Pike, David wrote:
I'm having a bit of trouble with net-snmp- When I run an snmpwalk, It starts the walk but kills snmpd.

Can you please run snmpd under gdb, type "bt" when it has crashed and post the output?

./configure --with-cc=cc --prefix=/test_install_dir/test \
--with-persistent-directory="/var/net-snmp" \
--with-copy-persistent-files="no" \
--with-default-snmp-verion="3" \
--with-sys-contact="System Administrator" \
--with-sys-location="Unknown" \
--with-defaults \
--with-logfile="/var/adm/snmpd.log" \
--with-mib-modules="mibII ucd_snmp host"

I'm surprised you got it to compile with the "host" module. Did you make any modification to the source?


Thomas Anders (thomas.anders at blue-cable.de)

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