On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 18:55 +0100, Keller, Beat wrote:
> Hi,
> We have to implement the GET_NEXT from a table by our one. What
> shall we return if there is no further row in the table?

> Shall we set a special value in the varbind, a special OID, or
> do we have to return an error?

How are you implementing the table?   Which helper are you using?
Normally you should just return without setting a value, and the
agent will recognise this as the end of the table column, and move
on to the next object.

> If we just return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR it works, but it is very slow,
> because GET_NEXT is called around 40 times.

How are you testing this?  What is the *exact* request you are making?
Is the helper being called in exactly the same way each time?
Check the 'table_info->indexes' and 'table_info->colnum' values
for each call.


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