Attached is the dummy routine that i've written to populate the table,
please take a look at it and tell me if it is sufficient.  If i need
to add these entries to the table iterator, can someone point me to an

void populate_sensorTable(void)
   struct sensorTable_entry sdr;
   struct sensorTable_entry *sdrp;
   int i;

   for (i = 25; i > 0; )
       sdrp = sensorTable_createEntry(i--);
       sdrp->sensorIndex = 0x51;
       sdrp->sensorSdrVersion = 0x01;
       sdrp->sensorRecordType =  2;
       sdrp->sensorOwnerId = 12;
       sdrp->sensorOwnerLun = sdr.sensorOwnerLun;
       // let the rest of the fields be zero for now.
       strcpy(sdrp->sensorIdString, "CorEdge");


On 5/19/06, Sridhar Addagada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
May be i've found the problem, given below is the code generated after mib2c

netsnmp_variable_list *
sensorTable_get_next_data_point(void **my_loop_context,
                                  void **my_data_context,
                                  netsnmp_variable_list * put_index_data,
                                  netsnmp_iterator_info *mydata)
      struct sensorTable_entry *entry =
          (struct sensorTable_entry *) *my_loop_context;
      netsnmp_variable_list *idx = put_index_data;

      if (entry) {
          snmp_set_var_value(idx, entry->sensorIndex,
          idx = idx->next_variable;
          *my_data_context = (void *) entry;
          *my_loop_context = (void *) entry->next;
      } else {
          return NULL;

One can notice that the function does not return any value if entry is
not null,  Should one be  returning idx here or anything else.

I put idx, then the crash goes away, but the table is not returned for
snmpwalk.... I am stumped.


On 5/19/06, Sridhar Addagada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran into few problems when compiling my mib using
> mib2c.iterate.conf.  Mentioned below is the sample of the table.
> 1.  The data structure that got generated  "sensorTable_entry" had
> problem.  The sensorIndex was repeted twice.
> struct sensorTable_entry {
>     /* Index values */
>     long            sensorIndex;
>     /* Column values */
>     long            sensorIndex;
>     long            sensorSdrVersion;
>     .....
> ....
> }
> 2.  bad function definition sensorTable_createEntry(long sensorIndex,)
> as you can see the function prototype has a problem.
> 3. after fixing the above two and populating the table using a dummy
> function inviked in initialize_table_sensorTable, I had a crash when i
> performed snmpwalk.  Attached is the backtrace from the crash.
> Hope someone can take a look and give me pointer to fix this, the
> crash problem but the problem with mib2c.iterate.conf, a perl expert
> need to take a look.
> Thanks,
> Sridhar
> -------------------------------- MIB-EXTRACT
> ---------------------------------------------
> SensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
>     sensorIndex                             INTEGER,        -- 01
>     sensorSdrVersion                        INTEGER,        -- 02
>     sensorRecordType                        INTEGER,        -- 03
>     sensorOwnerId                           INTEGER,        -- 04
>     sensorOwnerLun                          INTEGER,        -- 05
>     sensorNumber                            INTEGER,        -- 06
>     sensorEntityId                          INTEGER,        -- 07
>     sensorEntityInstance                    INTEGER,        -- 08
>     sensorInitialization                    INTEGER,        -- 09
>     sensorCapabilities                      INTEGER,        -- 10
>     sensorType                              INTEGER,        -- 11
>     sensorEvent                             INTEGER,        -- 12
>     sensorAssertionEventMask                INTEGER,        -- 13
>     sensorDeassertionEventMask              INTEGER,        -- 14
>     sensorMask                              INTEGER,        -- 15
>     sensorUnits                             INTEGER,        -- 16
>     sensorBaseUnit                          INTEGER,        -- 17
>     sensorModifierUnit                      INTEGER,        -- 18
>     sensorLinearization                     INTEGER,        -- 19
>     sensorM                                 INTEGER,        -- 20
>     sensorTolerance                         INTEGER,        -- 21
>     sensorB                                 INTEGER,        -- 22
>     sensorAccuracy                          INTEGER,        -- 23
>     sensorAccuracyExp                       INTEGER,        -- 24
>     sensorRExp                              INTEGER,        -- 25
>     sensorBExp                              INTEGER,        -- 26
>     sensorCharacteristicFlags               INTEGER,        -- 27
>     sensorNominalReading                    INTEGER,        -- 28
>     sensorNormalMaximum                     INTEGER,        -- 29
>     sensorNormalMinimum                     INTEGER,        -- 30
>     sensorMaximumReading                    INTEGER,        -- 31
>     sensorMinimumReading                    INTEGER,        -- 32
>     sensorUpperNonRecoverableThreshold      INTEGER,        -- 33
>     sensorUpperCriticalThreshold            INTEGER,        -- 34
>     sensorUpperNonCriticalThreshold         INTEGER,        -- 35
>     sensorLowerNonRecoverableThreshold      INTEGER,        -- 36
>     sensorLowerCriticalThreshold            INTEGER,        -- 37
>     sensorLowerNonCriticalThreshold         INTEGER,        -- 38
>     sensorPositiveGoingThresholdHysteresis  INTEGER,        -- 39
>     sensorNegativeGoingThresholdHysteresis  INTEGER,        -- 40
>     sensorOem                               INTEGER,        -- 41
>     sensorIdStringType                      INTEGER,        -- 42
>     sensorIdString                          DisplayString,  -- 43
> }
> Thanks
> Sridhar

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