Hi all:

This is more like a SNMP design question. Currently, I
have developed net-snmp AgentX sub-agent which pulls
data from a set of application processes. There are
five TYPES of processes. Each type can have more than
one instances running. My MIB is a table which has a
composite key of process type and process ID. Each row
represents data from each running instance. For
example, assume there are 3 data columns and two types
of processes. The following table shows that there are
2 processes running  which are Type 1 and another 2
proceses running which are Type 2.
1, 345, 10, 20, 50
1, 346,  12, 40, 12
2, 347,  11, 23, 60
2, 358,  11, 22, 60

Question: How can I get the aggregate data? For
example, the query would be "give me the sum of
column1 values for all processes of type 1" (using the
above example, the result will be 10+12 = 22).
Can I implement aggegates at the SNMP level? Or is it
the client responsibility to do the aggregation? Is it
possible to extend my MIB to include another table
which stores aggregates only (in additon to the
existing table which stores individual values) and
then let the sub-agent handle the query of that second
table by the client?

Any commments/suggestions/ideas on how to support
aggegate values in this situation will be very much

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