On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 17:50 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I use this row in my snmpd.conf, I got the segfault after 
> a few minutes.
> monitor -u pl-combots -o sysUpTime.0 -o hrSWRunName \
> "high process Memory" hrSWRunPerfMem > 10

Have you created a user "pl-combots" ?

Note that neither the 'agentSecUser'/'iqueryUser'
directive, nor "rouser" will actually *create* the
specified user - they assume that this user already

> rocommunity pl-combots
> trapcommunity pl-combots


The iquery callback mechanism only works with SNMPv3
requests.  It's known not to work with community-based
callbacks.  Now there's nothing in your config to
indicate that you've set up SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c-style
callbacks, but it's a little suspicious that the
community strings mentioned here match the SNMPv3
user that you specified above.

> # DISMAN/event.mib
> agentSecName public
> iquerySecName public

You do *NOT* need both of these lines.
They do exactly the same job - just choose one
of them, and delete the other.   (That duplication
shouldn't cause the agent to crash, but it's a
possible source of confusion, if nothing else).

> rouser public

Same comment as above - have you created an SNMPv3
user "public"

> #notificationEvent MEMEVENT system

Note that "system" is not a valid notification OID.

> #monitor -u pl-combots -o sysUpTime.0 -o hrSWRunName
>        "high process Memory" hrSWRunPerfMem > 10

The sysUpTime.0 varbind is included in notifications
automatically.  You don't need to list it explicitly.

I'd suggest that you try simplifying your config
as much as possible.   Try getting rid of all the
DisMan-related stuff (including both *SecName entries
defaultMonitors and linkUpDownNotifications), and
work with *just* the following:

     rouser  pl-combots
     monitor -u pl-combots "high process Memory" hrSWRunPerfMem > 10
(plus the "createUser pl-combots" line)

Then run the agent with  -Ddisman:event, and see what
debugging output is produced.


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