I've encountered some problems running the net-snmp tutorial example.
The problem:
- I have the Master agent running (with agentx enabled)
- I run the subagent from the tutorial (example-demon)
 Wwhen I send a get request for the nstAgentSubagentObject, the subagent crashes with error message:
  "symbol lookup error /usr/lib/libnetsnmpagent.so.5: undefined symbol: hosts_ctl"
Analysis & solutions attempted:
- It seems that hosts_ctl is can be used only if the net-snmp if compiled with flag USE_LIBWRAP
- I configured and built the net-snmp again with --with-libwrap
- I verified that USE_LIBWRAP is defined in include/net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h
- and still I get the same problem !
any ideas?
Erez Makavy.

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