On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 11:08 -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> Ok...  I misdiagnosed the problem.  The problem is that snmptrap
> itself is complaining that the user doesn't exist, not the agent which
> is what I originally thought.
> I do suspect a new bug.
> I'm going to bet it stems from the delayed engineid probing introduced
> a while ago.  sigh.
> It is definitely a new bug.  It works in 5.1.x code, but not 5.2.x...

I have tried and it works with 5.2.1, but not with 5.2.2.

Also, I have tried the latest release 5.3.pre5 and I have problems when
sending all kind of alerts. Even v1 TRAP or V2c TRAP or INFORM are not
logged, snmptrapd receives them but some way, it discards them after
some VACM checks. I am using the simple configuration with
ro/rwcommunity in snmpd.conf. Is that not supported anymore? Should I
use only com2sec, group &co ...?

Kind regards,
Andrei Pisau

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