Title: RE: Example of create

Hi Dave,
Many many thanks for your time.Now things are fine .Now I am able to delete rows.
I have one more question.Using this helper can I restrict user to create  entry befor set ?.
I mean user should create row first then only he can change the values of column of  partiuclar row.
That is, he should not be  able to set any thing before creating that row.In current implementation
he is able to  set values of particular row with out setting the rowstatus = 4 .


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Shield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mon 2/20/2006 4:48 PM
To: Somenath Pal (WT01 - Broadband Networks)
Cc: net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: Example of create

On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 12:47 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  I have generated code using mib2c -c mib2c.create-dataset.conf.
> I am using the netsnmp_table_data_set helper .

OK - that helper can take care of deleting rows automatically.
You just need to tell it which column is the RowStatus object.

> void
> initialize_table_mclbModemNetworkCertificateTable(void)
> {

>     table_set=netsnmp_create_table_data_set("...");
>     table_set->allow_creation = 1;

      table_set->rowstatus_column =

>     netsnmp_table_set_add_indexes(table_set, ASN_INTEGER,
>                                   0);
>     netsnmp_table_set_multi_add_default_row(table_set, .... );
>     netsnmp_register_table_data_set(
>          netsnmp_create_handler_registration(....),
>          table_set, NULL);
> }


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