've downloaded the package net-snmp-
>   from net-snmp web page

I though you said you'd installed the RedHat-provided version
of Net-SNMP ?

> - I've generated the binaries with "rpm -bb net-snmp.spec"

The perl modules aren't built by default - you need to explicitly
request that they be include ("-with perl_modules").  See the
head of the net-snmp.spec file.

> So it seems that in the net-snmp-utils is part of
> the other modules.

Not quite - this is a difference between RedHat packaging
and our arrangements, not the version of Net-SNMP.
The RedHat RPMs distinguish between the setup required for
just running the agent ("net-snmp"), and for using the
command-line tools ("net-snmp-utils").  We don't - our
"net-snmp" RPM covers both.

> When trying to run mib2c I received that error message than, following
> the instructions, I've installed the net-snmp-perlmods-
> directly from the binary downloaded on the same net-snmp web page
> (net-snmp-perlmods- since I didn't found the rpm
> source of this module).

The problem with that particular RPM is that it doesn't specify
which O/S it was built against.  You may have better luck using
one of the O/S-specific perlmods RPMs (rh9, fc2, fc4 or el4)

> Could this be caused by the fact that the binaries generated from the
> net-snmp source package have all the extension *i386.rpm versus
> net-snmp-perlmods- ?

Sort of - it's more likely to be the O/S assumptions of that particular
RPM don't match your system.  That's why the other (i386) RPMs each
specify which O/S they were built on.
  We'll need to ensure that the i686 version requirements are made
clearer in the future.

> And another thing. After the net-snmp-perlmods installation I was
> expecting to have some file or directory containing the name mib2c

No - the mib2c tool (and supporting directories) is part of the
main 'net-snmp' RPM, not the 'net-snmp-perlmods' RPM.
It *requires* the perl modules, but it isn't part of them.

> > rpm -ql net-snmp-perlmods-

    rpm -ql net-snmp | grep mib2c


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