Hi Dev,

Many thanks for your response.  But my problem is little different. Suppose we have one table having index’s data type as integer.

Suppose it has three rows with index 1, 2, 3. But the info about the rows are not stored in the index .It is stored in the data base. Now if some query comes with only column name of that particular table how agent is going to decide that the next index is 1?

For example suppose we have the following table

NetworkDhcpPoolSubnetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

      NetworkDhcpPoolSubnetIndex    INTEGER,

      NetworkDhcpPoolSubnet   IpAddress,

      NetworkDhcpPoolNetmask  IpAddress,

      NetworkDhcpPoolSubnetMask     IpAddress,

      NetworkDhcpPoolSubnetStatus   RowStatus


Suppose the query is like getnext NetworkDhcpPoolSubnet . Then how agent will come to know that it has to return the value of NetworkDhcpPoolSubnet.1 . Please let me know if it is possible.



Thanks in advance.







-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Shield
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1:48 PM
To: Somenath Pal (WT01 - Broadband Networks)
Cc: net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: Getnext Implementation



> Is it possible to implement snmpgetnext even the agent does not contain the data.

> For example in a table where row can be created how it is possible to

> know the next index?


The agent is reporting on the information that it knows about - that

currently exists.

If it received a GETNEXT request that affects a table, it should

return the next index for the contents of the table at that particular

point in time.  Yes - other rows might be created in the future, and

that would mean different results for the same request.

   But the agent can't predict the future - all it can do is report on

what it knows about at the time.   So whether rows can be

created./deleted or not is irrelevant - take the current contents of

the table, and report one the next existing row.



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