On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 23:38 +0100, Torsten Zöhl [web.de] wrote:
>  i can´t find a way to read or change the ip addresses of the WLAN
> interfaces...

The IP addresses of your local interfaces can be retrieved by
walking the ipAdEntIfIndex column of the IP-MIB::ipAddrTable.

> i can read out the MAC-adresses but there is no table which
> gives me the ip addresses to the MAC-addresses.

Not directly, no.
The ipAdEntIfIndex column will report the mapping of which
interface has which address(es).  And the ifPhysAddr column
of the IF-MIB::ifTable will report the mapping of interface
to physical (MAC) address.

Then just merge the two.

>  and for all the other tables (ip-table, at-table) i need the ip
> adress to fill up the OID, which doesn´t make sence to me...

Forget about the atTable - that's not relevant here.

Yes, the ipAddrTable is indexed by IP address, so you can't
go straight to the address for a particular interface.
You need to "walk" the table (by sending a sequence of
GETNEXT requests), and look for the matching entry.

But remember that an interface can have more than one address,
so indexing this table by the interface number wouldn't work.


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