On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:52:44 +0200 Robert wrote:
RI> net-snmp, version, on linux, built with support of
RI> SNMP-TARGET-MIB works fine, enables to configure
RI> multiple target destinations and keeps them in the configured
RI> persistent file, strings per entry.
RI> Here I see two general options, how to send traps to the
RI> multiple configured destinations:
RI> 1. from a script by using snmptrap command and parsing the persistent file
RI> and extracting from it all info just from the test strings with targets.
RI> 2. from a C-application, using the API like send_v2trap and
RI>     snmp_parse_config_targetAddr () from libnetsnmpmibs
RI>  Are there better ways of using target destinations from SNMP-TARGET-MIB?

From where? An application? Command line?

For an applictions, throw in an AgentX sub-agent, and let the master agent
handle sending the traps.

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Robert Story; NET-SNMP Junkie
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