When I start snmpd it reports the following error:
: line 20: Error: unknown payload OID

And line 20 is:
defaultMonitors yes

Here is my snmpd.conf:

#System Information
syslocation     lpsII
syscontact      netadmin
authtrapenable  1

#Trap Destinations
trapcommunity public
informsink localhost public

proc cupsd 1 1

# Disman-event Mib Support(Traps on errors)
createUser    _internal MD5 "password"
iquerySecName _internal
rouser        _internal

defaultMonitors yes
linkUpDownNotifications yes

#SNMPv3 Conf
engineIDType 1


# USM users
rouser  lps     auth
rwuser  lpsrw   auth

#Acess controle
rocommunity     public
rwcommunity     private

# Security Name/Source/Community
com2sec local   localhost       private
com2sec lan public

# Security Model/Security Name
group   local   usm     local
group   lan     usm     lan

# Include-Exclude/Subtree/Mask
view    all     included        .1      FF
view    system  included        system  FE

# Context/Security Model/Security level/Prefix/Read/Write/Notify
access  local   ""      any     noauth  exact   all     all     all
access  lan     ""      any     noauth  exact   mib2    none    none

Any ideas?

Pedro Mazzoni

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